Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Spotlight-Excerpt & Giveaway: SILENT PARTNER by Morgan Brice (Fox Hollow Zodiac #3)

Silent Partner

Fox Hollow Zodiac #3

by Morgan Brice

Publisher: Darkwind Press

Cover Artist: Adrijus Garcia

Release Date: June 29, 2024

Genres: MM paranormal romance, shifter romance (not MPREG), urban fantasy

Tropes: Hurt/comfort, found family, small town, fated mates

Themes: Working around differences, second chance at love, learning to trust again after breakup

Length: 60 000 words/ 221 pages

Heat Rating:  4 flames   

It is part of a series but can be read by itself. It does not end on a cliffhanger.


Buy Links - Available in Kindle Unlimited

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A psychic moose shifter. A handsome guy who is psychically silent. 

The chance for a fresh start, and a threat from the past that might get in the way.


Brandon Davis is a psychic and a moose shifter. He makes his living as a wilderness guide in Fox Hollow, NY—a town that is a haven for misfit shifters and psychics. Brandon has a profitable business, a found family of close friends, and a cozy cabin in the woods. Life is good, but he wishes he could find a special someone to share it with. Then he picks up the unmistakable scent of his fated mate--a handsome man who isn't a shifter of any kind and whose thoughts he can't read. The chemistry is undeniable, but can he fall for a silent partner?

Riley Henderson escaped a bad relationship with an ex-boyfriend he suspects is a psi-vamp. He left town and got a scholarship to the Fox Institute to explore his rare ability—his thoughts are mostly closed to being read by psychics. Getting away from his ex was worth being studied for his unusual silence as a “nil” or an “immune.” Especially since the situation comes with a stipend, an apartment, and a regular gig as a musician at one of the local hotels. Riley intends to go boy-sober until he meets a tall, dark-haired stranger with whom he has a sudden, intense connection. When he realizes Brandon is both a psychic and a shifter, Riley needs to figure out how they can overcome those differences to be together. And in the back of his mind, Riley worries—what if his ex shows up to ruin everything?

Silent Partner is a MM shifter romance filled with found family, a snarky moose, a soulful musician, sexy shifters, small town winter fun, fated mates, helpful psychics, lots of snow and a very happy ending.


Mixed shifter pairings were common in Fox Hollow, although less so in other places. His friends’ marriages proved that. Big vegetarian shifters like deer and elk were rare. He hadn’t met another moose shifter since relocating. Brandon believed he could make things work with a carnivore and perhaps even with one of the other omnivore or vegetarian shifters that weren’t as large as he was. Brandon was happy for his friends who had found love. And although he was busy with guide tours and being an EMT, he still wished he could find someone special of his own.

Now that he felt suitable to be in public, Brandon drove back to the grocery store. For its size, the shop provided a remarkable variety of products, including some specialties crafted by his neighbors. That saved everyone from trekking to Lake George to go to one of the big-box stores. Online delivery only worked in the summer months.

He parked and headed inside. The familiar mix of smells from the bakery and deli, as well as all the luscious produce, made Brandon sigh happily. He waved to Brenda at the register, grabbed a cart, and started to make the familiar trek around the store.

Brandon loaded up on salad, especially cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower. He skipped the carrots since they gave him indigestion. That was true for some fruit as well, although he loved frozen berries and added them to the cart. His human side craved coffee, oatmeal, and eggs, so Brandon made sure to replenish. He couldn’t resist some chips and cookies and reminded himself to grab a bale of hay from the garden supplies on the store terrace.

Halfway through the store, Brandon stopped dead in his tracks and sniffed the air. A scent he had never picked up before enveloped him, making him light-headed. Anise and maple. How strange. Maybe they’re baking something?


Brandon startled, not expecting to hear from his inner moose in such a human-centric place. What?

That’s what our mate smells like. Find him!

Brandon seriously doubted he’d spot a moose in the frozen food aisle or even a moose shifter. Still, the scent captivated him and stirred a hunger deep in his groin that had nothing to do with food.

He steered into the next aisle, forcing himself to keep a normal walking pace. I can’t just run past people and sniff them. That would be weird—even for Fox Hollow.

Shopping forgotten, Brandon searched for the elusive, overwhelming scent. He turned down the baking aisle, and the aroma called to him, far stronger. Only two people were nearby—Mrs. Prendicott—an elderly psychic—and a handsome stranger.

The stranger looked vaguely puzzled like he couldn’t find what he wanted on the tightly-packed shelves. The store overstocked during the bad weather months, especially if there was news of a storm in the offing. That sometimes made it difficult to locate items.

