Monday, April 30, 2018

Review, Excerpt & Giveaway: THE PERFECT WHORE by Josephine Myles

Cover Design: Lou Harper
Length: 58,000 words approx


Being the object of everyone's sexual fantasies ain't all it's cracked up to be...

On a mining colony planet a long way from Earth, bandit Jedd Lightning dreams of making enough money to get his ship spaceworthy again. During a robbery at a high-class brothel, he meets gorgeous alien rentboy Storm and is instantly smitten-but the heist goes south and Jedd has to high-tail it out of there with only half the loot.

Enslaved by a fierce Madam, Storm's shapeshifting talents make him the most sought after whore on Talmak. He literally can't stop himself becoming his client's fantasy lover. Sick of enforced transformations, he wants to escape, but he's closely guarded and has no experience of the unfamiliar city outside the brothel.

Storm is willing-and eager-to do anything to persuade Jedd to break him out of his gilded prison. Lucky for him the arrogant outlaw needs Storm's help to free his crewmate, held as hostage by a vicious mob boss who wants Jedd to complete the theft he was hired for. Storm keeps blowing away Jedd's expectations-but with both the law and the mob against them, they could end up with nowhere left to run.


“Stick ’em up, people. This is a raid. I want all your valuables, right now...” The last words trailed away as Jedd took a really good look at the naked, sweaty couple on the bed. His target, the Right Honorable Senator Artaxico Thrublet, was on his knees behind one of the most gorgeous bodies Jedd had ever clapped eyes on. A body on hands and knees. A most decidedly human and male body…

Sh*t, had he gotten the wrong room? Jedd squinted at the client, trying to work out if it really was the senator. ’He was definitely Talmaki, with his lizard-like body, orange, hairless skin and bulging eyes . But no, he’d studied footage of Artaxico and recognized his large nose and the ridiculous looking rows of diamond studs up both his pointed ears.

“Hold on, just let me finish. Uh!” Artaxico shuddered to a stop, his belly wobbling as he panted obscenely. Jedd winced at the sight. He knew interspecies mating went on—everyone had heard the tales—but intellectual knowledge wasn’t the same thing as having it thrust in your face. Talmaki just weren’t his idea of sexy. Okay, there had been that one time he’d got drunk enough for a fumble in an alleyway, but the alien’s c*ck had been kind of scary, and things hadn’t got very far. But maybe the gorgeous young whore was used to those luminous, scaly shafts of meat. Maybe he even enjoyed them. Was he enjoying Talmaki c*ck right now? He was certainly hard enough.

Right now Jedd couldn’t see the expression on the whore’s face as it was buried in the mattress, but maybe that was for the best. There was no way he could be handsome enough to do that incredible body justice. No wonder the senator had decided to try him as a change from the celebrated Divine. The rentboy moaned through his own orgasm, just moments after the senator, and drenched the sheets below him in spunk.

Artaxico withdrew, revealing an intimidating length of glowing scarlet c*ck, then collapsed back onto the bed. He reached out to pat a perfectly formed buttock. “Run along now, sthweetie. I wouldn’t want you to get caught up in any of this nasty business.” The lad scooted down to the end of the bed facing Jedd, exposing an equally impressive prick which was filling up again in what must be a record-breaking time.

And as for his face... Suns above! Those were lips Jedd would give anything to see stretched around his d*ck. But no, he had a job to do, and he wasn’t about to get sidetracked by some hyper-sexed rentboy, no matter how astoundingly gorgeous he was.

“The boy stays,” Jedd ordered. Artaxico gave him a puzzled look, but Jedd pressed on. “I want your datapod and passcode, now!”

“Not a chance in hell. That passcode is top level sthecurity,” Artaxico lisped. “I really don’t imagine there’s anything an ignorant monkey like you could do that could force me to sthpeak.”

