Sunday, August 30, 2020

Review & Excerpt: WILD SKY by Zaya Feli - Includes Giveaway!

by Zaya Feli 

Publisher: Self-published
Release Date: Ebook: August 24th
Length: Ebook: 189,000 words
Subgenre: Fantasy/Romance
Warnings: mentions of symptoms of depression and PTSD. Medicine addiction and withdrawal. 

Purchase on Amazon


Tauran Darrica has been retired from the Valreus Sky Guard for four years following the Battle of the Broken Wings that resulted in the death of his dragon. Now, all Tauran wants to do is spend his days forgetting the past and gambling his way to an unsteady income.

So when his old general from the Sky Guard hunts Tauran down to request his help with staving off the increasingly aggressive wild dragon population, Tauran refuses. But a fire ruins his rented room and leaves him without a place to stay, and Tauran finds himself on the road to Valreus, after all.

Tauran is determined to stay as far away from dragons as he can get, but a starry-eyed young man from Sharoani, land of the wild dragons, might just ruin his plans.

Kalai Ro-Ani has spent his life watching the stars, knowing he could never reach them.

With his wild dragon Arrow, he sets out for the city of Valreus in the hope of building himself a better future than he could have stuck at the foot of the Kel Visal dragon temples.

But nobody told Kalai that only the Sky Guard is allowed to own dragons, so when Arrow kills a guard in Kalai’s defense, it looks like his adventure might be over before it can begin. But a chance encounter at the old Valreus archive offers Kalai the future he’d been hoping for. In the span of a single day, he has a home, a job, and a purpose.

In Valreus, something much bigger falls into his lap – along with a tall and striking Valrean man with a rather strange disposition.

A new, LGBT+ fantasy story from Zaya Feli, featuring dragons, aerial battles and epic journeys through dangerous wilderness.

Praise for Wild Sky

Double threat author and illustrator, Zaya Feli, paints a vivid picture of queer love in the time of dragons in Wild Sky
- Nicole Kimberling, award-winning author of Sea of Stars

From the author, Zaya Feli

The overarching theme is about how healing is possible despite severe damage. That some things may not be fixable, and that simply learning to persevere and find support and happiness where it exists can be enough.


“Lift your jacket.”

Kalai shrugged off his jacket, a sudden rush of heat rising to his face when Tauran reached around his hips and fitted the harness. Tauran slid the buckles into place, tightening the thigh straps until they were both snug, then slipped a finger between the leather and Kalai’s thigh, sending a shiver dancing across Kalai’s skin.

Tauran took a few steps back. His eyes lingered on the harness, traveling only slowly upward. His gaze was heavy. “Well, how is it?”

Kalai swallowed, the heat in Tauran’s eyes distracting his thoughts for an embarrassingly long moment. “It’s… it’s nice,” he said, shifting his hips and tugging on it slightly to adjust it.

A faint smile flitted over Tauran’s lips. “Not too tight?”

“I like tight.” Kalai’s words hung in the air for a moment before he realized what he’d said. A wave of embarrassed heat rolled through his body. “I mean… I… Tight is fine. I mean, it’s secure. Uhm..”

A soft sound from Tauran made him raise his head.

Tauran’s cheeks were dimpled with his obvious attempt to hold back a grin. “Oh, I like it tight, too, darlin’,” he said, smoothly.

Carra's Review

Okay, buckle up folks, you’re in for a great read!  With the intricate world-building, complex characters, and elaborate storyline this story was mesmerizing enough to pull me in from the very first page and swallow me whole—for well over 700 pages.  Not only that, but it did so without losing my interest at all along the way.  I’ll admit—when I opened this up and saw how long it was, it did give me pause.  Usually with books of this length my mind will wind up drifting while reading since it’s no easy task to continually keep my interest for that many pages.  Not so with Wild Sky.

The main characters of Tauran, a former dragon rider, and Kalai, a young man hoping to find his fortune in Valreus are captivating, and the relationship between them is VERY slow burn.  Even as it unfolds over the whole book, the unhurried pace of their romance makes it feel natural, developing as friends before moving on to more.  These two are well suited, and quite sweet together.

