RELEASE DATE: 04.05.18

I can make it by myself. The only rules I follow are my own. Love? I learned that lesson the hard and painful way—it wasn’t right for me. Sure, sometimes it gets lonely, and I wish I had a man to hold. Who’d love me. Want me. Treat me with respect. Yeah, I dance in a club, but that doesn’t mean I’m easy. Or a fool. So you, sitting in the back, watching me? I know what you want. You want me. In your bed. Under you. But I say no. It doesn’t matter how many presents you give me.
I’m not falling for you. I know who you are. But you don’t know me. You don’t know Austin.

Ignoring my statement, he closed the door behind him and stood, his face impassive, expression hard and fierce as if hacked out of granite.
“Did he hurt you?”
The softness of his voice surprised me. It didn’t reconcile with his large, imposing presence. Forgetting my previous statement, I gazed up at him from my seat, and not wishing to be at a disadvantage, stood.
“You saw what happened?”
“I did.” A twinkle lit his startling blue eyes. “You handled it perfectly.”
“F*cking asshole. He’s lucky I didn’t kick him harder.”
“The kitten has claws, I see.”
A smile curved his stern mouth, and he looked younger and impossibly attractive. A rush of desire hit me, but I couldn’t fall prey to it or him.
“I’m not a kitten, and if you think I need a protector, you can forget it. I can take care of myself.” I’d had to all my life.
“I don’t want to be your protector.” Fire replaced the smile in his eyes. “Did you like what I sent you?” He licked his lips. “Are you wearing it?”
I should have been scared. Being alone with him here could be dangerous, even though my instinct told me he’d never hurt me. But whether to listen to my body or my heart, I hadn’t yet decided. Wordlessly, I took several steps until I stood only a few feet in front of him. I peeled back the top of my shorts, exposing the frothy lace. The sparkling crystals caught the light. He reached out with a finger, then halted in midair.
“May I?”
My d*ck shifted in my thin shorts, and though it was impossible not to notice my rising desire, he waited for my response.
Carra's Review
First, before you start this book—be aware that this a very short story, and is only a prequel to the next book. There is a cliffhanger at the end, kind of a “what will he do next” ending…and this is meant to thoroughly pique your interest for the next story and the series.
Several characters are introduced. The two main ones who will be the focus of the next book, Austin and Rhoades, who are dancing around each other both figuratively and literally (for Austin) and stirring up the interest of anyone who reads this, are the center of attention. Even with this being such a short length, the heat, chemistry, and attraction between them are palpable. Also introduced are the other dancers at Man Up, the club for which the series is named, as well as the club’s owner.
Since the story is quite short (I read in in less than a half hour), there’s not much more I can say without giving away too much. Just know that it will definitely grab your attention, make you want more, and also probably have you screaming “YOU TEASE!” at the author…kind of like I’m doing right now.
I’m giving Austin 4.5 stars for the intriguing start, and I cannot wait for Rhoades—Undeniable to come out so I can get more of these two guys.
About the Author
Felice Stevens has always been a romantic at heart. While life is tough, she believes there is a happy ending for everyone. She started reading traditional historical romances as a teenager, then life and law school got in the way. It wasn't until she picked up a copy of Bertrice Small and became swept away to Queen Elizabeth's court that her interest in romance novels was renewed.
But somewhere along the way, her reading shifted to stories of men falling in love. Once she picked up her first gay romance, she became so enamored of the character-driven stories and the overwhelming emotion there was no turning back.
Felice lives in New York City with her husband and two children. Her day begins with a lot of caffeine and ends with a glass or two of red wine. Although she practices law, she daydreams of a time when she can sit by a beach and write beautiful stories of men falling in love. Although there is bound to be some angst along the way, a Happily Ever After is always guaranteed.
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