Waking the Behr
(A Foothills Pride Story)
Author: Pat Henshaw
Cover Artist: AngstyG
Genre: contemporary gay romance
Length: 29,689 Words/88 Pages
Release Date: September 20, 2017

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Both Ben and Mitch think they know exactly what they want. Turns out, they don’t even know their own hearts.
Good old boy Ben has dated women his entire life, while gay nightclub owner Mitch has never considered unsophisticated country boys his type. But after they start hanging out, the small-town contractor and the urban entrepreneur are both stunned by the electricity sparking between them.
As they step outside their comfort zones to spend time together, Mitch finds he enjoys rural car rallies, and Ben is intrigued by the upscale bars Mitch owns in San Francisco. When they share their lives and grow closer, they start to question the way they’ve always defined themselves. Then they kiss and fling open the door to love. Now they must step up and travel the road that may lead to happily ever after—even if that path isn’t one they ever expected to walk.

Carra's Review
I've enjoyed the books in this series so far, and look forward to each new one as it is released. When it comes to Waking the Behr, it felt at first like it would be a "didn't know I liked guys until him" type story...which in essence it was. For me though, I didn't really feel any chemistry between Ben and Mitch. There was plenty of potential for it, but the way the story went didn't really allow for enough relationship development between them for me to feel that spark between the two men.
I liked Ben quite a bit, and the fact that his unexpected feelings towards Mitch made him question himself held a lot of promise for self-discovery in the story. Mitch though I thought was a bit all over the place--his mood and attitude seemed to be up and down, and his character came across as unfocused. I think that was a large part of the reason why I didn't feel any chemistry between him and Ben.
If you're a fan of the series, you'll enjoy getting Ben's story, just expect a lot of telling and not much showing of how the relationship progresses. It's a quick read, and you'll get a feel of gay-for-you/maybe-I'm-bi from the story, so if you're a fan of these tropes, this latest release in this series will probably be just right for you.

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Meet the Author

Pat was born and raised in Nebraska where she promptly left the cold and snow after college, living at various times in Texas, Colorado, Northern Virginia, and Northern California. Pat enjoys travel, having visited Mexico, Canada, Europe, Nicaragua, Thailand, and Egypt, and Europe, including a cruise down the Danube.
Her triumphs are raising two incredible daughters who daily amaze her with their power and compassion. Fortunately, her incredibly supportive husband keeps her grounded in reality when she threatens to drift away while writing fiction.
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Thank you for the wonderful review. Have a great day!