Sunday, November 30, 2014

Blog Tour-Review and Giveaway: The Future Without Hope by Nazarea Andrews

The Future Without Hope Synopsis:
Separated from Finn, captive of the Order, Nurrin has no hope left. But she has survived twenty years of zombies--and she has the unshakable faith that Finn will find her.

But Finn is a long way away. The Order's influence runs deeper than was ever suspected, and politics are shifting--and zombies may not be the most dangerous thing she's facing.

Finn always thought the war stripped him of all he had to lose. But with Nurrin missing and doors closing in his face, he realizes there is always more for the world to take--and he will drag the remains of civilization down with him before he gives up on the only promise that matters.

Buy Links:

My Review:

Ever since I started this series, I've been totally pulled in to this amazing world the author has created.  Nurrin is a totally kick-ass, incredibly strong young woman...and Finn, he is the perfect example of an alpha male-much to Nurrin's dismay and continual frustration.

Here in The Future Without Hope, the suspense is just as pervasive as ever, though there is a bit less action, and you're also going to get one hell of an emotional kick when it comes to Nurrin's brother Collin.  And through everything that happens, you'll find Finn standing strong and loyal-even at the most emotional points of the story.

The writing continues to impress, and the author continues to keep you thoroughly drawn in-you don't want to put the book down because you just HAVE to know what comes next.  And just like the prior installments of this series, the story ends on a cliffhanger.  And let me tell you-it's a doozy!  But DO NOT let this stop you from reading this series, otherwise you're going to miss out on one hell of an awesome ride!

Another 5 star read in this fantastic series...and a desperate plea for the next story ASAP!

Nazarea Andrews Bio:
Nazarea Andrews is an avid reader and tends to write the stories she wants to read. She loves chocolate and coffee almost as much as she loves books, but not quite as much as she loves her kids. She is the author of the University of Branton series, Neverland Found series, and Edge of the Falls.
She lives in south Georgia with her husband, daughters, and overgrown dog. You can follow her on Facebook and Twitter.


Need to catch up on the first two books in the series?  Check out the links below:

The Horde Without End (Book 2)

Blog Tour-Review: Roomies by Lindy Zart

Title: Roomies
Author: Lindy Zart
Genre: NA Rom-Com

Graham Malone is my roommate, my personal eye candy, the reason I get up in the morning smiling (that could be from the illicit dreams I have about him too, I suppose. Let's move on.). He's also beautiful to look at, but his heart is where his true beauty lies. Take away the exterior and the interior still shines.

I love him. I mean, I'm pretty sure I do, having never been in love before. Anyway, it seems legit.

And now his brother Blake is here, and, well, he's the complete opposite of Graham. Sarcastic, brooding, and totally available. But he's leaving soon, and Graham's the one I want. I shouldn't have to remind myself of this, right? I wouldn't have to if Blake would quit looking at me like I'm something yummy and he's starving.

Here's a toast to roomies; the ones you should never fall in love with. Or something.


He gives a slight smile. “You don’t know everything about me.”

“I should know that.” Maybe I shouldn’t, but I really feel like I should. Graham’s pretty much the most important thing to me; I should at least know his family history. He knows mine. Well, most of it. Some of it. Enough...

“Now you do. Are we done? I really need to put some clothes on.”

“But…you said he was in school,” I finish lamely, my voice dropping to a whisper.

“He’s in college.”

I scowl at him. “You purposely led me to believe that your brother was some pimply teenager who was going to mooch off you for the remainder of the summer, not…not…” I jab a finger in the direction of the living room.

“Not what?”

“Not some hottie!” I blurt out, and then wish I hadn’t.

Especially when Graham rears back and gets a funny look on his face. “You think my brother’s hot?” His voice is even, but his eyes look weird. Like, angry or something. A thrill goes down my spine at the thought of my comment having that effect on him. Could he be jealous?

“Yes.” I nod firmly.

“Huh.” He looks away.

