Monday, August 26, 2024

Box Set Release: TOWN BRONZE Regency Box Set Trilogy by Ellie Thomas

Town Bronze Regency Box Set Trilogy

by Ellie Thomas

Publisher: JMS Books

Release Date: August 10, 2024

Genre: Historical Regency M/M Romance

Tropes: Hurt/comfort, Younger/older

Themes: Cross-dressing, Spanking, Coming of age, Society of men

Heat Rating: 3 flames    

Length: 66 677  words

It Is the complete trilogy in a box set and does not end on a cliffhanger.


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This Regency box set comprises the three Town Bronze novellas by Ellie Thomas; Town Bronze, Pantaloons and Petticoats and Impeccable Credentials, with three young men, each unexpectedly finding love.


All three novellas in Ellie Thomas’ Regency Town Bronze series are gathered together in this box set. A trio of young gentlemen, former university friends, Jasper, Barney and Julian, are set loose in Regency London to pursue carefree pleasure. Instead, they find unexpected romance and follow their individual paths to true love. Contains the stories: 

Town Bronze: In 1812, Jasper Goodhew departs from sleepy Somerset for his first London season, anticipating fun, frolics and drunken debauchery. But to his consternation, he finds that a spanking from the firm hand of a particular older man sets him ablaze.

Can Jasper and Sir Mortimer Cleverly overlook their unorthodox introduction to become friends? Or is Jasper unable to resist his deepest instincts?

Pantaloons and Petticoats: In the autumn of 1812, Barney Marshall is a carefree young man, able to afford every variety of entertainment in Regency London while remaining heart-whole and fancy-free. All that changes after a passionate encounter with Rose, who by day is Ross, a clerk at Coutts Bank. Can Barney persuade Rose to trust him? And might their connection blossom into love?

Impeccable Credentials: In the autumn of 1812, aristocrat Julian Buchanan faces a crisis. He must choose between the trappings of his privileged life or the man he loves. Will Julian submit to his father’s decree and marry to further the family name? Or can he find the strength to break free?


Excerpt from Town Bronze

The next part of Jasper’s evening passed in patchy coherence. The older gentlemen departed with dignity almost immediately after Jasper's inadvertent blunder. With his wine glass replenished more than once by a luscious attendant, Jasper almost forgot about the impact of that searing gaze.  

He was vaguely aware of some of his companions departing with young ladies. Others were content to remain, drink deep, and dandle a damsel on their laps. Minutes or hours progressed in a pleasant haze until Jasper reached the point where he had drunk himself sober. 

Relatively clear-headed and suddenly thirsty, Jasper rose on remarkably steady legs to fetch a glass of water from the drinks tray on the capacious sideboard.

This gave him a clear view of the entrance hallway. The vestibule was empty, apart from the three gentlemen earlier expelled from the drawing room by an excess of wit. 

The gentleman with the remarkable hair was shaking the hands of his companions with a few congenial words. In that instant of seeming sobriety, it was terribly important for Jasper to make amends. He couldn’t have fathomed if this was due to his basic good manners and general inoffensiveness when not as drunk as a wheelbarrow. Or perhaps he was prompted by the infinite unimaginable possibilities in those haunting eyes.

He entered the hall as the gentleman escorted his companions towards the exit. Jasper stood uncertainly in front of the central staircase, awaiting his opportunity. Once his companions had departed, the remaining gentleman approached a further another doorway off the hall.

“Excuse me,” Jasper said, belatedly adding, “Sir.”

The gentleman turned, raising an inquisitorial dark brow that made him no less forbidding. 

During Jasper’s formal education, he occasionally got into trouble. To be fair, these incidents occurred either from absent-mindedness or when he tagged along in the wake of more exuberant and imaginative students. Any resulting discipline, a removal of privileges or corporal punishment, was a matter of course and not taken personally. His sporadic visits to the principal’s study were desultory and instantly forgotten by the disciplinarian and the culprit. 

This charged confrontation was entirely different. Jasper was unnerved by the swooping feeling in his belly as he faced his unknown foe. The older man drew closer but remained silent, his face expressionless, that implacable glare holding a sense of threat and thrill.

