Thursday, May 30, 2024

New Release-Excerpt & Giveaway: FRACTURED HOPE by Kady Cordova (Hope's Ridge #1)

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Fractured Hope
By Kady Cordova

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Hope's Ridge, Book 1

Can I really escape hell to find all I’ve ever longed for?


Finding yourself is hard. Finding someone you can truly trust is harder.

I have never known what it was like to have a true home or family, let alone real love.

After almost a year of planning, I finally escaped my abusive ex and ran as far away as I could with just the clothes on my back and a handful of cash. When I arrive in the quaint town of Hope’s Ridge, I’m ready to start over and reclaim my life.

When I painfully crash into Atticus’s life, something about him puts me at ease. I’ve never been one to trust, but now I’m in a situation where I have no choice. He might be what I’ve been longing for my whole life.


I love my tight-knit town, my big Greek family, and the life I’ve built. I have a successful garage with my brothers and love my job. I have it good, but every now and then I long for a connection. Someone to chase away the loneliness that’s been creeping in. As my brothers like to point out, I am set in my ways and not one for flings, bar hopping, or one-night stands.

When a beautiful man stumbles into my life, I’m blown away. He’s skittish and afraid, but all I want to do is take care of him.

When Bodhi’s ex starts making threats, danger gets ever closer and threatens everything I hold dear. Can I keep Bodhi safe and prove to him he is worthy of love? Or will he run and take my heart with him?

Fractured Hope is a small-town, hurt/comfort, age-gap MM Romance with a broken boy looking for a safe place, a lonely man longing to find his person, and a family full of love, mischief, and colorful characters ready to step in and protect each other no matter the costs.

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I breathed through the pain and a growing knot of anxiety. It felt like darkness was closing in on me, but I knew what I needed to do. If I didn’t leave now, I wouldn’t ever do it. I’d been slowly preparing for this for a lifetime—or at least, it felt that way. I needed to wait until Derek finished his last drink and passed out for the night. I opened my eyes and watched the sunset through the grimy window above the kitchen sink.

It was now or never.

I slipped into the bathroom as quietly as I could, my socks barely making a noise on the tiles, and carefully pulled on my usual jeans and a black long-sleeved shirt. I had to take the clothes out of the laundry basket because if I had gone into the bedroom or had clean clothes ready, Derek would’ve known something was up. I braced myself as I tried to lift my arm to slip my shirt on and my breath caught. Pain radiated down my right side as my ribs protested the movement. Leaning against the bathroom counter, I was able to carefully pull my shirt over my head and down my arms. I had to maneuver my jeans on with one hand, since my wrist throbbed from my last encounter with Derek.

Once I was dressed, I opened the bathroom door a crack and could just make out Derek passed out in front of the TV, the football game still playing in the background. Opening the bathroom door as slowly as possible, praying it wouldn’t squeak, I tiptoed to the front door. Grabbing my hoodie off the hook, I shot one last glance back to check that the coast was clear and quietly slipped out. The night air was cold on my face, and it pricked my feet through my thick socks as I carefully closed the front door and crept down the steps, then around to the side of the house.

There was an overgrown mess of plants, which had once been a neat hedge along the property line, where I’d been hiding things slowly over the last few months. Recently, I’d added a backpack I’d found in the very back of the closet. Crouching down and breathing through the pain, I quickly moved the branches, dirt, and debris out of the way, then lifted the pack out from under a particularly dense bush. I’d managed to hide some food, money, my driver’s license, a few keepsakes from my long-forgotten childhood, and a change of clothes. I’d also been lucky enough to stash away my favorite pair of canvas sneakers. I grabbed the backpack and shoes before heading to the rear of the house and over the fence into the adjoining woods.

I stopped by the old oak tree where Derek and I had once carved our initials, tracing my fingers over the scarred wood while remembering the day we’d shared. This was back when things were still new, and I didn’t know the truth about the man I’d loved. No more. I rushed to put on my shoes as fast as I could, not really able to tie the laces. I just tucked the ends under the tongue so I wouldn’t trip. Standing carefully, I righted my backpack.