A dash of regret has the audacity to chase the little thrill away. I wonder if I’ve upset him, but then decide I haven’t. Why would he be upset? Unless he doesn’t know I think he’s hot too. So I figure I should tell him. It would be rude not to.

“You’re also hot.”

He gives me a look; part incredulous, part I don’t know what. “Thanks,” he says faintly.

“Yeah.” I start to feel dumb about pretty much the whole conversation. “Okay. ‘Bye.”


I glance back at him. He is staring at me with a frown pulling his mouth down. “You should put some clothes on.”


I enter the living room. Blake is studying a fake plant in the corner of the room, which pretty much confirms that he was listening to our complete word exchange. Wonderful.

My Review:

I love the new adult rom-com genre and when you add in the bonus of a friends-to-more story, that's even better.  So when I first read the synopsis of Roomies, I was looking forward to reading it quite a bit.

Graham is so sweet, but also kind of clueless-though in a very endearing way.  He's the kind of guy that makes you go "Awww" and you just want to hug him and tuck him away for yourself.  But he also has that protective, hidden alpha streak that we eventually are treated to at several key points.  Kennedy's character is meant to be full of spunk, lively and snarky...BUT...for me, her snarky demeanor felt way overdone.  At first, I cheered it since it helps drive the comedy in the book along with the excellent banter between her and Graham (as well as her and Blake).  But after a bit, it just got to be a bit much-and some of it was just not as funny as I'm sure it was meant to be.  Thankfully, after a while the super-snark kind of leveled off.

And then there's Blake.  He's your prototypical bad boy, one that you are drawn to immediately and it's easy to see why Kennedy could have a problem choosing.

Then along with the funny, you also wind up with a bit of serious in a big scene with the brothers toward the end.  And the way everything ends up results in a really satisfying conclusion that helps temper the rest of the story's excessive snark.

It's a good overall story, and a 3.5 star read for me.

Authorly information:

Lindy Zart has been writing since she was a child. Luckily for readers, her writing has improved since then. She lives in Wisconsin with her husband, two sons, and one cat. Lindy loves hearing from people who enjoy her work. She also has a completely healthy obsession with the following: coffee, wine, Bloody Marys, and pizza.

You can connect with Lindy at:

Listen to the playlists for Lindy’s books on

Get an ebook autograph from Lindy at

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Book Review: The Fear of Letting Go by Sarra Cannon

A Fairhope Novel
New Adult Contemporary Romance
Released November 7, 2014

Jenna and Preston's story:
She'll have to let go of the past in order to find a love that could last a lifetime.
All I wanted when I moved to Fairhope was to disappear. I wanted to become a ghost. A stranger to everyone who knew me before, including my parents. Especially my parents. I never expected to become someone. A friend. A faithful employee. A scholar. And least of all, a lover. Love is a word I never truly understood until I moved here and witnessed it with my own eyes. My own heart.
I always believed love was a fairy tale, and now that I'm starting to fall for Fairhope's most eligible billionaire, Preston Wright, it all feels like some cruel joke. A dream I need to shake myself out of before it's too late. Before I make the same mistakes my mother made and end up right back where I started.
I know I should stay as far away from him as possible, but fate keeps pulling us back together. I've never been so afraid of something in my life. And I've never wanted someone more.
This is book 4 in the Fairhope series, but each book can be read as a stand alone.

My Review:

I have a confession.  I haven't read the other books in this series yet, so I went into this not knowing any kind of history of any of the characters...but since this could be read as a standalone, I wasn't worried that I'd be missing anything.  At first when the story starts out, it does feel like there's things I don't know, but the further into the book I got the more I was able to pick up regarding background.

Jenna's character was good, though sometimes a bit frustrating with her mentality towards those who have money.  She did feel like a strong character, though during her trip back home you could see her falter a bit.  Preston on the other hand, he's one I really liked-regardless of hearing about his actions when he was younger.  You can tell he's done a lot of growing up from when he was in high school, and he seems to have turned into a sensitive, caring and protective man-and one that I immediately added to my book boyfriend list.