Okay, just as he’d feared, but Jedd had his back-up plan. “Oh yeah?” Jedd strode over to the bed and grabbed the lithe young man under the arm. There was a brief moment where he was distracted by the sensation of naked skin against his own, but he couldn’t afford to lose any time so he pulled the whore upright, holding the charge gun to his temple. “Your strumpet gets it if you don’t talk. And don’t think this is a bluff. I never bluff.” He pulled the lad tighter to him for emphasis, but this had the unfortunate effect of bringing more of his own body in contact with those taut muscles, and his face even closer to the thatch of chestnut curls. His nose was on a level with the top of the whore’s head, and he pulled in a lungful of the most divine, arousing musk. Feeling a familiar tightening in his pants where he brushed up against those pert buttocks, Jedd cursed his over-active libido. “I’m warning you! The code, now!”

Artaxico just laughed, a mocking bray that wound Jedd up worse than finding a firebug had crawled into his beer. “Utter nonsense! I’ve stheen killers before – by the sthuns, I employ enough of them, and you really don’t have that look in your eyes. You’re just an overgrown wassat, aren’t you?” The senator twitched his nose in a near perfect imitation of one of the pesky rodents.

Jedd fumed. First a monkey, now a wassat. He turned the gun on the senator. “Okay then, if you don’t give me that passcode this instant, you get it. I mean it!”

“Like you’ll ever be able to get it off me if I’m dead. Does that antique piece of crap even have the power to kill? Looks more like something my wife would carry to stun any overconfident admirers.”

Goddammit, how could the man tell? Jedd waved the gun as threateningly as he could. “You willing to take that risk?”

Artaxico laughed again, getting up to his feet. “What risk? There’s security everywhere in this place, you know? I’m just going to stroll out of here and call the guards, and you’re not going to do a thing to stop me.”

Oh, wasn’t he? Jedd aimed at Artaxico’s head and pulled the trigger. “Ha! Not so clever now, are you?”

“Is he going to be all right? That was just a stun, wasn’t it? “ The godlike young man had a voice to match his physique—a rich and sultry baritone that rumbled against Jedd’s breastbone.

The senator snored before Jedd had a chance to answer, and the lad melted back against him, sighing with what sounded like relief. Their close contact made a certain part of Jedd’s body grow stiffer while the rest seemed to want to melt into a puddle.

Would the rentboy mind sneaking in a quickie? Jedd would even pay if he had to, the lad was that gorgeous. Or would the stun charge have set off the internal alarm system? Probably best not to risk dawdling too long.

Still, seemed a shame to waste a moment like this now that Artaxico was unable to interfere. Jedd loosened his hold and let the young man turn in his arms. Holy f*ck, Jedd could feel the whore’s massive erection prodding his thigh.

He took a deep breath, forced it out. Focus. Not here. Not now. Just gather information. “Captain Jedd Lightning, at your service. And who might you be, gorgeous creature?”

The man chuckled, stepping away from him and turning to fix him with a pair of intensely soulful deep green eyes. “My working name’s Divine, but you can call me Storm.”

“Divine? But… You’re meant to be a girl!” Jedd spluttered.

The young man gave a maddening, secretive smile. “Divine can be whoever you want, Captain. Divine is simply the title of your ideal lover.”

“So they swap you around depending on what the johns want? There are other Divines?”

“Something like that. But please, call me Storm.” A plaintive note sounded in his voice and his lower lip jutted in an almost-pout. “No one ever does these days.”

Storm. It suited him, as there was a wildness in those eyes that Jedd thought he recognized, something he glimpsed in his own reflection every morning. Focusing on Storm’s eyes proved a challenge, though, when there was all that naked flesh to feast his gaze on. Smooth, bronzed skin, with just enough hair between those dark nipples to make him want to run his fingers through it. Jedd’s gaze followed the trail down all the way to the most majestic c*ck he’d ever seen. It reached up invitingly, as if seeking Jedd’s hand.