“Goodbye,” I whispered with one final look at our initials on the tree and the house that loomed behind it.

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Enter the Giveaway:

To celebrate the release of Fractured Hope, Kady is giving away a $20 Amazon Voucher!

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About the Author

Kady Cordova is a queer author from Australia.

They survive on coffee and chaos. She has always been a hopeless romantic at heart even though they grow a little cynical and sarcastic with age.

Love is love and everyone deserves a happily ever after.

Kady is an advocate for Mental Health, Invisible Illnesses, and Protecting Trans Kids.

Fractured Hope is Kady's debut novel.

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Wednesday, May 29, 2024

New Release-Excerpt & Giveaway: TOTALLY GEEKED by Becca Jackson (Love In Play #2)

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Totally Geeked
By Becca Jackson

Totally Geeked Cover

Love In Play Series, Book 2

Harrison’s love life is a parade of fun, flirty encounters thanks to every dating app you can imagine, but nothing sticks. Finally, sick of the endless cycle of Friday night hookups, he hits uninstall on the apps and challenges the universe to show him that he deserves someone better.

What he didn’t expect was the universe throwing him a curveball in the form of his best friend’s younger brother. Despite being best friends with Gordon for years, he’s never actually met his siblings and even half-joked they didn’t exist.

But there they are, at a party at Gordon’s place, and one brother, Arlo, is seriously hard to ignore. He’s nothing like Gordon. Quiet, adorable, and totally off-limits… which sucks. But when Harrison spots an opportunity to help him steady his nerves on his children’s book tour, he jumps at the chance to get to know him better, because spending time with him feels like the most right thing he’s done in forever.

The more time they spend together, the less Harrison can imagine being with anyone else. But going after what he wants means betraying his best friend. Can he find the courage to catch life’s most unexpected pitches?

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Excerpt: When Harry met Arlo

While Noah was a ball of energy at the outset, Arlo clutches a book against his front with his casted hand like it could somehow create a barrier between him and everything else in the world. 

“I’m Harrison, but my friends call me Harry,” I say, and he turns toward me. His big gorgeous blue eyes lock on mine and my stomach does a weird spinny thing. I really should have eaten before I came. 

“Hi,” he almost whispers, pulling his hand free of his brother and using it to tuck his red hair behind his ears. He really doesn’t look much like Gordon at all, not like Noah. They both have the same flame red hair, sure. But Arlo’s is long, and hangs loosely around his face like a curtain he can hide behind, it contrasts beautifully with his porcelain skin and bright blue eyes and I find myself unable to look away.

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Enter the Giveaway:

To celebrate the release of Totally Geeked, Becca is giving away a $20 Amazon Voucher!

Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!

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About the Author

Becca Jackson writes MM romance that delivers heart, heat, and happily ever afters for some totally adorkable and fabulous guys.

Becca’s books have all your favorites, small-town romances, bi-awakenings, sports, friends to lovers, and enemies to lovers too, but no matter the trope that takes your fancy, you’ll always find a happily ever after.

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Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Review, Excerpt, & Giveaway: THIN ICE by Lane Hayes (The Elmwood Stories #4)


Thin Ice
By Lane Hayes

The Elmwood Stories, Book 4

The hunky dad, the hockey coach, and a new start…


Elmwood isn’t good for my love life. Hey, I’m a positive person and I have nothing but wonderful things to say about small-town living, but I haven’t had a date in years. That’s fine—my son is and always has been my number one focus.

Except now he’s grown and gone. And it’s lonely.

Okay, yes, the new hockey coach is hot and single, but he’s off-limits. Smitty’s trouble with a capital T, and his baggage might outweigh mine. Besides, we said nothing would happen after “that” night. It was a one-time, never to be repeated deal.