The story flows along quite well and even with Jenna not quite going along the whole time, you can clearly see that she and Preston fit perfectly together, and you can't help but cheer them on.  One thing I really enjoyed were the serious, deep conversations between the two of them-I thought they added a nice, dramatic touch to the story.

4 strong stars for this totally fated couple, I'd definitely recommend this book for those who like the new adult romance genre.

About the Author:
Sarra Cannon grew up in a small town in Georgia where she learned that being popular always comes at a price. She is the author of the young adult paranormal Peachville High Demons series, which she first began self-publishing in October of 2010. Since the series began, Sarra has sold over 120,000 copies and recently signed a contract with Sea Lion Books to create a graphic novel adaptation of Beautiful Demons, the first book in the series.
Sarra lives in North Carolina with her amazing husband, her baby boy, and her teeny tiny Pomeranian, Snickerdoodle.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Release Day Blitz and Review: Leo Maddox by Sarah Darlington

It's the official release day for Leo Maddox!  If you've read Sarah Darlington's amazing He Belongs With Me, here is the story told from Leo's point of view...and you're not going to want to miss this!

Genre: New Adult Romance


The one. The only. Leo Maddox.

Leo’s cocky. He’s mean. He’s gorgeous. He’s never learned the meaning of the word no. He’s the twenty-one-year-old, billionaire grandson of a hotel mogul. He has vacation homes he’s never been to and cars he doesn’t drive. Women. Fashion. Alcohol. There’s nothing he can’t get. Well…almost nothing.

He can’t have her. The girl he loves. The girl he’s loved his entire life. She hates him. Until one morning when Leo wakes up and decides enough is enough. He’s going to get the only girl he’s ever wanted. So what if she has a new boyfriend. So what if she loathes his very existence. Clara belongs with him and he’s going to prove it to her by winning her heart.

*This New Adult Romance is told entirely from Leo Maddox’s POV. It can be read before, after, or in place of Sarah Darlington's stand alone novel He Belongs With Me. Recommended for readers 18+ due to strong language and sexy scenes.

LINKS TO BUY: Amazon I Amazon UK I Barnes and Noble I Kobo

(99c for 3 days only on Amazon and BN!)

Join the LEO MADDOX release day party on Facebook!

I have a sick, twisted, f*cked up mind. Hey, I’m Leo Maddox. All that comes with the territory. But I am who I am…and it’s not really who I want to be. I’ve been trying to break free from my own personal stereotype my entire life. Nothing ever seems to change. But I’ve come to my breaking point. Either change or give the f*ck up.
And I will never give the f*ck up.
So here goes…
* * *
woke up in a cold sweat, gasping for a decent breath. One brutal image played on repeat in my mind. The girl I loved—the girl I’d loved my entire life—with her plump little lips circling another man’s…
Well, you get the idea.
And he wasn’t just any man. In the dream, the man was her husband. Somehow that made this vision even more brutal for me. He was a dorky husband too. Glasses. Not that there is anything wrong with glasses. On occasion I wear them myself. Polo Shirt—that he still wore during their horrific love-making act. Silver Prius parked outside in their moderately sized driveway. Why the Prius stood out in my mind? Who knows? Like I said, my mind can be a weird, strange place.
And Clara was happy. She was happily married to this dorky sap from my dream. They were trying to get pregnant. She wanted to start a family. Meanwhile, my life was exactly the same—boring, repetitive, and painfully empty. Painfully lonely.
But I guess, on the bright side, I still had tons and tons of money.
Ugh. I crawled out of bed—distraught, angry, and sick to my stomach—and I stumbled across the penthouse room, my bare feet on hardwood floor. I despised this floor. Hardwood was for dining rooms and entry ways, not bedrooms. It pissed me off, as many random things always tended to do. I reached the bar cart, but, f*ck me, it was empty. Of course it was empty. I never kept liquor in my room because I couldn’t handle that sort of temptation. But in this moment, I regretted my personal rule. Well…maybe the ‘no alcohol thing’ was more of a personal guideline. Still, I never kept it where I slept.
I glanced out my window, scratching at an old scar on the underside of my arm. The shining lights of New York City were pretty damn amazing. Pouring myself a glass of water instead of the vodka I really craved, I stared at everything in miniature form. Looking at it all almost calmed me. Almost, but not really. The city was too fast paced and I always felt fast paced while here. I needed something slower before I snapped.
Reaching for my phone, I called my personal assistant, Regina.
It was late. (Or early?) But she answered after only one ring. “Morning, Mr. Maddox. What can I do for you?” her groggy but polite voice asked.
“I need the jet ready for Blue Creek.”
“Blue Creek?” she repeated as if I’d told her I wanted her to go to f*cking Jupiter. “But the reopening is Sunday,” she urged.
I didn’t bother responding. Frankly, it bothered the sh*t out of me that she even questioned me. After a moment, she must have understood why she was getting silence and she muttered, “I’ll make the arrangements, sir.”
“Thanks. Call me when we can leave.”
I clicked off my phone, tossing it on the bed. I needed to pack. But what do you pack to impress a girl who f*cking hates your entire existence?  
Suits. You pack suits.