About the Author  

Morgan Brice is the romance pen name of bestselling author Gail Z. Martin. Morgan writes urban fantasy MM paranormal romance, with plenty of action, adventure and supernatural thrills to go with the happily ever after. Gail writes epic and urban fantasy, with less romance, more explosions.

All of the modern-day Morgan Brice and Gail Z. Martin series crossover, so characters from one series appear in cameos and on page in important secondary roles in books from other series. Each book can be read as a standalone, but the more you read the more the expanded universe of friendships and connections becomes clear. 

Morgan and Gail believe that paranormal elements make any story even better, and her worlds are full of ghosts, psychics, shifters, creatures, vampires, monster hunters, and magic. 

She's also a huge fan of the TV show Supernatural. (Chibi art by Kamidiox)

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a Kindle ebook copy of Huntsman (Fox Hollow Zodiac, book 1)

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Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Cover Reveal & Pre-Order: FRICTION by Kindle Alexander (The Gravity Series #1)

(The Gravity Series Book 1)
by Kindle Alexander
Genre: MM Romance
Release Date: September 17, 2024
Cover Design: Lori Jackson
Photographer: Michelle Lancaster

Beau Brooks

The guy of my dreams sweeps me off my feet and over my handlebars, quite literally. But our budding relationship takes a turn when my troubled past resurfaces, shattering any hope for a future. Now, I feel like a hollowed-out version of myself. Memories of piercing blue eyes and sweeping blond hair are all that remain to get me through a day.

I know I have to make peace with my past to move forward into my future. But am I strong enough?

Dash Richmond
I’m the tenth child of affluent older parents, confident, and privileged. But the future they see for me isn’t how I want to live my life. A chance encounter with a guy my polar opposite changes my path indefinitely, leading me to the life I’ve always wanted.

When he’s ripped away from me, I vow to wait for his return. Now I’m stuck in limbo, unwilling to give up on him.

Can the friction of life destroy what they shared or is your first true love like gravity—an unending universal law?

The Gravity Series is an unforgettable whirlwind romance chronicling the love of two men over three decades. Friction heats up the scene with passionate alpha males who navigate the often-rocky road to love. Love’s rarely easy, but when it’s true, it’s a battle worth fighting for.

Best Selling Author Kindle Alexander is an innovative writer, and a genre-crosser who writes classic fantasy, romance, suspense, and erotica in both the male/male and male/female genres. It's always a surprise to see what's coming next!
I live in the suburbs of Dallas where it's true, the only thing bigger than an over active imagination, may be women's hair!
Usually, I try for funny. Humor is a major part of my life - I love to laugh, and it seems to be the thing I do in most situations - regardless of the situation, but jokes are a tricky deal... I don't want to offend anyone and jokes tend to offend. So instead I'm going to tell you about Kindle
I tragically lost my sixteen year old daughter to a drunk driver. She had just been at home, it was early in the night and I heard the accident happen. I'll never forget that moment. The sirens were immediate and something inside me just knew. I left my house, drove straight to the accident on nothing more than instinct. I got to be there when my little girl died - weirdly, I consider that a true gift from above. She didn't have to be alone.
That time in my life was terrible. It's everything you think it would be times about a billion. I love that kid. I loved being her mother and I loved watching her grow into this incredibly beautiful person, both inside and out. She was such a gift to me. To have it all ripped away so suddenly broke me.
Her name was Kindle. Honest to goodness - it was her name and she died a few weeks before Amazon released their brand new Kindle ereader. She had no idea it was coming out and she would have finally gotten her name on something! Try finding a ruler with the name Kindle on it.. It never happened.
Through the course of that crippling event I was lucky enough to begin to write with a dear friend in the fan fiction world of Facebook. She got me through those dark days with her unwavering support and friendship. There wasn't a time she wasn't there for me. Sometimes together and sometimes by myself, we built a world where Kindle lives and stands for peace, love and harmony. It's its own kind of support group. I know without question I wouldn't be here today without her.
Find out more by visiting or email me at


Saturday, July 27, 2024

New Release-Excerpt & Giveaway: HEX SELLS by TA Moore (Babylon Boy #2)

Hex Sells

(Babylon Boy, Book 2)

by TA Moore

Publisher: Rogue Firebird Press

Cover Artist: Tammy Moore

Release Date:  July 26, 2024

Genre: Urban Fantasy

Tropes: Warlock Bikers, Menage a Trois, Fresh Start, Own Worst Enemy

Themes: Sins of the Past

Heat Rating:  1 flame    

Length: 58 000 words

Hex Sells is part of a series, but can be read as a standalone. 

It does not end on a cliffhanger.