“You have quite an imagination, don’t you?” Storm said, staring down at himself as if in fascination.

Carra's Review

I only have one question after reading this book…when will book two be out?  I don’t usually read a lot of sci-fi romance (particularly M/M), not because I don’t like it (because I really, really do!) but I just don’t have much of it crossing my feeds to see what’s out there in the genre.  I’m so glad this one did, because I thoroughly enjoyed it and can’t wait for more in this series!

The setting and some characters are reminiscent of the show Firefly, with the space bandit with a conscience and not-in-great-shape ship.  I very much identified Jedd’s character with Captain Mal from that show, mostly due to Jedd’s moral character and cocky attitude.  The fact that I was making these associations made me even more inclined to like the story.

It made me sad to see how Storm was used by those who he’d been held by before, even more so because he seemed resigned to that fate, even once he was with Jedd.  The abilities that Storm possessed were unique and put a fascinating twist on the story.  I interpreted that Storm’s appearance when in the form that matched Jedd’s fantasy so closely matched what Storm believed his actual form to be to mean that Jedd was more interested and strongly attracted to WHO Storm is, not WHAT he is.

Storm and Jedd form an easy connection, and I loved that they both felt protective toward each other, especially Jedd when Storm was in trouble.  I’m also looking forward to the author exploring Jedd’s seeming acquiescence to Storm when things became physically intimate.

The action and suspense fully kept my attention, and I wound up reading this straight through because I did not want to put it down.  There were also some great supporting characters—some who don’t act as you might expect when you’re first introduced to them—and I hope we get to see several of them return in future books in the series.  The story ends on a good note; more a happy-for-now with the promise of more stories to come, and there’s plenty of ends to be tied up so I’d probably classify it as a cliffhanger, but a satisfying one.

The Perfect Whore gets 5 stars from me, and the author has me well and truly hooked for this series.  If you’re an M/M sci-fi adventure romance fan—especially if you like shows like Firefly—you’ll definitely want to pick this one up!  This story is meant for readers 18+ for adult language and sexual content.

About the Author

English through and through, Josephine Myles is addicted to tea and busy cultivating a reputation for eccentricity. She writes gay erotica and romance, but finds the erotica keeps cuddling up to the romance, and the romance keeps corrupting the erotica. Jo blames her rebellious muse but he never listens to her anyway, no matter how much she threatens him with a big stick. She's beginning to suspect he enjoys it.

Jo's novel Stuff won the 2014 Rainbow Award for Best Bisexual Romance, and her novella Merry Gentlemen won the 2014 Rainbow Award for Best Gay Romantic Comedy. She loves to be busy, and is currently having fun trying to work out how she is going to fit in her love of writing, dressmaking and attending cabaret shows in fabulous clothing around the demands of a preteen with special needs, an incessantly curious pre-schooler, and a bun in the oven!


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Hosted By Signal Boost Promotions

New Release-Excerpt & Giveaway: COMPELLED BY FATE by Christa Paige (Kan Asma Vampires #2)

Compelled by Fate Tour Graphic
Christa Paige
Series: Kan Asma Vampires Book 2
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Hartwood Publishing
Publication Date: April 10, 2018
Thrown together in a race against time, he has to win her heart to save her life.
Vastian is the deadliest warrior prince in the history of the Kan Asma Vampire Council. He'd willingly give his life to follow his revered leader's orders to protect their people, no questions asked. Brutal wars have honed his skills as a ruthless killer while the beast that hides behind a human façade craves vengeance for the infiltration of his homeland. It is all a distraction from what he truly wants.
When the unthinkable happens, and tragedy follows, Vastian must reveal a secret that alters his life forever.
His blood-bound oath to the Council and their the long-held traditions forbid him to uphold the solemn vow he made to save the one female his heart desires but can never have. He can't risk falling in love with Thalia, but he will keep her safe and matter what.
Because she will die without him.
Vastian is about to wage the biggest battle of his life. If he fails to win this war, it will mean losing her, forever.
Compelled by Fate Teaser


"So why do I feel this way?" Her eyelids fluttered as her gaze settled on his face.