There is of course intrigue afoot with the issues from the prior battle with rebels coming back to twist things up in the present day, and it’s difficult to tell just which characters Tauran and Kalai can trust.  There was plenty of action, excitement, and suspense as things unfold, and at the center of it all are the dragons.  The dragons were as much a part of the character list as the humans were, each with their own personalities and individual mannerisms.

This is the first book I’ve read by this author, and after finishing this I’m definitely keeping an eye out for more.  This is talented storytelling, and I didn’t want to put it down—it’s an ideal example of a great M/M fantasy romance.

Five stars for Wild Sky—I do highly recommend this to any fantasy fans, and if you love dragons then all the better.  Your attention will be captured for a long while, and you’re going to truly enjoy where the author takes you.

About the Author

Zaya Feli grew up in various small towns in eastern Denmark where she spent most of her childhood and youth daydreaming about strange and incredible fantasy worlds. In 2018, she moved to northern Denmark with her pet snake, Helix, to work as a web developer, and is now dedicating all her free time turning the fantasy worlds inside her head into words and illustrations on the page.
An avid sci fi and fantasy fan since childhood, she also has a deep love for history, archery, nature, language and art.
Zaya Feli released her debut novel, Stag's Run, in November 2016, and has since released four more full length novels and a short story. Her favourite genres are fantasy and sci-fi with a sprinkle of romance.

To celebrate the release of Wild Sky, Zaya Feli is giving away three e-copies of any back catalog e-book! Enter below. Must be 18 to enter and win, open internationally. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Pre-Order & Excerpt: WARDRAKE by J.A. Jaken (The Dragon Mage Chronicles Book IV)

by J.A. Jaken
Series: The Dragon Mage Chronicles Book IV
Length: 91,000 words
Genre: Fantasy, Adventure, M/M Romance

Pre-Order Links

Andrei and Jander return home to the city of Vallerin with the grimmest possible news and tell their king to do what he can to prepare his people for war. Kirin is heading toward the capital with a legion behind him, and he is determined to take revenge both on Andrei and on the apprentice he believes supplanted him in his former master's heart. This time, with the might of an entire dragon army at his command, he very well might succeed.