“I think I was somewhat discourteous earlier, and I wanted to say I was sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude. We were all getting rather carried away and had too much to drink. I know it was a bit much, and we were rather close to the mark concerning you and your friends. But I suppose you were young once too, eh?”

Jasper tried and failed to raise a placating smile. The gentleman didn’t move a muscle and stared at Jasper as though regarding a failed scientific experiment.

"I mean to say, I was a bit bosky, and I wasn’t thinking straight. Anyone with decent eyesight could tell that’s your natural hair. You’re nowhere near old enough to be wearing a wig. You’d have to be in your dotage. And you’re not. Naturally. No one would think you’re wearing a cauliflower of the wig variety, and it doesn’t remotely resemble an actual cauliflower. I don’t know why I said that. You have very nice hair.”

Jasper’s ramble stuttered to a stop. Without softening his expression, the gentleman said, “You were insolent.”

Jasper blinked. He suddenly grasped his opponent was slightly the taller and his lean build held latent strength. He felt paralysed, like a snake to its charmer, in thrall to the depths of that gaze.

“I think you deserve to be punished.”

Jasper gulped.

The gentleman’s voice was persuasive. “You’ve earned a good thrashing.”

In a husky tone Jasper didn’t recognise as his own, he said, “I’ll let you be the judge of that. I’ll do anything you require.”

That eyebrow rose again. A glint of humour lit those night-dark eyes.


“Yes. No. I don’t know.”

About the Author  

Ellie Thomas lives by the sea. She comes from a teaching background and goes for long seaside walks where she daydreams about history. She is a voracious reader, especially about anything historical. She mainly writes historical gay romance.

Ellie also writes historical erotic romance as L. E. Thomas.

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Tuesday, August 20, 2024

New Release: ANGEL'S SHARE by Layla Reyne (Agents Irish and Whiskey #5)

New Release! 


by Layla Reyne

Husbands Aidan Talley and Jameson Walker team up again as Agents Irish & Whiskey for their most precarious case yet in this established couple gay romantic suspense novel.

FBI agent Aidan Talley just wanted to spend the holiday weekend cheering on his husband’s basketball team. Instead, he’s investigating a cargo theft for the family business and coming face-to-face with a loose end from the case that almost tore him and Jamie apart.

Coach Jameson Walker may spend his days on the sidelines now, but Jamie refuses to stay there when it comes to his husband. When Aidan is cornered by his past, Jamie will do whatever it takes to ground him in the present, including stepping back into his hacker shoes for the Bureau.

Aidan and Jamie thought they’d seen it all, but the City of Angels has more than one ghost in store for them. As revenge and redemption collide, Agents Irish and Whiskey will have to trust in their love and their partnership to solve the case for the family they have, for the one they lost, and for the one they want to call their own.

Angel’s Share is the final book in the Agents Irish and Whiskey LGBTQIA+ romantic suspense series. While it can be read as a standalone, it is best enjoyed after reading the other books in the series.

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About the Author

Layla Reyne is the author of What We May Be and the Agents Irish and Whiskey, Fog City, and Perfect Play series. She writes sexy, intense LGBTQIA+ romance featuring competent adults in kitchens, sports arenas, car chases, and other high-stakes situations. Whether it’s adrenaline-fueled suspense, rival athletes, vampires and shifters in alt-realms, or love mixed with mouth-watering foodie goodness, queer folks finding happily-ever-afters is guaranteed.


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Monday, August 19, 2024

Spotlight-Excerpt & Giveaway: A LIFE IN LETTERS: A STORY OF RESILIENCE, SEQUINS AND HOPE by Rodney Rhoda Taylor

An emotional journey of resilience, sequins, and hope 

A Life in Letters: A Story of Resilience, Sequins and Hope

by Rodney Rhoda Taylor

Publisher:  Cresting Wave Publishing

Cover Artist: Brian R. Barilleaux, Rodney Rhoda Taylor 

Release Date: July 9, 2024

Genre: Non-fiction/Memoir

Themes: Coming out, Awareness, Societal Expectations

Length:  23 580  words/  140 pages

It is a standalone book.

Heat Rating: No sexual content


Buy Links - Available in Kindle Unlimited 

Amazon US   |    Amazon UK

From sudden pop-ups, ruined pajamas, glittery gowns, and conversations with God - a collection of letters that covers it all. 