"You don't want it?" He dropped his hands, crossed his trembling arms over his chest. God, what was he doing? His hunger had never gotten the best of him.

She moved, slow and cautious, sweeping her fingertips across his clenched jaw. "I shouldn't."

He shook his head and caught her hand, bringing it to his mouth, pressing a kiss to her knuckles. When he exhaled against her delicate skin, she shivered and keened his name.

"I'm so cold." She shivered again and pulled her hand free to rub her arms. "Cold to the bone."

The sweetest hint of female arousal clung to the air, teasing his senses. Inside, he rioted. His features shifted, stinging as the bones aligned into his predatory state. He fought against his inborn nature while the line between humanity and the animalistic creature in his soul vanished.

He wanted her. Craved her.

When his eyes turned, his field of vision expanding, he saw her heat signals, watched the minute changes of her pulse. She swallowed reflexively, as if nervous. Her lips parted, and little breaths tore from her chest. If he didn't take her in his arms and touch her, warm her, taste her, he was going to lose his freaking mind.

He lifted his arms, hands up and forced himself to speak, "Let me help you then."

She had ten seconds to march out of there and put distance between them. It was all he could manage. If she stood there any longer, he'd shove his humanity into a dark corner of his soul, muzzle the bastard and take what he wanted.

Five seconds.


She looked past his shoulder and shook her head.


"Please." When she reached for him, he roared and pushed her back against the wall. His mouth crashed onto hers, tongue spearing into her mouth. He kissed her with wild abandon, pressing her to open further, to surrender to his invasion.

Her tongue met his, dueled and touched. His thoughts splintered. Desire rammed into him, and he caught both sides of her face, angling her head to nibble on her lips.

Insistent hands traveled up his chest, shaping his muscles. She skated her fingers over his pecs and higher still to his shoulder. When her palm curved at the nape of his neck and tugged, he closed his eyes and let her pull him down to her throat.

He was lost, utterly and completely gone. With one fang pressed against the warm flesh, he pushed until it gave but withdrew immediately. He waited for the blood to drip from the puncture and followed the stream across the ridge of her collarbone and under the loose collar of her blouse. A little pool of her blood coalesced in the valley of her breasts just waiting for him to savor each heated droplet.

When she pulled the blouse down, exposing her creamy skin and the lacy bra, heat surged low between his legs. A pounding throb drew the skin tight.

"Drink," she commanded in a rough pitch.

About Christa Paige

Strict professor by day. Romance author by night. Lover of all things alpha-male twenty-four hours a day. Christa Paige writes contemporary romantic stories featuring the brave men and women in law enforcement. Christa's expanded Kan Asma series includes alpha-male vampires fighting against all odds for their mates. Also, Christa writes sweet Regency love stories. A native SoCal girl, Christa loves, knitting, Star Wars, LOTR, Austen, and Disneyland.
Join Christa's Kraliyet Facebook Group


Compelled by Fate Giveaway Graphic
Contest runs from April 27 - May 3, 2018.

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Spotlight-Excerpt & Giveaway: THE AGREEMENT by Linda Burson (The Marcy Series #4)