A hazy yellow glow appeared in the darkness ahead of them, which soon resolved itself into the shape of a lantern hanging off a tall pole held by one of the riders. The dim lamp provided only the sketchiest of illumination, and seemed to cast more shadows than light.
“Stop,” one of the riders said gruffly, his voice carrying easily to where the four of them waited, “in the name of the king.” Jander nudged his horse a bit closer to Andrei’s left shoulder, drawing himself up to his full height. His heart was hammering inside his chest, even though he knew that these men were on his side.
Two riders approached from the right-hand side of the road, while yet another materialized almost soundlessly out of the dark behind them. The fourth wasn’t readily visible, although Jander could sense the man’s presence off to the left some distance ahead of them. The three soldiers he could see were dressed in dark leather armor and black cloaks, with Alluin’s crest prominently displayed in silver thread above the smaller insignia of the Night Watch. Jander relaxed slightly; the Night Watch was one of Vallerin’s special infantry units, trained especially in night-fighting tactics.
“The road to Vallerin is closed,” the first soldier said, resting a hand with unsettling ease on the hilt of the falchion sheathed at his side. He looked guarded, not aggressive, but there was something weathered about his dark-bearded face that set Jander’s nerves on edge. This was not a man who suffered fools gladly. “I’m Sergeant Karish, with Vallerin’s night patrol. Please state your business here.”
Andrei met the man’s gaze evenly, folding his hands inside the sleeves of his cloak. “I am Master Andrei Teresh,” he said with a slight inclination of his head. “And this is my apprentice, Jander Teregnan. These other two with us are our friends, Boaen and Tanith. My apprentice and I are returning home to Vallerin after being away for the past couple of months on a mission for the king.”
The soldier leaned forward in his saddle, peering into Andrei’s face with narrowed eyes. A moment later, he drew back in surprise, hissing lightly through his teeth. “Master Teresh,” he said. This time, there was a note of deference in his voice. “I didn’t recognize you.”
Andrei smiled ruefully. “Not surprising; we’re hardly at our best at the moment.”
Glances were exchanged among the three riders, and then Sergeant Karish turned to face them again. “The king has been waiting anxiously for your return. I know he’s eager to speak with you. There have been some disturbing developments during your absence.”
“No doubt.” Andrei’s smile turned grim. “How long has the road to Vallerin been closed?”
“About four days. There have been sightings of dragons in the skies south of Widow’s Ridge, and the king doesn’t want traffic on the road to draw their attention.”
That made Jander’s head lift in surprise. “Dragons?” he echoed, frowning. As in dragons, plural? Again, he felt that strange stirring of menace against his thoughts. Now, with this new information, he could recognize it for what it was: he was sensing the thoughts and minds of dragons, distant for now and not directed toward him in any noticeable way, but waiting patiently with a sense of almost breathless anticipation.
Karish’s dark gaze flickered over to him. “Nothing close enough to worry about yet, but you never know. There have been enough rumors flying around lately that half the city’s up in arms demanding some kind of protection from them. Corporal Keyes’ men have had their hands full just keeping order in the streets.” His gaze moved to where Gabrielle was curled on top of Jander’s shoulder, blinking up at him with her wide, gold eyes. “But I’m sure they’ll all rest easier now that you’re back home with us again, Apprentice Teregnan.”
Jander flushed lightly, making a conscious effort not to look away from the directness of the sergeant’s gaze. He had never gotten comfortable with the notoriety he received for being a dragon mage.
“We should keep moving, then,” Andrei said with a tone of decisiveness. “We were hoping to reach Vallerin tonight.”
Karish nodded. “You’ll make it within the hour if you keep a steady pace. There’s a man named Banto watching the gate; he’ll send an escort with you to the palace.”
Andrei nodded briefly in thanks and lifted up his reins again, tightening his fingers around them. “Good night then, Sergeant.”
“Fair journey,” Karish replied, and turned his horse smoothly away from them. The other riders fell in behind him, and then they were lost from sight in the darkness as swiftly as they had appeared.
Jander shared a long glance with Andrei, but there was really nothing to be said. Their questions would have to wait until they had a chance to speak to Alluin.
Giving the sky overhead an apprehensive glance, he started forward once again.

About the Author
J.A. Jaken has been writing fictional stories and novels for more than ten years, most frequently in the fantasy and science fiction genres. She got her start in the profession writing slash fanfiction, where she has published numerous stories under the pen-name Rushlight. Over the years she has written short stories and novels in genres ranging from science fiction/fantasy to gothic horror to modern detective mysteries, most with at least a touch of m/m romance to them. She lives at home in the southwestern U.S. with her college-aged son, a cat, and the family Rottweiler. Outside of writing, her interests include studying foreign languages, practicing martial arts, riding horses, and collecting medieval weaponry

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

New Release-Review & Excerpt: ACSQUIDENTALLY IN LOVE by K.L. Hiers - Includes Giveaway!

Acsquidentally In Love
by K.L. Hiers

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Cover Artist: Tiferet Design
Genre/s: Paranormal M/M Romance, Mystery, Tentacles
Trope/s: Solving Your Own Murder, Boy Meets God, Hidden Villain, Consentacles
Themes: Restoring Faith, Seeking Justice, Self-Sacrifice
Heat Rating: 4 flames
Length: 60 000 words/ 188 pages

It is the first book in the series.

Buy Links

Nothing brings two men—or one man and an ancient god—together like revenge.


Nothing brings two men—or one man and an ancient god—together like revenge.

Private investigator Sloane sacrificed his career in law enforcement in pursuit of his parents’ murderer. Like them, he is a follower of long-forgotten gods, practicing their magic and offering them his prayers… not that he’s ever gotten a response.