My Review

Yes, Leo Maddox has stolen my heart.  If you were to look at his character in passing, you would think he's a spoiled rich boy who gets to prep to one day take over his daddy's company.  But when you actually sit down and read his story-told wonderfully here in his point of view (which I absolutely LOVE)-you'll find out he is so much more, and you'll fall for him too.

Even though I knew the whole story after reading He Belongs With Me and knew exactly how everything was going to turn out, being able to see everything through Leo's eyes, know his thoughts, and get to read scenes I didn't get to see in He Belongs With just brought so much more to the overall story.  And it makes you feel SO MUCH for Leo.  

While this can be read as a standalone, I personally would recommend reading He Belongs With Me first, then read Leo's POV-for me, reading it like this made the overall story told between the two books a much fuller, more emotional experience.  Like when I got to read Leo's email to Clara again. And again... *sigh*

5 falling-for-Leo stars :-)

(PS...want to read my review for He Belongs With Me?  Check it out over on Goodreads!)

Join Sarah Darlington's mailing list to be notified when new books are released:

Meet Clara and Leo

About the Author:
Sarah Darlington lives in Virginia with her husband and amazing two-year-old son. She's a former flight attendant, navy brat, constant day-dreamer, wannabe photographer, and an avid scrapbooker. She loves to travel and is working on visiting all 50 states.

Stay connected with Sarah:

Goodreads I Twitter I Facebook Sarah's Website I Instagram

Also by Sarah:



Release Day Launch and Giveaway: The Shape of My Heart by Ann Aguirre

Have you started the 2B Trilogy yet?  The Shape of My Heart, book three, is out today!  LOVE this series!


We are so excited to bring you the Release Day Launch for Ann Aguirre's incredible THE SHAPE OF MY HEART! THE SHAPE OF MY HEART is a New Adult contemporary romance, published by Harlequin HQN, and is the third book in the 2B Trilogy Series. Don't forget to grab your copy of the first two books and fall in love with her characters all over again!

The Shape of My Heart

Amazon | Barnes and Noble | BAM | Indiebound | Vroman’s | Book Depository Powell’siBooks



Some people wait decades to meet their soul mate. Courtney Kaufman suspects she met hers in high school—only to lose him at seventeen. Since then, Courtney’s social life has been a series of meaningless encounters, though she’s made a few close friends along the way. Especially her roommate, Max Cooper, who oozes damaged bad-boy vibes from every pore.

Max knows about feeling lost and trying to move beyond the pain—he’s been on his own since he was sixteen. Now it’s time to find out if he can ever go home again, and Courtney’s the only one he trusts to go with him. But the trip to Providence could change everything…because the more time he spends with Courtney, the harder it is to reconcile what he wants and what he thinks he deserves.