Buy Links

Amazon US  |  Amazon UK

My name is Jonah Carrow, and it’s been 320 days since I cast a hex.


Jonah Carrow just wants a quiet, hex-free life. It’s harder than he’d thought.

Despite his best efforts, though, magic trouble just keeps finding him. If it’s not his dead relatives trying to turn breakfast into a ouija board, it’s a crow with bad tidings at his door.

Jonah doesn’t know what’s worse, that warlock biker Shiloh has decided to call in his marker…or that he only did it to get him to pass on a message. It turns out that Luke, Jonah’s not-exactly boyfriend, hasn’t been taking the Crossroad Crows calls. …

but when things go wrong, despite not being in the first draft, Jonah gets roped in to find answers. Now he’s knee-deep in secrets, curses, and the sort of temptation in lean, blond Shiloh that is definitely not going to help Jonah stay on the straight and mundane.

On top of all that? He’s getting sick. Without a hex to help put a thumb on the scales, Jonah really can’t catch a break.


“ROAD’S CLOSED!” he roared. “F*cking—!”

“He’ll turn now,” Ned said, full of confidence. 

The rider could. There was an alley just before the bridge. If he pulled a hard right, he’d probably lose some paint from the sides, but he’d make it. 

He could. 

But he wasn’t going to. 

Jonah broke into a run. Heavy boots and a night’s work dragged like an anchor as he bolted down the bridge. The lights from the hazards caught on the car’s paintwork and splashed it with red. Grahams dropped the flagger. It clattered on the ground at his feet, but he didn’t move. Jonah tackled him and sent both of them crashing into the side of the trailer. 

The van smashed through the barriers, broken wood and plastic strewn in its wake, and into the pool of light cast by the floodlights. Jonah got a glimpse of the driver, just for a second, through the windscreen. He was a middle-aged man with a battered face and a bruise that ran from his temple down to his jaw.

The man glanced briefly over his shoulder, mouth twisted, and then gunned the engine. The van left greasy streaks of rubber on the asphalt as it roared up the bridge. Caught in its path, the rest of the crew stared, frozen for a moment, and then scattered. Only Ned didn’t.

At the last second, the van veered violently. It smashed into the barriers at the side of the bridge and tore through them. The raw metal ripped holes in the side of the van, sparks flying as it pitched over the edge.

There was a moment of stark, breathless silence that dragged out longer than seemed possible. Then, the van smashed into the road below with a crunch of broken glass and crumpled metal. Dark, oily fingers of smoke eddied up and over the edge of the bridge.

“F*ck,” Ned said, the curse coming out respectfully. 

Jonah scrambled to his feet and brushed his jeans down. The rest of the crew had run to the edge of the bridge to look over. He looked back the way the van had come.

The ribbon of smoke that had trailed behind the van was still there. It lay limp on the asphalt, one end frayed and split where it had snapped off the car. Then, as Jonah watched, it twitched and then slowly retreated down the street. Like something at the far, far end of it was reeling it in.

Well. That wasn’t natural.

And that meant it wasn’t Jonah’s business. Not these days. Not in Jerusalem.

About the Author

TA Moore is a Northern Irish writer of romantic suspense, urban fantasy, and contemporary romance novels. A childhood in a rural, seaside town fostered in her a suspicious nature, a love of mystery, and a streak of black humour a mile wide.

Coffee, Doc Marten boots, and good friends are the essential things in life. Spiders, mayo, and heels are to be avoided.

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one of three backlist ebooks or one of two $20 Amazon gift card

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Friday, July 26, 2024

New Release & Giveaway: TWINCERELY YOURS by Eden Finley (Franklin University Season 2, Book 8)

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Twincerely Yours
By Eden Finley

Twincerely Yours Cover

Cover Designer: Natasha Snow
Model: Ivan   Photographer: Wander Aguiar

Franklin University Series Season 2, Book 8


My twin brother and I have gotten ourselves into a lot of messes growing up. We would constantly switch places to escape consequences while protecting each other at every cost.

But sleeping with Ben’s professor is a whole new level of mess, because there’s something Jonah doesn’t know. He might have been Ben’s professor last semester, but the person he was lecturing wasn’t Ben. It was me.


From the moment I meet Emmett, I know he looks familiar but I can’t pinpoint where from. It’s not until I see his twin brother in the quad that I put two and two together.

Dating the sibling of one of my ex-students isn’t a huge problem for me, but I can’t help thinking the twins are hiding something.

The more time I spend with Emmett, the more I fall for him, but as my insecurity grows, so does my worry that I’m being played.