Until now.

Azaethoth the Lesser might be the patron of thieves and tricksters, but he takes care of his followers. He’s come to earth to avenge the killing of one of his favorites, and maybe charm the pants off the cute detective Fate has placed in his path. If he has his way, they’ll do much more than bring a killer to justice. In fact, he’s sure he’s found the man he’ll spend his immortal life with.

Sloane’s resolve is crumbling under Azaethoth’s surprising sweetness, and the tentacles he sometimes glimpses escaping the god’s mortal form set his imagination alight. But their investigation gets stranger and deadlier with every turn. To survive, they’ll need a little faith… and a lot of mystical firepower.


“I’m sorry,” Loch said suddenly, his attention stolen away from the television and focusing intently on Sloane.

“What?” Sloane turned his head, staring in shock. He didn’t think gods were much on apologies.

“I obviously caused you great discomfort with my actions earlier today,” Loch explained, his hand reaching for Sloane’s, “and yes, while I am a trickster… I don’t aim to always be a complete bastard.”

“Loch,” Sloane murmured softly, surprised by how genuinely sorry he sounded.

“I got this for you,” Loch said, a tentacle reaching over to present Sloane with an incense bowl. “It upset you, but… it also brought you joy. I thought you might like to have it.”

“This is from the museum!” Sloane gasped, recognizing it immediately as the one that had reminded him of his mother’s. “You stole this? Loch! How did you, it, it was in a glass case! We need to take it back!”

“Technically, the museum stole it from my family,” Loch said smugly. “It was an offering for my aunt, and I was merely making an effort to return it to its rightful owner. Since she’s asleep, it’s my responsibility to liberate it on her behalf. I am now giving it to you.”

“I can’t… I can’t accept this!”

“Don’t you like it?”

“Yes, but—”

“Then please take it,” Loch urged, “with my most sincere apologies.”

“Thank you.” Sloane was touched and looked over the bowl with a helpless smile. It was as good of an apology as he would likely ever get from an immortal being, with or without the well meaning theft. Suspicious, he added quickly, “I’m still not going to have sex with you.”

“We’ll see.” Loch laughed, giving Sloane’s hand a playful tug.

“No, we won’t,” Sloane said despite a big grin creeping onto his face. He didn’t pull his hand away, letting their fingers tangle together even after he put the incense bowl aside. It felt nice.

A few more sips from his drink and Sloane ended up cuddling against Loch’s side with his arm around his shoulders. That was nice too.

“Do you… uhm… do you want something to eat?” Sloane asked quietly as the hour grew late, and he realized that sandwich was the only thing either of them had had all day.

“I don’t require sustenance,” Loch replied, smirking fondly down at Sloane. “Immortal, remember?”

“Right. Uhm….”

“Would you like… something?” Loch asked innocently, his tongue swiping slowly over his lips to indicate he was definitely not talking about food.

Sloane’s cheeks flushed immediately, his attention drawn to Loch’s mouth as he stammered, “N-no, I’m actually pretty good right now.”

Loch shifted, using his arm around Sloane’s shoulders to pull him closer. He cradled Sloane’s face, fingers running into his hair as he purred, “Are you absolutely sure?”

No one had ever looked at Sloane the way Loch was right now, with such heat, such adoration and raw desire. It made his blood pump excitedly and his breath catch in his mouth before he could properly inhale.

“Not really,” Sloane replied weakly.

Loch nosed along Sloane’s cheek, sighing, “Why are you so afraid to let yourself experience pleasure with me?”

“I don’t just go around ‘experiencing pleasure’ with people!” Sloane protested even as his voice cracked when he felt Loch’s tongue slide along the edge of his ear. “F*ck….”

“Why not?” Loch asked, his breath hot and husky in Sloane’s ear.

“Because… because….” Sloane couldn’t think straight, stammering to think of an answer. It was impossible to gather his thoughts with Loch’s tongue at his ear and his fingers curling so sweetly through his hair.