It started out so simple. One misfit helping another. Now Max will do anything to show Courtney that for every heart that’s ever been broken, there’s another that can make it complete.

2B Trilogy
 Make sure you grab the entire 2B Trilogy!





So many questions ricocheted around my brainpan, but Max’s shoulders were pulled up almost to his ears, his chin nearly on the table. Without looking at me, he shredded the napkin in his hands into four pieces and then in half again. The waning sunshine streaming in the smeared window behind him haloed his hair, so that the highlights shone blue instead of tawny or copper.

“You don’t have to tell me a bedtime story,” I said gently.

“No, you need to know. So you understand what’s going on and why it’s so tense when we get there.”

“Okay. If you’re sure.”

“I’ll set the stage.” His tone was brittle, uneven, and the bits of paper in his hands kept getting smaller. “I was sixteen, just got my license. My dad was drinking, acting like a f*ckhead. Business as usual. When he started in on Mickey, I grabbed the keys. Figured I’d get us both out of there for a while. I don’t know if you’ve noticed but taking off is kind of my specialty.”

“Between your bike, the garage office, and the place you showed me by the river, I’ve picked up on the pattern, yeah.”

“I thought I was doing the smart thing, you know? But I was driving too fast and some asshole blew the stoplight. T-boned us. Mickey got the worst of it… weeks in the hospital without knowing if he’d make it. Then once he stabilized, we found out he’d never walk again.” He curled a fist and slammed it onto the table, making the pizza box dance. “Ironic, huh? I was worried that my dad would hurt Mickey but I’m the one who—”

“Not true,” I cut in. “That’s a textbook accident. Don’t tell me you blame yourself.”

“It’s impossible to do anything else. No, wipe that look off your face, Kaufman. I didn’t open up to make you feel sorry for me. I just want you to know the deal going in. I mean, my dad’s the biggest asshole I ever met and he hates me, too.”

“What about Mickey?”

“We weren’t talking much when I left. Every day I think, what if I’d put up with my old man’s sh*t for five minutes more? What if I’d picked a fight with him instead of grabbing those keys? I—” His voice broke on a shuddering inhalation.

Until this moment I didn’t realize how much weight Max carried on a daily basis or how good a job he did hiding it. I came out of my chair and rounded the little table before I consciously decided to make a move. Standing beside him, I hovered, unsure what to do. He answered the question by wrapping both arms around my waist and pulling me onto his lap. Unsettled, unnerved, even, I let him press his face into my shoulder, resting a hand on his head.

His breath warmed the skin of my throat, rousing an inappropriate shiver. Now is not the time. It wasn’t like I’d never noticed his hotness; he specialized in a scruffy, soulful appeal that women of all ages seemed unable to resist. But it was so much better for him to call me Kaufman and confide in me instead of flirting. At the moment, Max needed a friend. I stroked his back for like five minutes before he raised his gaze to meet mine.

“Sorry. The closer we get to Rhode Island, the worse I feel.”

“It’s understandable. You have to be worried about how your brother will react when you see him.” The rest of his family sounded like jackwagons. Though he’d only told me about his dad, if he had any decent aunts, uncles or cousins, they would’ve stepped up when his old man went upside his head with a bottle. A scar like that would take eight or ten stitches, minimum. I imagined Max as a scared kid with blood gushing from his scalp, and all of my protective instincts roared to life. People had been calling me a bitch since I was fifteen, and I was ready to wade in against Max’s family. Yeah, the funeral might be tense and sh*tty, but if his family said one f*cking word—

TSOMH Available Now

About Ann Aguirre:
Author Photo
Ann Aguirre is a New York Times & USA Today bestselling author and RITA winner with a degree in English Literature; before she began writing full time, she was a clown, a clerk, a voice actress, and a savior of stray kittens, not necessarily in that order. She grew up in a yellow house across from a cornfield, but now she lives in sunny Mexico with her husband, children, and various pets. Ann likes books, emo music, action movies, and she writes all kinds of genre fiction for adults and teens, published with Harlequin, Macmillan, and Penguin, among others.