At least…that’s what I thought.


Am I sad about retiring from pro hockey? Honestly, no. I can’t remember the last time I wasn’t in pain. I need a rest and I could use a distraction from unwelcome memories at home. Stat.


Look, we all know I won’t last a whole season of coaching high school kids, but stepping in till they find a better candidate is a good temporary plan. And Bryson’s here.

There’s something about the hot dad with the sunny smile and bad dad jokes that makes me feel alive again. I’m not in the market for forever—been there, done that. Look, I’ve taken risks for my sport, but I’m not giving my heart away again. I know thin ice when I see it.

Or do I?

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Smitty gamely followed me to the next vignette at Pinecrest’s premiere home and furniture boutique. “It’s a coffee table, Bry. It serves two functions—a footrest and a place to leave dishes…and the remote control. Anything is fine.”

“Yeah, right,” I huffed. “Somehow I doubt the guy who couldn’t live with yellow walls and had lots of opinions about the sectional he special ordered doesn’t care about the coffee table that will go in the same room.”

Smitty darted his gaze around the store and leaned in close. “Places like this intimidate the f*ck out of me. It smells like a perfume factory and everyone is smiling…but their eyes are dead. Like they’re zombies. Is this a Pinecrest thing or a bougie thing? I don’t do well with hot cotchure.”

I burst into laughter. “Haute couture?”

“Sure, whatever.”

I brushed my hand against his in a show of solidarity, then linked our pinkies for a brief moment and pointed at a handsome dark-wood coffee table with a wide base. “What about that one?”

Smitty shrugged. “Looks nice.”

“I think so too.” I clandestinely checked the tag. “Yikes. It’s pricey. Let’s keep looking.”

“Do they have a coffee table with cupholders?”

“Absolutely not, and why would anyone want a cupholder in a coffee table?”

Smitty widened his eyes comically. “Are you kidding me? Why would anyone not want a safe place to plop a cup? You never have to worry about spilling a drink or knocking it over, and you wouldn’t have to fumble for it when you’re watching a game, ’cause your cup is right where you left it.”

“Okay, that’s a whole lot of nonsense. And thankfully, a moot point.” I glanced at our surroundings as if to be sure that was true and noticed the salesperson watching us from the register. I couldn’t remember her name off the top of my head, but I was pretty sure I’d sold her and her partner a house two years ago. I lowered my voice and added, “They don’t have such a thing, but even if they did, I’d stop you from buying it.”

“How? I’m bigger than you. And I’m fast. I could whip out my credit card in a flash and shove this f*cker into my truck before you could say ‘No, bad table!’ ”

Carra's Review

So I have a weakness for sports romances, especially hockey romances.  It shouldn’t be any surprise that I added this to my reading list as soon as I knew it was coming out.  I was already pretty confident I’d be getting a good story since I’ve really enjoyed this author’s other books, and that was once again the case here with Thin Ice.

I loved both of the main characters.  I always enjoy a story centered on more mature characters, and here both men are at the point in their lives where each knows what they want …or at least they believe they do.  Smitty more so than Bryson has to figure out what he truly wants for his life going forward, and it was great to see him discover this as he and Bryson embark on their relationship.

The two of them together are just right, they had excellent chemistry in all areas.  While they start off with the purely physical with their obvious instant attraction, things develop over time into more as they each open up to the other.  

There is a fantastic cast of supporting characters from the previous books in the series, but you don’t need to have read the other stories to enjoy this one.  I hadn’t had the chance to read the others before this one and had no issues following along…though now of course I want to go back and read everyone else’s stories.

Thin Ice was a great read and is getting 4.5 stars from me.  I’d definitely recommend it to any M/M romance fan, and if you love age gap, mature characters, and hockey romance you will have hit the trifecta here with Thin Ice.  This story is meant for readers 18+ for adult language and sexual content.