A Life in Letters chronicles a gay man’s journey as he navigates the ups and downs of life through his letters. From the innocent correspondence with Santa Claus and asking for a Cher doll, through the trials and tribulations of puberty, sudden pop-ups, coming out, drag queens, heartbreak, and the joys of a Cosmo, we learn how the author maneuvers through the many curve balls life throws at him. Throughout, it’s a story of hope, courage, and strength. 


Dear Masculinity,

I have spent years trying to figure out who you are, and I am no closer to solving this mystery than I was when I first started. You are an enigma—a puzzle that cannot easily be solved. I know as much about you as I know about the moon’s backside. Why is that? (Well, not the moon part…) Why is your identity so vague?

All I know is that for years, both the straight and gay communities have told me that I don’t act like you, that I act like a girl, and that I’m too effeminate. But neither constituency can provide me with a definition of who you are. The straights can’t define you because, for them, you are based on some ancient notion of what a man should be. And the gays can’t represent you because, for them, you are based on some overhyped-up sexual fantasy drawing created by Tom of Finland. And no one can measure up to an entire community’s sexual fantasy. I mean, damn—based on those two concepts, I was/am never going to fit into anyone’s idea of what being “masculine” is. The one element both communities agree on is that “men” are not supposed to have “feminine” characteristics. And if they do, then they better watch it, or they will be deemed … undesirable.

That leads to this question: Isn’t the whole preoccupation and belief that boys and men are supposed to act one way and girls and women are supposed to act another a bit … archaic?

Why do boys have to be masculine? Why do girls have to be feminine? And why, on God’s Green Earth, can’t either sex just “be”? Sans labels? If boys want to play with Barbie—so be it. If girls want to play football—so be it.

Let’s just say it: the idea of “masculinity” is out-of-date. It’s based on an out-of-date assumption that “men” are the more vigorous sex. These days, one’s strength is no longer strictly judged to be a “physical” attribute. These days, it is more (correctly) about a person’s inner drive and determination, regardless of the chromosome lottery.

Women have become quite “strong,” in my definition because they have had to fight their way out of being dominated by “masculine” men and more than a few ill-informed women. Then there are those men, like me, who get their nails done, walk with a swish in their step, shape their eyebrows, and act in a way that society says is “feminine.”

Our folks have always been deemed “not masculine” because of the way we act/appear. Yet many of us live on our terms—and do not welcome others’ ideas of how we should “act.” It takes a strong person to live their life that way. Especially considering the condemnation one can receive for doing so.

So, which is truly the strong, masculine person? The individuals who think Penis=Superior/Stronger? Or those who have had to fight to live on their terms despite the adversity they receive from the world for doing so? And which gender are they?


Feminine and Proud.

About the Author  

Rodney Taylor is a San Francisco State University graduate with a degree in Creative Writing. Initially exploring various writing paths, Rodney found a niche in playwriting, creating several short plays, including Eros, PoolsideGood-Bye CupidFairy GodmotherBaby ChristinaMotherly Advice, and P.S. I Love You. Their passion for theater culminated in co-founding Left Coast Theatre Co., an LGBTQ theater in San Francisco, with Joe Frank. After a brief hiatus to focus on personal well-being, Rodney is now reviving their writing career. Shifting focus from plays to comedic short stories, Rodney travels the country with their chihuahua, searching for a place to call home.

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Thursday, August 15, 2024

Duet Cover Reveal: ISAAC & DALLAS (Light & Shadow Books 1 & 2) by N.N. Britt

Isaac: Light & Shadow Book 1

Dallas: Light & Shadow Book 2

by  N.N. Britt

Cover Artist: Sarah Kil

Release Dates: September 12 and September 26

Genre: MM Mafia Romance

Tropes: Forbidden Romance, Undercover Agent/Gang Leader, 

Slow Burn, Morally Gray Leads, Enemies to Lovers

Heat Rating: 4 flames 

Length: Book 1 - 86 000 words/Book 2 - 65,000 words

Book 1 ends on a cliffhanger. Book 2 is HEA

Pre-Order Buy Links: 

Isaac   |   Dallas

Amazon UK


Isaac: Light & Shadow Book 1

In the heart of Sin City, two men on opposite sides of the law collide in a dangerous game of power, passion, and betrayal.