When my heart and my gut tell me two different things, I don’t know which to trust. My gut tells me to cut and run, but my heart won’t let me. Even though I’ve been telling myself to hold back, it’s too late. I’m already in too deep.

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Enter the Giveaway!

To celebrate the release of Twincerely Yours, Eden is giving away 2 e-copies of the release!

Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!

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About the Author

Eden Finley writes MM and MMM romances and is most known for her stories about athletes.

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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

New Release-Review: BEAUTIFULLY DEVOTED by Michele Lenard (Front Range University #2)

BEAUTIFULLY DEVOTED by Michele Lenard is out now! Check out the gorgeous new MM sports romance and be sure to get your copy today!

Beautifully Devoted

by Michele Lenard

Genre: MM Sports Romance

Series: Front Range University


Forgetting to Knock Changed Everything.    

  Cam When I was ten, I made a promise. One that I’m still honoring a decade later, even though it means hiding a part of myself from the most important person in my life. My best friend, Jagger. And truthfully, burying that part of me is a small price to pay if it means nothing comes between us. I’m Jagger’s rock, the one stable thing in his life, and I’ve held that role for so long it’s now central to who I am. Which is why, after he sees something he shouldn’t and gets an idea that he wants my help with, I’m faced with the biggest decision of my life. Saying yes could break me, but saying no could break us. I guess there isn’t really a choice, is there?    

  Jagger There I was, innocently letting myself into my teammate’s room to search for some protein powder, when I came across a different type of protein altogether. I learned two things that day. Knock first, and straight guys might be missing out. As usual when I have an epiphany, I turn to my best friend Cam for help, and learn another two things. Neither of us is as straight as I thought, and I’m not the only one who needs protecting. Hopefully I can be as strong for him as he’s been for me.   

  **Beautifully Devoted is a high-heat MM romance between two co-dependent best friends. It’s a medium angst story that includes hurt/comfort situations and a bi-awakening with lots of humor and spice. This is book two in a series of interconnected standalones. 

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Catch Up On the Series: 

Beautifully Fractured (Book 1)


Carra's Review

We all know the general gist of a story centered on best friends to lovers, right?  When executed well, this particular trope makes for a solid, satisfying read.  Now imagine two best friends whose lives and personalities are so intertwined that it’s hard to tell where one ends and the other begins, and you’ll have a really good idea of what to expect with Beautifully Devoted.

Cam and Jagger have been in each other’s back pockets since they were little.  Where you find one, you’ll likely find the other—doing things together, finishing each other’s sentences, communicating full conversations with just glances and facial expressions.  They are totally open with each other, no shyness, no secrets.  

I’m sure you can guess the logical progression physically once one of them becomes curious, then the other starts to echo that curiosity.  And with these two, though they each think they are just satisfying their inquisitiveness about the same sex…well, they both get territorial about the other, even when it is just in their own head—but we know where that will eventually lead.

Everything between Cam and Jagger is so easy, a product of their incredibly close friendship that makes the evolution of their relationship inevitable.  And while yes, the outcome may be predictable, that doesn’t make it any less satisfying as a reader.  There is a very slight bit of drama with Jagger’s father, but for me it was really just a blip in their overall tale.

This type of story is a comfort read for me, and the author does a great job telling it.  Beautifully Devoted was a 4.5-star read for me, and if you’re a fan of M/M romance—and in particular the friends to lovers trope—adding this one to your personal library is a no-brainer.   Cam and Jagger are fantastic together, and are scorchingly hot in their physical intimacy.  This book is meant for readers 18+ for adult language and sexual content.

About the Author

Hi! I'm Michele-or at least that's the name I write under-because my parents and my kids are not allowed to read my books. Ever. Though sports romance is my guilty pleasure, I like to dabble in all tropes, genres and genders. My books are set in my home state of Colorado, because to me the mountains are the only thing that can compete with a good book. My favorite food is Mexican, my favorite shoes are flip-flops, and my drink of choice is whiskey, the same as virtually every character I've ever written.   

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Monday, July 22, 2024

New Release-Excerpt & Giveaway: MAGE OF THE DRAGON PRINCE by Ariella Zoelle writing as Zarina Aston (Bonded Hearts #1)

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Mage of the Dragon Prince
By Ariella Zoelle Writing as Zarina Aston

Mage Cover

Bonded Hearts, Book 1

A twist of fate brings a human mage to the past to fall in love with a dragon shifter prince. But will it also tear them apart before they can bond as fated mates?  

Auslin accidentally steps back in time, where he crosses paths with Kitaro, a charming dragon shifter prince. Forced to rely on the alluring stranger, Auslin places his trust in the hands of Prince Kitaro.