To celebrate the release of Thin Ice, Lane is giving away the Winner’s choice of an audiobook or ebook of your choice from her published works!

Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!

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About the Author

Lane Hayes  lives in sunny Southern California with her amazing husband, who thankfully doesn’t mind cooking, and their fabulous fox red Labrador, George, who’s pure mischief. Both provide oodles of inspiration for the low-angst, humorous books Lane loves to write.

She’s been telling stories about sexy, funny, sometimes geeky and quirky men who find love for a dozen years now and loving every minute. In her previous life, she sat at a desk and dealt with numbers, so yes…romance is much more satisfying!

Lane loves tea, travel, and chocolate…in any order. Add a book and she’s set!

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New Release-Excerpt & Giveaway: ICEBREAKER by Blair Brady (Portland Lumberjacks #1)

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By Blair Brady


Portland Lumberjacks, Book 1

Axel Karlsson, a grumpy hockey defenseman in the twilight of an NHL career haunted by scandal and injury, is traded to the Portland Lumberjacks, a startup expansion team. There, he meets Quinn O'Reilly, a sunshiny, brash, talented rookie with a heart of gold.

Despite their differences, Axel and Quinn are drawn to each other, finding unexpected connections amid the pressures they face in trying to make the Lumberjacks contenders.

As they navigate the ups and downs of their relationship, Axel and Quinn find strength and support in their loved ones - Axel's artistic sister Maja and stoic father Sven, Quinn's fiercely protective sister Maggie and lovable best friend Milo.

But the road to happily ever after is never smooth, and Axel and Quinn must confront the ghosts of their pasts and the challenges of their present if they hope to have a future. With the help of their found family on the Lumberjacks and the love they've forged against all odds, they'll learn that even the most battered and bruised hearts can thaw and bloom with the warmth of love and acceptance.

Icebreaker, Book 1 in Portland Lumberjacks, is a mm hockey romance with grumpy/sunshine, first time, and age gap themes, steamy scenes, and a guaranteed happily ever after.

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Of course, I couldn't forget meeting Axel Karlsson face-to-face. I'd read about his career and the spectacular scandal that nearly killed it, but seeing him in person was next level.

His dark brown, almost black, eyes had bored deep into mine. I'd thought Swedes were blonde and blue-eyed like me, but Axel broke the rules. His jet-black hair framed a chiseled face that took my breath away.

He was a true battle-scarred veteran of wars on the ice, and there I was, a wet-behind-the-ears rookie, having the audacity to prank him. I'd kept those pink skates after someone left them behind when I helped little kids learn to figure skate. I knew they'd come in handy someday.

And who would have known my heart would kick into its highest gear, pounding away, when he looked at me? A giddy wave of excitement, nerves, and something else I couldn't name yet crashed over me.

Surely, I had imagined most of it. That electric sizzle when he'd shaken my hand must have been static electricity.

Axel Karlsson was the kind of man to inspire secrets whispered in the corners of the locker room. He'd been up and down, seen it all, and done everything. Now, we were fortunate enough to have him as a leader on our team.

I was merely a rookie, a little audacious, to be sure, but at heart, I was just hoping to find a spot for myself in the big leagues. I wasn't looking for men to…

Damn, I'd always had a brain that ran about three lengths ahead of both the cart and the horse. How could I even think Axel might have looked at me that way?

It hadn't been possible, and to think that he might have was only setting myself up for major heartbreak down the road. I had to nip that silly crush in the bud…and fast.

According to my college literature buddies, that was always much easier said than done. I couldn't stop replaying the moment when Axel's lips almost curled into a genuine smile.

His eyes did linger on me a little longer than usual, too. I wasn't making that up.

With a heavy groan, I raised a hand and raked my fingers through my hair. I needed to find a distraction, something to take my mind off Mr. Tall, Dark, and Adorably Grumpy.

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Enter the Giveaway:

To celebrate the release of Icebreaker, we are giving away 3 e-copies of the release!

Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!

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About the Author:

Blair Brady loves cooking, gardening, traveling, and hot and steamy romances...with a caramel latte on the side.

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Friday, May 24, 2024

Spotlight-Excerpt: BOY ONE by Jaap Cové

Boy One 

Author and Publisher: Jaap Cové

Cover Artist: ricacabrex (Fiverr)

Release Date: April 1, 2024

Genres: Gay, M/M Memoir, non-fiction

Tropes: Secret love

Themes: Coming out, shame, fear, intergenerational relationships

Heat Rating: 3 flames

Length: 55 000 words/ 203 pages

It is a standalone book and ends on a sort of cliffhanger.


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Coming of age inside the controversial world of the Spartacus Gay Guide


It is 1981. Jaap, a Dutch teenager, is a boy taking his first steps towards becoming a man. He’s reclusive, a wallflower with a handsome face and curly blond hair. He loves playing tennis and plays drums for a student rock band.

He is attracted to men and afraid of desires that he has not acted upon. By fortuitous accident, the Dutch teen meets Briton John D. Stamford, and his life changes. Stamford is the eccentric middle-aged editor of Spartacus International Gay Guide, the crucial book for gay male travelers. It listed both welcoming destinations and countries that carried strict penalties for homosexuality.

Jaap likes mature men; John prefers youths. BOY ONEis the record of their relationship, the deluxe global travel they did for John’s work, the eye-opening experiences of a sheltered teen, and the obsessive sexual relationship that developed.

Amid the glamor of five-star hotels and restaurants, conflicts arise. Jaap still thinks about having a girlfriend and wonders if he is bisexual. John is trying to push his young lover into something he’s not ready for—being openly gay all the time. Moreover, Jaap notices the Spartacus Guide lists opportunities for sex with underaged youths in places like Thailand. He suspects this is wrong. So do the police, who begin investigating John.

Despite the excitement and eroticism of their relationship, the moral issues grow until the two are at odds.

In BOY ONE, Jaap Cové tells the honest and gripping story of a remarkable part of his life. Revealing and outspoken, it is a unique, colorful and compelling coming-of-age story. It captures the excitement of international gay life in the early 80s, but it is also a troubling saga about morality and intergenerational relationships.


John picks me up at the airport with a taxi. We drop my bag in the RV that’s parked just outside Basel’s old center, but don’t stay there. John has other plans.  I’m in for a romantic weekend. It’s snowy and below freezing point. I never expected the city to be so beautiful, or is it because we’re together again? We lunch in an upscale Konditorei, then walk arm in arm past the historical buildings in the old center. People on the pavement glare at us, but John doesn’t let go of my arm. It feels warm and safe. We visit the Gothic church and head to the quay of the river Rhine, where we kiss. There are people watching, which makes it more exciting. Protected by John, I don’t feel any embarrassment. I exist in a constant state of being crazy in love.

He takes me to my first gay sauna in the old town to warm up. As we enter a dimly-lit steam room, I lose John in the mist. In no time, there are many hands all over my body, touching my ass, my c*ck and my torso. I am scared.

As I adjust to the light, I look into the faces of the young men groping me and start to panic. I want to break free, but they won’t let me. Someone shoves his tongue between my lips. I wriggle to get away from the mass of bodies. Just as I reach the point of using force, I feel a hand pull me from the crowd. John pulls me close and embraces me. He smiles and tries to calm me.

‘You didn’t like that?’ he asks.

‘No, I panicked.’

‘Come, let’s get out of here.’ 

He takes me to a private room where we make love on a rubber bed covered with towels. Our session isn’t long and elaborate as it would have been in the RV. It turns me on just the same. I’m quickly positioned on my belly by his big hands, feeling the cold KY-jelly on my ass, after which he carefully pushes his warm c*ck inside. Pleasing John, giving my lover what he wants, in the way he wants it, excites me. I become hard as a rock. This man owns me when we make love.