In the heart of Sin City, two men on opposite sides of the law collide in a dangerous game of power, passion, and betrayal.

Isaac Thoreau, the son of a notorious crime boss, has spent nine years behind bars for his father's murder. Driven, cunning, and unfeeling, he's now back to claim what's rightfully his. But when an enigmatic security guard named Hawk is hired to work at his nightclub, Isaac finds himself distracted… and inexplicably drawn to Hawk, despite his best efforts to resist.

Special Agent Dallas Bradley's mission is clear: infiltrate the Hellhounds and bring their leader, Isaac Thoreau, to justice. Posing as Hawk, Dallas is determined to uncover the secrets of the Thoreau criminal empire. But as he delves deeper into Isaac's world, the lines between right and wrong blur, and soon an undeniable attraction grows between the two men, forcing Dallas to question everything.

Walking away before he's compromised would be the smart choice, but Dallas can't resist Isaac's magnetic pull, even if it means risking his life.

As love and duty clash, only one question remains: will Isaac and Dallas survive the fallout?

Isaac is the first installment of Light & Shadow Duet. It can not be read as standalone. This is a dark MM mafia romance that explores various sensitive subjects like violence, abuse, PTSD, etc.


Dallas: Light & Shadow Book 2

Prepare for Betrayal and Redemption in Sin City.

As the leader of the Hellhounds and a valued member of the notorious Thoreau crime syndicate, Isaac has it all: power, money, fear. Falling for someone has never been on his radar. But for the first time in his life, Isaac thinks he's found someone he can truly trust—the mysterious security guard who shattered through his icy defenses and became the one person Isaac could be himself with.

Until everything goes up in flames.

Dallas Bradley has been treading an unstable line of deceit between righteousness and criminality. Isaac Thoreau's world is slowly turning him into Hawk, the man who doesn't exist, the man who's ready to do bad things to survive and remain close to Isaac. But when a dangerous deal goes south, in order to save Isaac's life, Dallas is forced to reveal the devastating truth—he's a Special Agent sent to infiltrate the Hellhounds and bring down Isaac.

Heartbroken and enraged, Isaac can't stand the man who betrayed him so deeply. However, when it's clear Isaac's fate is prison, Dallas strikes a bargain with his boss: help save Isaac from life behind bars and keep Dallas undercover to clean up the mess.

Isaac hates Dallas more than ever, but to escape the crosshairs they must work together once more. As tempers and stakes flare in the streets of Sin City, Dallas will risk everything to redeem himself in Isaac's eyes. But can their undeniable connection survive when trust has turned to ash?

Dallas is the second installment of Light & Shadow Duet. It should be read after Isaac. This is a dark MM mafia romance that explores various sensitive subjects like violence, abuse, PTSD, etc.

About the Author 

N.N. Britt writes emotional romance novels about music and imperfect people falling in love.

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Tuesday, August 13, 2024

New Release-Excerpt & Giveaway: ANGEL by Linden Bell (The Camboy Network #3)

Angel RB Banner

By Linden Bell

The Camboy Network, Book 3

He was only supposed to be gay for pay.


I’ve never had sex before. And I've definitely never looked at a guy that way before. But with his brightly-colored hair and beautiful outfits, Rhys is hard to ignore--especially after I learn what he does for a living.

Signing up with The Camboy Network is way outside my comfort zone, but with Rhys guiding me the whole way, it doesn’t feel all that scary. In fact, it feels like fate.


I left home the minute I turned eighteen, so falling for a guy from the old neighborhood is the last thing I should do--especially since he's straight. But he's utterly adorable, so innocently kinky, and exactly my type.

We shouldn't fit together so well, but we do. No matter how hard I try to stay away, I can’t. Our lives couldn’t be more different on the outside, but maybe we're a lot more alike than we think.

Angel is a bi-awakening, opposites attract, size difference MM romance between a burly cinnamon roll construction worker and a flamboyant pole-dancing twink. Expect accidentally dirty text messages, completely unexpected kinks, and chivalrous courage that truly runs deep. Angel is the third book in The Camboy Network series, but can be read as a stand-alone.