“Because?” Loch pressed, calm and perfectly innocent.

“When I’m with someone, I want it to mean something,” Sloane said finally, his head foggy and trying to remain firm. “I want something that will last.”

“It can last all night,” Loch promised, his lips lightly pressing against Sloane’s jaw. “And the night after that… and the night after that….”

“F*ck it,” Sloane hissed, dragging Loch into a hot kiss, shoving his tongue into his mouth with a loud moan.

Carra's Review

You know, I never thought when I decided to read my first story involving tentacles that it would be simultaneously funny, silly, hella sexy, completely erotic…and oh yes, that it would make me cry.  All with a solid plot, characters you can’t help but like, and a bit of suspense to boot.  Nope, did not see that coming at all.  And you know what?  I LOVED IT.

My sympathy for Sloane with the death of his parents that was still unsolved was overflowing.  He’d been so determined to find out who killed them to his own career’s detriment, and of course that had me wanting vindication and resolution for him.  When Azaethoth (a.k.a Loch) comes along, he injects purpose—along with some disbelief, silliness, and charm—into Sloane’ life.  He’s incorrigible, and he’s also out to ensure the person who killed one of his devout followers is bought to justice.  An interesting combination to be sure, and one that had me laughing and wanting justice as well in equal parts.

And then there’s those tentacles.  I mean, dang…when I thought “tentacles”, my mind conjured up scenes that bordered on ridiculous, maybe even creeping into the realm of absurd.  I never expected a level of eroticism that had me checking my battery stash was stocked up.  Sloane and Loch’s intimate scenes were scorching, full stop.

To make this all even better?  There’s a solid storyline here with well thought out twists, and it got me invested deeply enough in Sloane and Loch’s budding relationship that the intense emotional buildup snuck up on me.  The very short time frame in which the story unfolds could scream insta-love, but it honestly didn’t feel like that at all to me; their feelings seemed genuine—so much so that as the climactic confrontation of the story resulted in me actually getting teary-eyed.

The lesson here?  Don’t try something new with preconceived notions of what you’re going to get.  Tentacles doesn’t automatically translate to some wacky sci-fi nonsensical pulp fiction with gratuitous porn of an alien nature.  Acsquidentally in Love actually delivers a great paranormal romance with a well thought out magical world, and a main couple you can’t help but love.  5 stars, and since this is billed as the first in a series I can’t wait for more!  This book is meant for readers 18+ for adult language and unique erotic sexual content ;-)

About the Author 

K.L. “Kat” Hiers is an embalmer, restorative artist, and queer writer. Licensed in both funeral directing and funeral service, she’s been working in the death industry for nearly a decade. Her first love was always telling stories, and she has been writing for over twenty years, penning her very first book at just eight years old. Publishers generally do not accept manuscripts in Hello Kitty notebooks, however, but she never gave up.

Following the success of her first novel, Cold Hard Cash, she now enjoys writing professionally, focusing on spinning tales of sultry passion, exotic worlds, and emotional journeys. She loves attending horror movie conventions and indulging in cosplay of her favorite characters. She lives in Zebulon, NC, with her husband and their six children, three of whom have paws and one who sometimes thinks he does.


Enter the Rafflecopter Giveaway for a chance to win

a $15 Amazon Gift Card
one of FIVE ebook copies of Acsquidentally In Love 

Monday, August 24, 2020

Review & Excerpt: WOOD: A TRUE LOVER'S STORY by A.E. Via


Wood: A True Lover's Story
by A.E. Via
M/M Romance
Release Date: 08.08.20


It’s been a long seventeen years but Herschel Wood Jr. is finally a free man and he’s looking forward to reconnecting with his old cellmate, Bishop Stockley, who promised him a place to stay and some help getting back on his feet. Wood had a good life once upon time when he’d owned one of the most successful tattoo shops on the Virginia Beach Oceanfront – until a fatal accident that was his fault cost him everything.