Release Day Launch and Giveaway: Hard to Come By by Laura Kaye


We are beyond thrilled to bring you the Release Day Launch for Laura Kaye's HARD TO COME BY! HARD TO COME BY is the third full length novel in Laura's Hard Ink Series, published by Avon Romance. As a special treat, through December 2, pre-order Hard to Come By or purchase it during release week, and receive exclusive bonus content! Just fill out the quick form here! 

Hard To Come By Cover

Buy at Amazon | | Amazon UK | B&N | iTunes| Kobo

Hard to Come By on Goodreads

Pre-order or purchase before December 2, and get awesome bonus content!

Excerpt (WARNING-this is super-hot, extra-steamy, recommended 18+): 

Marz was playing with fire. He damn well knew he was. But that didn’t make him want to pull away.

He just wanted more of the heat.

Marz nuzzled the side of Emilie’s face with his nose, his lips. She turned her face toward him and offered her lips. He couldn’t refuse.

Capturing her mouth on a tortured groan, Marz poured every ounce of his longing and confusion and desire into the kiss. They grasped at each other and Emilie turned in his arms. He pinned her against the railing and planted his hands in her hair. She opened to him and accepted his tongue, sucking him in until Marz’s blood ran hot and his hard-on ached. He ground himself against her and devoured every little moan and whimper and gasp she spilled.

Trailing kisses from her mouth to her jaw to her ear, Marz dragged a hand down her body and grasped her breast in his palm. She cried out and her head dropped back, drawing his mouth to her neck, where he licked and sucked and nipped as he kneaded her soft flesh. “You are so damn sexy.”

Her hand flew to his hair and grasped the back of his head. “Touch me,” she said. “Don’t stop touching me.”

Marz pulled away long enough to do a three-sixty scan. The lighthouse cast a dark shadow over them, and the pier was otherwise empty. His heart raced and his pulse hammered. He dove back in, trailing kisses down her neck to her collarbone, which he traced with his tongue. Her nails scratched deliciously at his scalp and her grip urged him down.

Through the thin material of her blouse and bra, he mouthed and flicked at her nipple. He shifted the deep vee of the neckline to reveal a lacy royal blue bra. He tongued her through the lace until she was panting and moaning and writhing against the railing.

“Oh, my God,” she rasped as he shifted her shirt and moved to her other breast. This time, he tugged the lace down to bare the deep pink of her nipple. She tasted and smelled like something fruity and sweet, and it made Marz hunger for more. “Derek,” she gasped. “Yes, yes, yes.”

Her palm cupped and squeezed the bulge of his erection through his jeans. His hips jerked into the touch, craving more of her, all of her. He groaned and it seemed to egg her on, because she pressed and rubbed her hand against his trapped c*ck until he was panting and imagining taking her down to the ground.

“Jesus, Emilie, you’re driving me f*cking crazy,” he said as he worked kisses back up her body to her mouth.

“I know just what you mean,” she said. Her molten hot gaze met his. Eyes hooded, lips shiny and swollen, cheeks flushed, she was a freaking goddess standing under the moonlit sky. He felt the force of her beauty every bit as much in his chest as in his c*ck.

“You sure about that, babe?” he asked as he took her mouth in a deep, wet kiss. “Because my imagination has me stripping you of those f*ck-hot jeans.”

“Yeah?” She rubbed his c*ck in a long stroke with the heel of her hand. “Mine has us getting a room at the hotel back there. So I’m sure,” she said with a smile.

Marz’s heart hammered against his breastbone and his c*ck jerked, clearly liking her idea, too. Except, if he took her up on it, he was going to end up buried inside her for as long as she’d have him. And so long as this clusterf*ck of a situation defined their relationship, he couldn’t take things that far. Could he?

HTCB Available Now


Caught between desire and loyalty...