The Agreement Tour Graphic
Linda Burson
Series: Marcy Series Book 4
Genre: Romantic Suspense, Thriller
Publisher: Class Art Books
Publication Date: July 14, 2016
Life changing events...with unexpected results.
After the perfect honeymoon, Brad and Marcy return to reality to begin their new life together. Things seem to be going well until a nightmare event from her recent past returns to terrorize Marcy, and she is saved by Brad and a surprise visitor. This experience haunts Marcy making her miss Liam all the more. Unfortunately, Brad and Marcy's wedded bliss runs into complications. Brad seems distant and cold, and Marcy is confused by his unexpected behavior.
When Marcy goes into labor, Brad is by her side. They finally get the results of the paternity test. Brad has to leave on a business trip for three weeks. Before he departs, Marcy confronts Brad about their crumbling marriage and decides it may be better for them to separate. Brad begs Marcy to reconsider pleading with her not to leave. He tells her how much he loves her and the baby, and he'll make everything right.
For now, Marcy agrees to stay put with their son. During this time, Marcy receives a major shock. An evening of revenge is at hand. Brad returns and he and Marcy reconcile. Brad forms a surprising and unexpected friendship which changes the course of their lives.
"This book is filled with betrayal, love and surprises and you will feel like laughing and crying, sometimes both at the same time!!"
- Kirsty Noah-whitlock, Goodreads Reviewer


I smile at my parents, but before I say anything, I look over and see tears in Brad’s eyes. It surprises me, and I’m touched. I walk over to him, and sit on his lap. He puts his arms around me. I bury my head in his neck kissing it.

“I’m in love with you, Marcy Jean Preston.”

“I’m in love with you, Bradley William Preston.”

“You are one of a kind. There are no words…”

We sit in the chair holding each other and not moving. After a while he gazes at me and kisses me warmly.

“You do things to me I can’t explain.”

“I didn’t mean to make you sad.”

“Marcy, you didn’t make me sad. You make me very, very happy. You want to go to bed now?”

“Yes, I do.”

We get up and notice everyone has left the room.

“Did we chase everyone out?” I wonder.

“I think they were just giving us a moment, baby. Let’s go say goodnight. I’m sure my parents want to get back to the hotel.”

We go into the kitchen, and they’re sitting around the table.

“Marcy thank you for that song. It was beautiful, just like you, honey,” Laura articulates. She gets up and walks over to me and whispers in my ear. “Thank you for making my son so happy. I love you.”

Book Tour Schedule

Follow the tour from April 30 - May 12, 2018.
Visit each tour stop daily and discover more features, excerpts, reviews, interviews, fun facts and more!
To check the latest tour schedule, visit the The Agreement Book Page at Book Unleashed.
The Agreement Tour Graphic

About Linda Burson

Linda Burson, a native of Pennsylvania, but long time Connecticut resident, has been writing ever since she was a teenager. She started out writing memoirs and continued writing by attempting several nonfiction pieces.
After attending college, pursuing other interests, and traveling, a lot of Linda's free time was spent reading mysteries, romance, and women's contemporary novels.
After several attempts at writing nonfiction, but having life get in the way, she put her passion on hold again. She gave up writing to focus on raising her daughters, being a wife, running her own custom computerized embroidery business and taking care of her dog, a Lhasa Apso named Nathan.
After a serious bout of breast cancer, Linda eventually closed down her business after almost fifteen years. She decided it was time to attempt writing again. This time, however, with nothing to distract her, she decided on tackling fiction, a contemporary, commercial romance with a dark edge.
In January, 2013, she sat down with her laptop and started writing notes about how her novel would progress. After that, the writing began and it never stopped. Before she was aware of it, her idea of a single book turned into a trilogy, which turned into a much longer series called the MARCY SERIES. There are a total of 13 books in the series.
When asked about inspiration, Linda has this to say: "Nobody really inspired me to write, but I do remember my mother and father always saying 'anything you put your mind to you can accomplish. Don't ever let anyone tell you, you can't do something.' Having the support and encouragement of my family is also important."
Linda is now in the process of writing a new thriller novel, a short story, and has just completed a mystery called Murder Among Friends, which is due to be published April 15, 2018. Her seventh book in the MARCY SERIES is due to be released mid 2018.


The Agreement Giveaway Graphic
Prizes up for grabs:
Three (3) Winner's Choice of eBook from Linda Burson's backlist
Contest runs from April 30 - May 12, 2018.