Now at forty-six years old, all Wood wants is to work in another shop on the beach and find a mature, easygoing man to settle down with. But when he gets to his new place and finds he has to share the small trailer with Bishop’s childhood friend, he wasn’t expecting a sexy, smart-mouthed brat that enjoys pushing a man to his limits.

Wood pressed in tight until there was only misunderstanding between them, his mouth mere inches from Trent’s parted lips. “You wanted to get a reaction out of me you annoying, immature little sh*t… now you’ve got one.”

Trent Armstrong has never been considered a catch. He’s a twenty-nine year old laborer, an ex-con, and not the easiest person to get along with. He’s used to being the one people cast to the side when they're done with him. Everyone he’s ever cared about has walked out of his life without a backward glance, so he’s used to the loneliness. His foul mouth and quick temper are a great defense mechanism and an easy way to hide his hurt.

From the moment the tattooed, silver-haired man walked into the house there had been nothing but tension, side-eyeing, and sparks between them. Trent has always held back a side of himself that he’s terrified to explore, and without warning Wood’s voice, his maturity, that maddening scent, and even his damaged past all trigger feelings that Trent thought he’d buried deep long ago.

Trent went completely still when Wood dragged his nose over his forehead and down the side of his face. His voice was shaky, and his breaths were hot and swift along Wood’s throat. “What the hell are you doing?”

“I’m doing what you want me to do.” Wood whispered. “I’m playing your bullsh*t game, Trent.”

The True Lover's Stories are connected standalones. Each title features a different couple but will contain previously mentioned characters.

No multiple pairings. No cliffhanger. Ends with a HEA.
Note: This is a steaming angsty, age gap, new-to-love romance.



“Are you f*cking crazy?”Trent hissed through clenched teeth, but the nerve he’d had behind his earlier words were gone, now replaced with caution…and lust.

“I asked you politely not to call me that. Now, I’m telling you. Don’t. Do it. My name is Herschel Wood, Jr. No middle name. You can call me Herschel, or Wood, that’s it. I would’ve told you that if you’d bothered to ask.” Wood fumed. He had his forearm across Trent’s chest, pushing his back into the closet door at the end of the dark hallway. He couldn’t believe what he was doing, but how dare Trent drive him to the edge like this? Wood pressed in so tight until there was only air and misunderstanding between them, his mouth mere inches from Trent’s parted lips. “You wanted to get a reaction out of me, you annoying, immature little sh*t…now you’ve got one.”

Trent’s eyes blazed as he tried to shove off the door, but Wood held him in check with his mass. “F*ck you.” Trent grunted, his hot gaze lasered on Wood’s lips.

Wood gave him a smirk and enjoyed as Trent squirmed even more against him. “You think I don’t know the game you’re playing? Maybe no one else does—even though I taught Bishop better—but I can see right through your transparent ass, Trent. So damn clearly.”

Trent’s masked desires were obvious—Wood had seen it the moment he’d laid eyes on him. He knew he hadn’t been wrong. But he’d wanted to leave Trent off-limits. Bishop just wanted them to be friends, but Wood was afraid he was finally going to have to tell his buddy that it wasn’t going to happen. The four of them wouldn’t be hanging out together all the time. There was too much screwed-up sh*t going on with Trent, and Wood deserved some peaceful days. He didn’t have the patience to put up with crap from hesitant men anymore. He had no doubt that Trent was pushing his buttons…because he wanted Wood to push his in return.

“Wood,” Trent snarled, as he clutched tightly to his shoulders with both hands.

Wood’s answer was another cunning smile. Did Trent even realize that he wasn’t pushing Wood away, he was holding him close? Wood wouldn’t point that out just yet. If Trent wanted to have some fun with him, then fine. He’d entertain himself until it was time for him to leave. He should’ve known this setup was too good to be true. What Trent pulled on him was exactly the kind of typical mess Wood was used to. People judging and condemning him for no reason.

Trent went completely still when Wood dragged his nose over his forehead and down the side of his face. His voice was shaky, and his breaths were hot and swift along Wood’s throat. “The f*ck are you doing?”