When they embark on a perilous journey to return Auslin to his rightful era, the fated mates discover a love that transcends time. But dangers lurking in the shadows conspire to keep them apart, threatening to unravel their fragile bond before it fully forms.

As they navigate treacherous challenges and powerful adversaries, Auslin and Kitaro must confront the ultimate question: can their love withstand the twists of fate that brought them together, or will it ultimately be the force that tears them apart? 

Mage of the Dragon Prince is the first book of the Bonded Hearts series and part of the Talwyn Saga universe. Full of dramatic twists and turns, this book will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last page. The story continues in future books, which will lead to a happily ever after.

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Chapter 3: Auslin

Sleep was slow to leave Auslin in the morning. He lingered in an unaware state, enjoying the warmth embracing him. It was a comfort he was loath to let go of in favor of wakefulness. He snuggled deeper into the comfort with a contented sigh, loving when he was held tighter.

It had been so long since Kio had held him like that—and that’s when Auslin remembered it couldn’t be Kio behind him. His eyes flew open, and he saw a pale arm around him with silver shifter markings. Auslin scrambled back with an alarmed noise as he turned to see a naked man.

Brushing his long, silver-white hair from his face and opening his eyes, the shifter blinked sleepily as he looked at Auslin questioningly with startlingly familiar ice-blue eyes. Auslin’s heart raced when their gazes met. The shifter in front of him looked like a much younger Kitsuki. But unlike the ruler, the person in front of him had both arms, different colored hair, and a brighter aura.

Although the dragon monarch looked to be in his thirties in human years, Auslin knew he was over a thousand years old. The shifter in front of him appeared to be equivalent to a twenty-something-year-old human male in age, but he was probably still several hundred years old.

He was a stunningly beautiful creature in seductive repose, which made Auslin’s heart pound for a different reason altogether. The shifter had shimmering silver markings that sensuously caressed his entire body. They were proof that he was an immensely powerful shifter.

Auslin knew Kitsuki had similar lines on the back of his hand, the sides of his neck, and chest, but they were much darker and didn’t swirl with energy like he had seen with other shifters before. He had always assumed Kitsuki had markings on the rest of his body, like a shifter of his rank was supposed to. But Auslin had no way of knowing how extensive they were since he had never seen him undressed before. And for some reason, thinking of the dragon monarch naked brought heat to his cheeks.

But none of that changed the fact that Auslin was looking at an impossible person. He couldn’t make sense of it at all.

When he continued silently staring, the shifter propped himself up on his elbow. He asked in a rumbling voice deepened by sleep, “Is it a human custom to awaken with such fear?”

It was not the reaction Auslin had been expecting. “It is when you wake up in bed naked with a stranger!”

“You fear me as a man but not as a dragon? What sense does that make? Humans are such curious creatures.”

IG Sized MotDP Teaser 2

IG Sized MotDP Teaser 3

Enter the Giveaway!

To celebrate the release of Mage of the Dragon Prince, Zarina is giving away copies of the release!

Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!

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Check out the Prequel:
Enchanter of Dragons

Enchanter 2820

Bonded Hearts, Prequel

A unicorn shifter is the last of his kind. Can a royal dragon shifter save him from being hunted?

Captured by a cruel king, Fersen is close to succumbing to the shadows of despair. But hope flickers to life when General Jaega is his unexpected savior.

After Jaega’s mate was murdered during the Necromancer War, the dragon prince had given up on love. The last thing he expects to discover is his new fated mate is the last living unicorn shifter.

Fersen is finally free, but the danger isn’t over yet. The sudden arrival of his heat makes a bad situation even worse.

Jaega knows he should keep his distance like a gentleman, but how can he resist his instincts demanding they consummate their mating bond?

Enchanter of Dragons is the prequel to the Bonded Hearts series and part of the Talwyn Saga universe. It is a complete story that can be read as a standalone.

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About the Author

With a pen as her wand and a heart full of mischief, Zarina Aston conjures up fantasy worlds where queer love knows no bounds. Her stories are like a kaleidoscope of emotions, filled with passionate encounters and heart-stopping adventures with shifters. From the first page to the last, Zarina's books are a whirlwind of dramatic twists and turns that will keep you on the edge of your seat, turning pages long into the night.

But sometimes Zarina’s in the mood for something with a little less angst and drama. If you’re craving light-hearted fluffy works of heart, then check out her Ariella Zoelle books as well.

For real time updates on Zarina’s writing progress, please join her Facebook group for exclusive teasers or follow her on Twitter or Instagram. You can also sign up for her newsletter to gain access to bonus chapters, previews of upcoming books, and more.

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