In partnership with
Book Unleashed Logo

Sunday, April 29, 2018

New Release-Review & Giveaway: MASC by Marshall Thornton (Femme #2)

Length: 56,000 words approx.


Femme (Book #1) - Universal Buy Link


Lionel and Dog are back in this follow-up to the Lambda finalist, Femme. Almost six months have passed and, after taking an online quiz, Lionel believes their relationship is doomed because they have nothing in common. To save their relationship, the pair joins a gay bowling league and discovers that Lionel is an excellent, if somewhat eccentric bowler.

Meanwhile, Dog gets profiled in a work newsletter. He's excited that he's out at work but doesn't immediately see that by fawning over Dog's masculine nature he was also putting down all femme guys. Lionel takes it personally which leads to a crisis in their relationship. Attempting to make it up to Lionel, Dog attempts to make a grand gesture which backfires spectacularly.

Will the two manage to put things right? And will a night in jail, a morning of drag bingo, an afternoon of day drinking, and a month of moping make things better or worse?

Carra's Review

I totally enjoyed meeting Lionel and Dog in Femme, and loved getting to know them better and watch their relationship progress here in Masc.  For the most part, this story is about the two of them finding things they like in common—something about which Lionel is on edge thanks to Dog’s sister pointing him to a list she found online regarding relationships.  For opposites like these two, Lionel’s concern results in them joining a bowling league to do something together.

The author mixes humor and real life situations to give readers a story with which many can probably identify, while still keeping Dog’s lovable, sometimes clueless attitude and Lionel’s occasionally over-the-top one.  Lionel’s friend Carlos (Carlotta) returns with his utterly unreliable car and his mixed up sayings, and Dog’s family is also back—still not able to keep secrets from each other, but thankfully all of them still supporting Dog as well as Lionel.  Dog’s father is a great source of laughs on top of those you’ll have already found with Lionel and Dog.  

The introduction of someone from Dog’s job who just can’t take no for an answer injects a bit of drama, as do some visits with Lionel’s father.  It all contributes to the evolution and strengthening of Dog and Lionel’s relationship.  

Oh, and the description of Lionel’s approach to bowling when he first starts out?  As a bowler myself, I alternated between wincing and laughing my butt off.

Masc is an awesome follow-up to Femme, and in the end reassured me that Dog and Lionel really are perfect together.  This story was a solid 4-star read for me, and while you’re not going to find steamy sex scenes, there’s plenty of adult language and sexual innuendo…along with some inappropriate touching…to make this book one for readers 18+.

Author Bio

Marshall Thornton is known for the Lambda Award-winning Boystown Mysteries. His comedic novels include The Ghost Slept Over, My Favorite Uncle and the Lambda Finalist for Gay Romance, Femme. Marshall holds an MFA in Screenwriting from UCLA and has had plays produced in both Chicago and Los Angeles and stories published in The James White Review and Frontier Magazine.


Hosted By Signal Boost Promotions

New Release-Excerpt & Giveaway: LOVE, MUSIC, MADNESS by Tabitha Rhys

by Tabitha Rhys

Saturday, April 28, 2018

New Release-Review & Giveaway: TEST OF VALOR by Keira Andrews (Valor #2)

Cover Design: Dar Albert @ Wicked Smart Designs
Length: 70,000 words approx.

Valor Series


They're free of the White House, but can their forbidden romance survive in the real world?

With his father no longer president, twenty-two-year-old Rafa Castillo can finally be with ex-Secret Service agent Shane Kendrick. Shane's given up his career for Rafa, a move his fellow agents question the sanity and morality of. Eager to get away from the questions and judgement, Rafa and Shane are building a new life together in Australia. Though Shane struggles with nightmares and his over-protective instincts while Rafa fights his own insecurity, they love each other more than ever.

Now they just have to get through a visit from the former president and first lady.