“I’m doing what you want me to do.” Wood clenched his teeth. “I’m playing your bullsh*t game, Trent.”

“I’m not playing anything,”he breathed.

“Oh yeah you are.” Wood released Trent suddenly, but he didn’t pull away. He leaned in until his mouth was against Trent’s ear. “But I’m about to show you I’m much better at this game than you are.” Wood slowly eased away, then cocked his head to the side, motioning to Trent’s punishing grip he still had on his shoulders. “Now let me go.”


Carra's Review

A.E. Via is known for her gritty alphas, and Wood and Trent both certainly fit that mold.  They’re also both blue collar ex-cons just trying to get ahead in life.  They do have those things in common, along with Bishop as a close friend to each of them.  At first glance, they might not seem like a match…especially since Trent seems determined to keep distance between them before they’ve even met.  Y’all know how that will work out, right?

I do have to say—if after Wood’s “redemption day” you don’t feel totally torn apart and defeated on his behalf, you may want to check if you still have a beating heart.  I was devastated for him, but Wood’s lowest point does lead to the realization that Trent, sarcastic smart-ass that he is, is actually capable of incredible compassion, and later intense intimacy.  The care he shows for Wood is truly moving and the entire situation acts as a point for both men to become fully cognizant of their feelings.

Things don’t always go smoothly for these guys, and just when you think they will there’s just enough angst thrown in to stir things up again.  But there is no doubt that they have fought for what they have and really deserve their happiness in the end.

There’s a solid cast of supporting characters; of course you’ll find Bishop and Edison here, it’s so good to see them again and they both are there for Trent and Wood, along with Mike, Bishop’s father.  Yes, Mike may act like a big kid, but he’s one of Trent’s biggest supporters.  There is also a new introduction, Rayne, who shows up in the beginning and again at the end, and I think he’s going to pique the interest of a lot of readers (like oh, say, ME).

5 stars for Wood!  Do you need to read Bishop first?  Not necessarily; however, I think you will get a better understanding of Trent’s personality if you do, and you’ll get to see more about his connection with Bishop and what they’ve gone through together.  Plus Bishop and Edison’s story is phenomenal (yeah, okay, I’m a little biased because I LOVE Edison).  Now go enjoy Wood and Trent’s story, and remember with the adult language and sexual content, this one is meant for readers 18+.

About the Author

AEVia-Logo-JayAheer2015-white-black-Large (1)

A.E. Via has been a best-selling author in the beautiful gay romance genre for six years now, but she’s no stranger to MM. She’s been an avid reader of gay literature for over twenty years before she picked up her laptop to place her own kiss on this genre. She’s also the founder and owner of Via Star Wings Books, having published a couple great, new up and coming MM authors.

A.E. has a Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice from Virginia Wesleyan College that she used to start her own paralegal firm after she graduated in 2008. She spent five years preparing and filing bankruptcy petitions for struggling blue collar workers who couldn’t afford to file with a lawyer. It was a rewarding and satisfying career… but another path called to her.


A.E.’s novels embodies everything from hopelessly romantic to adventure, to scandalous. Her stories often include intriguing edges and twists that take readers to new, thought-provoking depths.

She’s recently celebrated her 20th book anniversary, and is well-known for her hardcore, love hard, bad boy, alphas. However, she does like to push herself to step out of her comfort zone, exploring different tropes. She’s head over heels for gay romance and she has tons of more hot stories to tell.

Be sure to visit Adrienne on her social media pages and subscribe to her newsletter to never miss another release date! Go to A.E. Via’s official website for more detailed information on how to contact her, follow her, or a sneak peek at upcoming work, free reads, VSWB submissions, and where she’ll appear next.

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New Release-Excerpt & Giveaway: WILD SKY by Zaya Feli

by Zaya Feli 

Publisher: Self-published
Release Date: Ebook: August 24th
Length: Ebook: 189,000 words
Subgenre: Fantasy/Romance
Warnings: mentions of symptoms of depression and PTSD. Medicine addiction and withdrawal. 