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Stepping off the subway in Staten Island always feels like I’ve walked through the looking glass. On this side, I’m not Rhys Rawlings, pole dancer and camboy extraordinaire. Instead, I regress to Ricky Gallo, the scrawny, flamboyant gay boy from down the street.

I’ve even dressed the part. Jeans—ugh. And a t-shirt—double ugh. At least the jeans hug my ass like a second skin and my t-shirt sports a cute rainbow unicorn. Not that I expect anyone from the old neighborhood to appreciate the ’fit. The people I grew up with aren’t the most… trendy.

I hightailed it out of here the first chance I got and I only come back when absolutely necessary. Like for Dad’s sixtieth birthday party.

I was tempted not to come. It’s not like anyone will really miss me anyway.

I don’t remember the last time I had a real conversation with my dad, and my mom only calls when she needs something from me. My brother, Nico, and I get along pretty well, but he’s always busy with his wife and kids. They have their own lives here that I’m not really a part of. And I haven’t kept in touch with anyone else in the old neighborhood. There’s never been any reason to.

It’s about a twenty-minute walk from the subway station to the house where I grew up. Nico offered to come pick me up, but I need the extra time to psych myself up for the party.

I can hear it from a block away. Strains of music float over yards and rooftops. Voices mix with barks of laughter and parents shouting at kids. It sounds like the entire neighborhood’s turned out for the big event. I wouldn’t be surprised. The Gallos have been a part of this tight-knit community for generations.

I stop right before turning the corner onto my parents’ street, gripping the strap of my crossbody bag tightly.

I can do this. I can totally do this. It’s only for a couple hours. Just grin and bear it—like I’m performing on stage or on camera. Then I can escape back to Brooklyn and my real life.

IG Sized CN3 Teaser 3

Enter the Giveaway!

To celebrate the release of Angel, Linden is giving away 2 e-copies of the upcoming release!

Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!

A Rafflecopter Giveaway

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About the Author:

Linden Bell writes contemporary MM romances that heat you up and make you smile. Her books are low angst, feel good reads, with no third act breakups.

Connect with Linden:
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Thursday, August 8, 2024

New Release-Excerpt & Giveaway: PHOENIX RISING by Valerie Ullmer

Phoenix Rising 

(An M/M/M Romance)

Author and Publisher: Valerie Ullmer

Cover Artist: Valerie Ullmer

Release Date: August 6, 2024

Genre: Contemporary M/M/M Romance

Tropes: Best friends to lovers, bisexual awakening, best friends in love with the same man, and hot sexy times

Themes: Moving past childhood trauma

Length:  57 000 words/ 209 pages

Heat Rating: 5 flames

It is a standalone story and does not end on a cliffhanger.


Buy Links - Available in Kindle Unlimited

Amazon US  |  Amazon UK

Two best friends want the same man.

Will all three be able to fall in love and make their relationship work?


Phoenix Aalto had everything he wanted in life.
His own bakery, close friends, and his plants.

There was nothing more he could ask for after escaping the life his father wanted for him.

Or that’s the lie he told himself each time the two men of his dreams walked into his bakery, looking every bit a happy couple. He wasn’t delusional enough to believe it was more than a one-sided attraction, but it didn’t stop him from daydreaming of something more.

Luka Kavka lived with his best friend, and they ran a successful landscaping business together. He’d come out during college, but like his friend, no one lasted more than a date.

But a routine meeting in an out of way bakery with a real estate developer changed his fate.

Burton Horváth loved life. Working with his best friend while living with him was everything he thought needed.
When he spotted Phoenix behind the counter, everything he knew about his life changed. The younger man wasn’t his first crush on a man. If he were honest with himself, that honor would go to Luka. But he was the one who shook up his viewpoint at thirty-one years old and made him want a change.

Luka and Burton agreed they would ease into letting Phoenix know they were interested, which included months of daily visits. But change for all three men came when Luka charged in, giving Luka and Burton the opening they needed.

But as they navigate their newfound relationship, will the obstacles from Phoenix’s father allow them to find their happiness?


Get it together, Phoenix!

“Don’t touch him.”

My mouth dropped open as breathing became difficult. A shiver of pleasure fluttered over my body at the sound of his deep, commanding voice.