Rafa's parents certainly don't approve of his romance with forty-year-old Shane, and they're determined to make him see reason. They don't see how their son could possibly be happy settling down with an older man, and they question Shane's motives. Shane and Rafa just want a normal life together-but when they must suddenly battle for survival, they fight to prove their fierce love can withstand any threat.

This gay romance from Keira Andrews is the conclusion of the Valor duology. It features a May-December age difference, sex on the beach, and of course a happy ending.

Carra's Review

After the excitement of Valor on the Move, my interest was definitely piqued when I saw Test of Valor would be coming.  I loved Rafa and Shane in the first book, so revisiting these two was an absolute “yes!” for me.  Keira Andrews did not disappoint, and I enjoyed this one as much as the first.

Rafa and Shane are going just as strong now as they were when we left them in Valor on the Move.  Things are just as loving, but a heck of a lot sexier and a bit more naughty than the first time around.  Just a bit… ;-)  Plus, their bond is stronger—something that is pretty important in this book since Rafa’s parents haven’t and aren’t giving up on convincing him that Shane isn’t the guy for him.  His parents, and in particular his mother (who I already wasn’t fond of in the first book), aggravated me to no end in this story, at least through the entire first half.

Just like in any relationship, things came up to test Rafa and Shane’s commitment to each other, exacerbated by his parents (read “his mother”) feeding the fire.  There’s a lot of tension introduced thanks to Rafa’s parents—enough to have made me want to find his mother (a fictional character) and tell her off in the most spectacular way.  There’s also added drama in the last half of the book that ultimately defines how Rafa, Shane, and Rafa’s parents’ relationship will go moving forward.  

While Valor on the Move was more concentrated on the suspense and Rafa dealing with coming out, Test of Valor focused on the continued strengthening of Shane and Rafa’s bond, and testing not just Rafa’s relationship with his parents, but also his and Shane’s…with just the right touch of drama to bring it all together.  And while I was ready to go to town on Rafa’s mother for much of the story, that added drama actually softened my attitude toward her—something most stories with characters like her aren’t able to do.  

4.5 stars for Test of Valor, and I definitely recommend this to M/M romance fans—especially if you love age gap/May-December romances.  You will want to read Valor on the Move before starting Test of Valor; if you don’t, you will probably be a little lost since events in the first book are referenced in the second, and those events help shape Rafa and Shane’s relationship into what you’ll see here.  This book is meant for readers 18+ for adult language (much to Rafa’s mother’s consternation) and dirty-talking sexual content.

About Keira

After writing for years yet never really finding the right inspiration, Keira discovered her voice in gay romance, which has become a passion. She writes contemporary, historical, fantasy, and paranormal fiction and - although she loves delicious angst along the way - Keira firmly believes in happy endings. For as Oscar Wilde once said:

"The good ended happily, and the bad unhappily. That is what fiction means."


Hosted By Signal Boost Promotions

New Release-Excerpt & Giveaway: A LOVE TO REMEMBER by Sarah Hadley Brook

Length: 27,000 words approx.

Publisher: JMS Books


Graham Hayes decided long ago he'd never be in a relationship. It was better to stay single than to fall in love only to be left alone, which he was certain would happen to him. He'd seen Alzheimer's ravage his family members all his life, leaving their loved ones to deal with the fallout. Some of them stayed, but some didn't. Graham isn't going to risk it.

When he hires nurse Sam Morgan to take care of his dad during the day, his pledge to stay single is put to the test. He soon finds it difficult to maintain a professional distance.

Graham's guarded his heart for so long, but his resolve is crumbling. Will he be able to conquer his fear to give himself a chance at love? Can he trust Sam to stick around for better or worse?


The doorbell rang just as Graham took a seat at the table, preparing to try and get some work done. It had been days since he'd even opened his laptop. He groaned. Looked like it wasn't meant to be for the moment. His dad had finished his granola cereal and was sitting on the sofa, reading a book. It was still early enough in the morning where he seemed to have most of his faculties.