Downstairs in the bar area later, we have a drink. I play with the thought that John planned the episode in the steam room. At the same time, the thought is ridiculous. I can’t imagine him telling all those guys that his lover from Holland would be visiting, and asking them to give me a warm welcome.

‘It was almost like they were waiting for me,’ I say. ‘All those hands on me.’

‘Why is that strange? Have you looked in the mirror lately?’


‘You’re very handsome, Jake. You’re a f*cking knockout.’

I don’t know what to say, since no one ever told me that. I know I’m not ugly, but a knockout? I’m tall and slender, not muscled. And I’ve always been on the shy side, not confident about my looks. All my life people have told me that my blond curls are beautiful. But women couldn’t keep their hands off my hair when I was a young boy and I didn’t enjoy that. 

‘And you have such a hot ass,’ he adds with a big smile. Then he kisses me. 

As I take a sip of my drink, I think about how my life has changed. In less than three months, I have made the metamorphosis from Dordrecht wallflower to Basel knockout. My self-esteem balloons.

But something is gnawing at me.

‘So when you’re here on your own, I suppose those hands are on you, too, right?’

‘Why do you ask?’ 

‘I don’t like that thought.’

‘No, that doesn’t happen to me. I’m getting too old, Jake. Older gay people are less appealing in this world. You’ll find out.’

‘I find that hard to believe. When you walk around here naked, people look.’

‘I’m glad you think so.’ He smiles and looks past me, like he’s checking out the other guys. ‘But to answer your real question, yes, I do play around when I’m on my own.’

‘What… you mean, you still do, even though we’re lovers?’



 ‘Remember that black kid we met in a bar in Nice on our last evening? I f*cked him soon after you left.’

That’s a sudden bucket of ice water. I put down my drink and sit frozen. I want to go home. Now. 

John continues sipping his drink. ‘It’s all right, Jake; it meant nothing. I love you.’

About the Author  

Jaap Cové (1962) studied anthropology and debuted in 2011 with his novel Walking Among Us, followed by Cajú (2012) and The Girl in the Web (2017). Dog Gone (2023) was his first nonfiction narrative. Boy One is his first memoir.

From my website:

Jaap Cové is an anthropologist, a drummer, a flautist, a globetrotter, and an author of fiction and nonfiction. His novels are filled with mystery, spirituality, symbolism and music. His nonfiction is a reflection of his eventful life.

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Thursday, May 23, 2024

Cover Reveal: KILLIAN by Jessamyn Kingley (Twisted Tales of D'Vaire #1)


(Twisted Tales of D’Vaire, Book 1)

Author and Publisher: Jessamyn Kingley

Cover Artist: LJ Anderson of Mayhem Cover Creations

Release Date: June 6, 2024

Genre: MM Fantasy/Paranormal Romance

Trope: Fated mates

Heat Rating:  3 flames

Length:  96 000 words

It is a standalone story and does not end on a cliffhanger.

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For two soulmates, a single twist of fate can change everything. 


In 1369, Killian the Dwyer is a young druid still learning to rule his people. His journey is aided by his peers. Two years ago, Killian accepted an opportunity to join a council of respected leaders. Which is why, on one fateful day, Killian and his fellow leaders venture to a castle of dragons. 

Their intent is to build an alliance—what they find is death. But that is not all Killian discovers. Standing alone in a garden is a shy dragon with scales of a deep dark green—Killian’s favored hue. The shifter’s name is Duke Dravyn D’Vairedraconis, and he is Killian’s mate.

Dravyn knows little about the world. At four, he lost his parents and his uncle made him into a servant. Now, Dravyn is standing across from a sorcerer, and Killian’s magic scares him and his beast. Although he cannot deny that Killian is beautiful, Dravyn has no words to convey the mixture of emotions brewing in him.