A scant ‘sorry’ was all I heard, since I couldn’t take my eyes off the giant of a man, even when I noted movement in my peripheral and the sound of my poor, old-fashioned shopkeeper’s bell being abused.

“Woo! That was one of the… nope, the hottest thing I’ve witnessed in ages. For a second there, I wondered if you were going to rip his arms off, big guy, all because he dared to grab our Phoenix here,” Arthur said as he fanned himself.

“It’s Luka.”

There was a pulse of desire in my lower stomach, and I stifled a gasp when my cock swelled underneath my jeans. Grateful I had the area covered with an apron.

I wanted to join my friend in fanning myself because the temperature climbed in the minute since Luka stepped in to help me.

“And I’m Burton. It’s nice to meet you, Phoenix.” The blond adonis held out his hand.

Reason fled as the eagerness of the situation presented to me overrode self-preservation. I placed my hand in Burton’s stronger, calloused one and sucked on my bottom lip as the tingle from his touch radiated up my arm and spread throughout. Images of me splayed out on a bed as Burton teased me with his warm hands while Luka’s voice washed over me until I erupted in an intense... F*ck!

Okay! Not nice to fantasize about two men who were a couple standing right in front of me.

“It’s also nice to meet you, Burton. Luka.”

“I’ve never seen you blush that shade of peach before, honey. I’m gonna call Jude and tell him.”

Leave it up to my best friend to embarrass me.

“It’s lovely,” Luka said as he ran the back of his finger down my cheek before he cupped my face.

In that moment, I considered the possibility of my entire body igniting into flames, all from Luka’s tiny gesture that, for the first time in my life, didn’t make me recoil. In a weak moment, I wanted to know the touch of the man cupping my cheek and burrowed into his hand.

Then I remembered he wasn’t available and leaned away.

“Sorry, I should’ve asked you before I touched you,” Luka said.

I shook my head back and forth before I found the words, “No, it’s okay. You can. I’m not used to it.”

“What about me? Can I touch you?” Burton asked.

My eyes widened, and I nodded, staring at the bewitching man, who was even more stunning up close. “If… if you want to?”

Arthur chuckled. “Give it up for Phoenix, ladies and gentlemen. He attracts two specimens of male perfection without a clue they’re flirting with him.”

He mumbled as he moved around the counter to clean the tables, leaving me alone with the two gorgeous men. Or at least I believed no one was around. There was no dragging my attention away from them.

“Uh…” I sounded daft as I looked back and forth between the two, confusion swamping me because I was a mess; the decorated apron with green vines and leaves along with depictions of pastries and the logo of my shop, Phoenix Rising, had chocolate stains and other food items I couldn’t identify. My hair stood up in all directions, and I’m pretty sure my fingers were sticky with frosting.

As my synapses fired back up, I swallowed around the dryness in my throat and said, “Just ignore him. He’s still in the honeymoon phase, despite being married for years, and sees romance everywhere.”

Until this conversation, I hadn’t spoken more than a word or two to either of these men. But now they were in front of me, both holding expressions of faint amusement as they stared at me, and I felt faint. And in order to cover my ineptitude in social situations, out came the verbal onslaught.

“Is it hot in here? It’s hot, right? I mean… um, what were we talking about? Oh, right? My deluded best friend thinks, well, stupid things that are out of the realm of possibility because whatever he’s imagining doesn’t happen in real life and as far as I can tell, I’m awake and working. Are you two together? Sh*t, I did not mean for that to escape my mouth because nosy much, Phoenix? It’s not my business. Over the past several months, I couldn’t miss observing that you two make an exquisite couple. And on that note, I’ll stop talking now,” ending on a groan.

Burton glanced at Luka, who kept his eyes on me the entire time, and beamed at the taller man.

About the Author 

Valerie writes romances.

Valerie resides in Denver, Colorado with her husband. While she had been interested in writing a romance novel for years, it wasn’t until she wrote her first book that she really became hooked, and now she can’t stop. She has notebooks full of ideas, and she plans to write most of them in the years to come.

When she’s not writing or learning about the craft of writing, she can be found surfing the internet way too much, watching Investigation Discovery and thinking that her neighbors are up to no good, and finding new ways to get her husband to laugh.


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