Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Review & Giveaway: EVAN'S LUCK by Jennah Scott & H. Sterling


Evan’s Luck

Jennah Scott
April 26, 2016
Five Hearts Publishing

Spencer Quinn has an image to uphold. His family name means more than anything. It’s the reason the reason they've become the most successful stock contractor on the rodeo circuit. Fresh out of school, he’s ready to take over the family business. It’s no secret he’s attracted to men, and so far that hasn’t been a problem.

Until Evan.

The assertive friend who knows how to push every one of his buttons.

Evan Taylor is known for his love ‘em and leave ‘em style, yet the last few months have left him deflated and lonely. His father's shadow wasn't where he wanted to end up, but he's having trouble finding happiness. Maybe because women can't keep his attention. He’s losing hope of settling down until a blast from the past saunters by, his heart catches and tingles spread over his skin.

Of all people, Spencer. The one person who would never give Evan a second glance. It’s just his luck.

The old saying, “Bad luck is better than none at all” fits Evan perfectly. Or does it? Is his bad luck about to change? Will Spencer Quinn be a good luck charm instead?



Evan's Luck was a good, quick read without a lot of angst.  The story moves quickly and did keep my attention through the whole book.  

I liked both main characters, Spencer and Evan, and even though the story is not that long, I still got a good sense of the characters' personalities.  Evan is a bit flirty, and is at a turning point in his life where he wants to make changes-something he's said before but never really stuck with.  Spencer is dedicated, smart and a bit hesitant with Evan.  I think they do make a good pair, though a longer story would have served to help better develop the relationship.

My only beef with Evan is the point at which the only real drama enters the story, since I felt he flew off the handle way too fast without talking things out with Spencer instead.  Personally, I thought Spencer was more than gracious with his reaction, and he showed a lot of patience and understanding with Evan.

Evan's Luck was a 3.5-star read for me, and is a good book for a quick read that will make you smile.  I'm hoping to see more of Evan and Spencer in the future to see where their relationship heads as they both grow in their professional roles.  Recommended for M/M romance fans 18+ for adult language and some M/M sexual content.


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unnamedBorn and raised in Texas, Jennah Scott is a transplant to Missouri long enough ago she should probably consider that her hometown. But she will forever be a Texan. She loves to write any story that will make a reader smile, laugh, and maybe even cry (although you won't ever hear her admit that she cries). No matter what her next crazy idea turns out to be, there will always be romance for everyone.

Sign up for her newsletter (www.jennahscott.com) to stay up to date with new releases, sneak peeks, and other news!

H. Sterling has published multiple contemporary romance books, usually on the more sweet and sassy side of the line, using her alter ego. After pairing up with Jennah she discovered just how much fun writing hot, sexy cowboys can be. Together they experienced how quickly stories can write themselves. Stick around, there's plenty more to come!


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for having us and the great review! I'm glad you enjoyed Evan's Luck.