Derek DiMarzio would do anything for the members of his disgraced Special Forces team--sacrifice his body, help a former teammate with a covert operation to restore their honor, and even go behind enemy lines. He just never expected to want the beautiful woman he found there.

When a sexy stranger asks questions about her brother, Emilie Garza is torn between loyalty to the brother she once idolized and fear of the war-changed man he's become. Derek's easy smile and quiet strength tempt Emilie to open up, igniting the desire between them and leading Derek to crave a woman he shouldn't trust.

As the team's investigation reveals how powerful their enemies are, Derek and Emilie must prove where their loyalties lie before hearts are broken and lives are lost. Because love is too hard to come by to let slip away...

And don’t miss the other Hard Ink books, now available:

Hard As It Gets

Hard As You Can

Hard to Hold On To

Praise for Hard to Come By:

"Rough sex and explosive fights power Kaye's third Hard Ink novel, a thrilling adventure that feels more like an action movie with a romantic subplot than a typical contemporary romance. New readers will head straight for Kaye's backlist after powering through this installment." ~Publishers Weekly Starred Review

"TOP PICK! If you're looking for danger, gritty action, and sizzling passion, then Kaye has just the book and the series for you." ~RT Book Reviews Magazine

HTCB Teaser 2

About Laura Kaye:
Author Photo
Laura is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over a dozen books in contemporary and paranormal romance. Growing up, Laura’s large extended family believed in the supernatural, and family lore involving angels, ghosts, and evil-eye curses cemented in Laura a life-long fascination with storytelling and all things paranormal. She lives in Maryland with her husband, two daughters, and cute-but-bad dog, and appreciates her view of the Chesapeake Bay every day.


Monday, November 24, 2014

Blog Tour-Review and Giveaway: Hart Attack by Cristin Harber


Outside of Titan Group, there are few people that Roman Hart would die for. He’s a soldier, a protector, and he’s haunted that one of the people he should’ve been able to protect didn’t let him. That was years ago, and now a hardened heart and a cocky attitude are his impenetrable shields, until one woman—one challenge—drives him to distraction.

On the outside, Beth Tourne has it all. Luxury car, gorgeous condo, and a job partying with the rich and famous. It’s a plush CIA cover, but she wants more. Anything for an adrenaline rush that can override her guilty numbness and let her forget the tragedy she never saw coming.

Their scars make them perfect operatives. Their mirrored pasts give them deep, wounded reasons to stay alone. But the more they ignore the tension, the more vulnerable they become. Survival means trust. In one another, behind closed doors, and on the job. The only way they’re making it out alive is if they find peace while waging a war.

My Review

If you're looking for a great story with some well written suspense and thrilling action scenes, you'll get that and more in this installment of the Titan series.  You're also going to get two very stubborn, hard-headed main characters in Roman and Beth.  They both have plenty of drama in their respective pasts, and it contributes greatly to their interactions now.

For me, I didn't quite connect with these two as a couple...I'm not sure if it was just too much of their pasts and their personalities clashing that made it hard for me, or if it was something else that I just can't place my finger on.  It just seemed like at every turn something was pushing between them so it made it hard for me to "want" for them to make that connection.  I'm glad though, that in the end we get a pretty cool resolution.

It was great to see a lot of Nicola and Cash in this story and get some more of their own story played out here.  It helped provide a nice dose of suspense within Roman and Beth's story at just the right point while helping round out the entire series as well.

I personally was more of a fan of the suspense and action in this story than anything else, but it is still a fantastic addition the the Titan series, and I would definitely recommend it to anyone who loves romance with their action stories.  4 suspenseful stars for Hart Attack!

About Cristin Harber
Cristin Harber is a USA Today bestselling romantic suspense and military romance author. Fans voted her onto Amazon’s Top Picks for Debut Romance Authors in 2013, and her debut Titan series was #1 romantic suspense, #1 military romance, and a USA Today Top 100 bestseller.

She lives outside Washington, DC with her family and English Bulldog.
Connect with Cristin Harber