Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Blog Tour, Review and Giveaway: The Horde Without End by Nazarea Andrews

The Horde Without End synopsis:

It was supposed to be over…

Returning from Haven 18 was supposed to be the end. But nothing is ever easy—and in a world full of zombies, finding the missing is next to impossible. There are breadcrumbs. Tiny clues. But what are a few tiny clues in a world of the dead?

Nurrin is desperate to find her brother, but that will mean trusting Finn O’Malley. A man shrouded in secrets, who kills as easily as breathing. And the more she learns about him, the more questions she has. But she has learned one thing—the zombies are changing. Adapting. And this time, the Haven walls won’t keep them out.

Catch up with The World Without a Future, on sale for .99 NOW!

About the Author:
1525096_10151826862048342_1551981715_nNazarea Andrews is an avid reader and tends to write the stories she wants to read. She loves chocolate and coffee almost as much as she loves books, but not quite as much as she loves her kids. She lives in south Georgia with her husband, daughters, and overgrown dog. She is the author of Girl Lost, Edge of the Falls, and The University of Branton Series.

Horde Teaser avaliable2
Enter Nazarea's giveaway!!

My Review

First-if you haven't read the first book, The World Without a Future-go pick it up now!  You'll need to read it before starting Horde to understand everything that's going on.  Second-I love this series!  I never used to think I'd like to read zombie books, but after a friend wrote one that I really liked, a favorite author of mine wrote one that I also really liked, and then I come across this series...well, let's just say there will probably be many more zombies in my future reading :-)

And then there's Finn O'Malley.  I love that we are learning more and more about his enigmatic character, finally getting to find out about who he was before Day One.  You get a lot of insight into his character here in book two, some of it quite unexpected.  And regardless of his rough and not necessarily appropriate ways, he's still the hot survivor alpha male that you want on your side (and other places *grin*).

I like that Nurrin is becoming an even stronger female character, and really enjoy the interactions between her and Finn.  I'm just waiting to see how much longer it's going to take her to admit what all of us out here reading already know about her feelings regarding him.

The story will surely keep your interest like it did mine...and now after that oh-my-gosh ending, I'm totally craving the next book!

Definitely one for the 18+ crowd, I'm tossing 4.5 stars out there for The Horde Without End!

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