Assuming it was the home health care aide the agency was sending over, he didn't bother to check the peephole or the window next to the entrance and swung the door open.

Graham's jaw dropped and he stood in place, his feet frozen to the ground. Was he hallucinating? What the hell was going on? He stepped out and pulled the door partially closed behind him so he could speak to the man on his doorstep. The man currently grinning down at him.

"What are you doing here?" Graham hissed. "How did you find me?" He glanced up at the man he'd met at the club and wondered if he should call the cops. Wasn't this considered stalking? It didn't matter that his body reacted in all kinds of weird ways. He could be dangerous. And compared to Graham, the guy was huge.

The man stepped back and held up his hands, palms out. "Hey, I had no idea you lived here."

Graham's eyes narrowed.

"No, seriously," he insisted. "The agency sent me here."

"Agency?" Sh*t. "You're the ... home health care aide?"

S.G. nodded and offered his hand. "I'm Sam Morgan. Nurse for hire."

Graham stared up at him -- probably a little too long at the man's massive chest -- and finally shook his hand, shaken by the jolt of electricity coursing through his arm. "Okay. Um, come inside?" His voice was trembling. Get a grip!

S.G. -- Sam -- followed him inside, ducking his head as he walked through the doorway.

His dad didn't look up, so Graham led the man to the kitchen table, gesturing for him to take a seat. He wasn't even sure what to say. Or ask. He felt awkward. And silly for thinking the guy was stalking him. Graham had only been a quick f*ck at the club for Sam. A means to an end. Nothing more.

He sat across from Sam and stared. The man was even sexier in the daylight. Dirty blond hair cut close to the scalp, a little longer on top. In the light he could see his eyes were the color of caramel. Hazel, maybe? He fought the urge to reach across the table and stroke the stubble still covering his jawline. And sh*t, the man was broad. Huge. He'd thought of him as a warrior that night and he found himself thinking that was still an apt description.

"You're a nurse?" he blurted out.

Sam frowned. "Hey, don't stereotype me," he said quietly. "I love being a nurse."

Graham's face heated. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean ... I guess I'm just kind of shocked at seeing you here," he admitted.

Sam's frown turned into a grin. "Yeah, not exactly what I was expecting this morning, either." He tilted his head toward Graham's dad on the sofa. "I assume I'm here for him?"

Graham cleared his throat, tried to clear his head. "Yeah. That's my dad. Thurston. Thurston Hayes."

"So you must be Graham Hayes?" Sam's voice was quiet, his gaze on Graham.

"Yes. I'm sorry. I should have introduced myself." Sh*t. He was blundering this. He'd never felt so off-kilter when it came to a man. "Do you want something to drink?"

Sam shook his head. "No thanks. Right now, can you fill me in on your dad? Let me know what's going on. I have some basic information, but it always helps to get specifics from family."

"Sure." Graham glanced at his dad and saw he was still engrossed in his book. He wondered if he'd even turned a page. Was he struggling with reading, too? Graham turned back to Sam, who was watching him, patiently waiting for him to continue. "I'm not sure what you want to know?"

Sam leaned back and offered him a small smile. "My job is to make your life easier and help the patient feel better. Why don't you just tell me a little about your dad?"

Author Bio

Sarah Hadley Brook lives smack-dab in the middle of the Heartland and is the mother of two wonderful young men, as well as two cats. During the day, she works in the nonprofit world, but reserves evenings for her hobby-turned-passion of writing, letting the characters she conjures in her mind take the lead and show her where the story will go. When not working or writing, she can be found reading, working on dollhouses, trying her hand at new recipes, or watching old movies and musicals. In her ideal world, Christmas would come at least twice a year, Rock Hudson and Doris Day would have costarred in more than three movies, and chocolate would be a daily necessity. She dreams of traveling to Scotland some day and visiting the places her ancestors lived. Sarah believes in ìHappily Ever Afterî and strives to ensure her characters find their own happiness in love and life.


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