Purchase Link: 


Tauran Darrica has been retired from the Valreus Sky Guard for four years following the Battle of the Broken Wings that resulted in the death of his dragon. Now, all Tauran wants to do is spend his days forgetting the past and gambling his way to an unsteady income.

So when his old general from the Sky Guard hunts Tauran down to request his help with staving off the increasingly aggressive wild dragon population, Tauran refuses. But a fire ruins his rented room and leaves him without a place to stay, and Tauran finds himself on the road to Valreus, after all.

Tauran is determined to stay as far away from dragons as he can get, but a starry-eyed young man from Sharoani, land of the wild dragons, might just ruin his plans.

Kalai Ro-Ani has spent his life watching the stars, knowing he could never reach them.

With his wild dragon Arrow, he sets out for the city of Valreus in the hope of building himself a better future than he could have stuck at the foot of the Kel Visal dragon temples.

But nobody told Kalai that only the Sky Guard is allowed to own dragons, so when Arrow kills a guard in Kalai’s defense, it looks like his adventure might be over before it can begin. But a chance encounter at the old Valreus archive offers Kalai the future he’d been hoping for. In the span of a single day, he has a home, a job, and a purpose.

In Valreus, something much bigger falls into his lap – along with a tall and striking Valrean man with a rather strange disposition.

A new, LGBT+ fantasy story from Zaya Feli, featuring dragons, aerial battles and epic journeys through dangerous wilderness.

Praise for Wild Sky

Double threat author and illustrator, Zaya Feli, paints a vivid picture of queer love in the time of dragons in Wild Sky
- Nicole Kimberling, award-winning author of Sea of Stars

From the author, Zaya Feli

The overarching theme is about how healing is possible despite severe damage. That some things may not be fixable, and that simply learning to persevere and find support and happiness where it exists can be enough.


Kalai took the steps up quickly, and Tauran tried to keep pace, wincing when the nerves in his left leg gave a solid protest. 
“What are we doing?” Tauran asked, stopping at the top of the stairs. The room was mostly empty. A large bed in the center with the blankets tossed aside caught his gaze, and he found himself studying it longer than he’d meant to.
Damn, Tauran. Don’t think about the guy naked. You’ve only just met him. Maybe he could return later and find out if Kalai was interested in some casual fun. Skies, he hadn’t thought that way in years.
“Over here,” Kalai said. He moved to a sizable wooden box on the other side of the bed, lifting the top half off the box. 
Tauran crossed the distance to him. The box radiated warmth. Leaning forward to look inside, all the heat rushed out of him like a sliced bag of grain. 
Large. Oval. Deep red and covered in uniform scales.
An egg. A dragon egg. 
Tauran stepped back. Bumped his heel against the mattress. “Why are you showing me this?” The words came harder than he’d meant them to.
Kalai blinked, and turned over the note from the envelope. It had just four words written on it:

Show him the egg.

“I’m just doing what the note says,” Kalai said, visibly startling when Tauran snatched the note from his hand and crumbled it. 
“This is a mistake,” Tauran said, and turned. He marched to the stairs, his agitation making his limp worse, but he’d forgotten all about making a good impression. He knew what was coming. The fear, the sensation of being choked. He needed to get out, he needed air.

About the Author

Zaya Feli grew up in various small towns in eastern Denmark where she spent most of her childhood and youth daydreaming about strange and incredible fantasy worlds. In 2018, she moved to northern Denmark with her pet snake, Helix, to work as a web developer, and is now dedicating all her free time turning the fantasy worlds inside her head into words and illustrations on the page.
An avid sci fi and fantasy fan since childhood, she also has a deep love for history, archery, nature, language and art.
Zaya Feli released her debut novel, Stag's Run, in November 2016, and has since released four more full length novels and a short story. Her favourite genres are fantasy and sci-fi with a sprinkle of romance.


To celebrate the release of Wild Sky, Zaya Feli is giving away three e-copies of any back catalog e-book! Enter below. Must be 18 to enter and win, open internationally.