Hours after Killian leaves the castle, a twist changes everything. Soon, more than fear separates Killian and Dravyn. Obstacles stand between them, but Fate has already paired their souls. What are they willing to sacrifice to honor the goddess and the tug of their hearts?


Killian’s lips tingled. It was a pleasant feeling, and he grinned at the blushing Duke in front of him. 

“Your mouth is addictive,” Killian said.

To his delight, Dravyn’s cheeks went pinker, and he shuffled his feet. Thankfully, Dravyn kept his deep green gaze locked on Killian’s. Thanks to the great studying Killian had done of Dravyn in their slowly growing acquaintance, he’d learned that the moment the shifter grew uncomfortable his eyes hit the ground. Killian detested it whenever Dravyn’s shoulders stooped or he bowed his head.

From what Killian had learned of Dravyn’s life thus far, the man had done nothing to deserve such innate reticence about asserting himself or feeling comfortable in his own skin. Killian’s hands curled into fists as he thought about the many years Dravyn had served as a servant due to greedy, unworthy dragons.

“Shift whenever you are ready,” Killian said to Dravyn.

To Killian’s amusement, in the glow of the golden light he’d provided them in the dark, Dravyn’s ears turned a deep red. 

Dravyn’s chin hit his chest. “I will need a bit of privacy to shift.”

Although Killian would have preferred to watch Dravyn peel off his clothing so he could see every inch of his thickly muscled body, he was unsurprised at the Duke’s words. 

“I understand,” Killian assured him with a quick peck on one pink cheek.

Dravyn’s mouth twisted for a second, then he leaned forward and pressed his lips to Killian’s. That was an invitation Killian refused to ignore, and he cupped the bare skin of Dravyn’s neck underneath his tangled mess of dark locks to kiss him more deeply. Just like the first time, Dravyn set Killian aflame. Killian was not unexperienced, but no one had ever come close to driving him to the edge of madness—and they had barely touched. 

Killian’s eager mind threatened his sanity with images of him lying intertwined with Dravyn. To keep himself from tugging at Dravyn’s clothing himself, Killian ruthlessly shut down that train of thought and waited for his mate to shyly end their embrace. Stepping back, Dravyn smiled.

“I should go shift now,” Dravyn said.

“I’ll wait however long you need,” Killian replied, meaning every word. 

Dravyn sprinted off toward the copse of trees behind them. Rocking from heel to toe, Killian tried not to think about Dravyn removing his clothes so he wouldn’t do something stupid like chase him.

“Such dangerous beauty,” Killian murmured as Dravyn swooped down behind him so he would not run into any tall trees. Turning on his heel, Killian increased the glow of his lamp to better appreciate the way the light reflected off the dark scales of the magnificent creature in front of him. Killian stepped forward and laid a hand on the surprisingly sleek texture of dragonskin. “How do I get myself up?”

Dravyn stretched his legs out and bellyflopped into the dirt. It was such a surprisingly cute movement from such a grand dragon that Killian laughed. Then he tugged his cloak up and stretched a leg over Dravyn. It took some wiggling, but eventually, Killian’s bare feet dangled on either side of the beast’s curved back.

Before Killian could decide if he should be frightened, Dravyn thundered across the ground and flapped his enormous wings. They left the ground, and Killian threw his arms up as they went airborne. The wind whipped through his hair, tugging off his hood, and he grinned as they flowed through the cool night sky.

“This is incredible,” Killian shouted, and to his delight, Dravyn’s beast grumbled with what he hoped was an answering delight as they shared this wondrous experience together.

About the Author 

Jessamyn Kingley has published over thirty titles and refuses to pick a favorite among them. With an extraordinary passion for her characters, she enthusiastically adds tales to her D’Vaire series and avidly re-reads them whenever her schedule allows. After decades living in the Washington, DC area, she now resides in Nevada with her husband and their three spoiled cats. When she is not writing or adding new ideas to her beloved notebooks, she is gaming with family and friends. 

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