A Collaborative project with L.A. producer and Hollywood Actor Nicholas Downs & International Bestselling Author Susan Mac Nicol

Based on an idea from L.A. producer and actor, Nicholas Downs, Susan and Nicholas have developed a story straight from the heart.
In a gripping tale of lovers fighting against the odds comes a story of universal appeal about rejection and acceptance and finally finding what is real and true.

How did this book come to be?
Nicholas and Susan got to know each other when she interviewed him for Divine Magazine They kept in touch and Susan was thrilled when she learnt he was reading her books. In February this year, Nicholas messaged Susan and asked her to read a script he’d written. It sounded like something she’d love so of course she did. Things evolved to the point where they decided to collaborate to write a full story based on the film script, and then develop a screen play together with a view to getting it to screen.
Susan’s part in this project is to write the book, get it out there, and then help write the screen play. Nicholas, with his LA and Hollywood connections is the go to guy to see if they can get this book made into film.
It’s an exciting, heady venture that the pair have embarked on, and they are thrilled that you might choose to share the journey with them.

♡ Sometimes we don’t see love coming ♡
Release Date: January 26, 2017Publisher: Boroughs Publishing Group www.boroughspublishinggroup.com
Pages or Words: Kindle Edition, 200 pages
Categories: M/M Romance
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/33123863-sight-unseen
Tragedy brings together a reserved but brilliant sculptor and an outgoing gallery owner, friends whose love was sidetracked but was always meant to be deeper.
SoCal natives, Nate and Cody have been friends since childhood. Both knew they were different—and the same. At seventeen, a stolen weekend in the Florida Keys drove their connection deeper and hotter than either could imagine. They were meant to be together. Then, for reasons only Nate knows, suddenly they weren’t.
They’re still friends. Best friends. But they’ve moved on and found other partners. The yearning remains, however, despite the long-ago secret that drove them apart, when tragedy strikes, both men find themselves in the dark. They must grope their way back to who and what they are…which they will find in each other’s arms. Sometimes, losing one’s sight can open one’s eyes—and heart.

Book Links

Susan Mac Nicol is going to the States in 2017, from 22nd to 30th March
It’s a dream come true for Sue.
There will be a very special signing event at The Abbey on the 23rd March. The Abbey is an iconic gay club in West Hollywood. Nicholas and Sue will be there to enjoy the evening, meet fans of both their genres in film and publishing and be available to sign books, chat and have some fun. If you’re in the area, please pop down and see them, they’d no doubt love to see you.

She’ll be signing Sight Unseen with Boroughs Publishing Group and actor Nicholas Downs at this conference from 24-26th March. If you’re interested in attending this signing, either as an author or a reader, here’s the link.
The 2017 conference will be at: Embassy Suites in Brea, California.
Address: 900 E Birch St, Brea, CA 92821
Sight Unseen Book Signing at The Abbey in West Hollywood

One of the best things about the week had been sharing our latest medical results and both having been given the all clear. With nothing between us, the sex was even more intense, if that was at all possible.An hour ago, I’d walked into his beach house and been manhandled at the door. Cody had thrust his tongue halfway down my throat as he walked me backward to the sofa. It took mere seconds before I was lying flat, my trousers around my ankles while Cody straddled my body. Somehow, he’d gotten naked while I still had my shirt on.
My heated skin was all about the naked man on top of me whose hands were running down my flanks while his ass ghosted against my c*ck. My arms were pinioned to my sides by his strong legs, curtailing my mobility. The heady scent of his c*ck, frustratingly not close enough to touch with my lips, caused my mouth to water with the anticipation of getting it near enough to swallow down.
“Come on,” I wheedled. “No fair. For God’s sake, bring that c*ck here so I can taste you.”
He shuffled closer, and I opened my mouth. Instead of the velvety smooth skin of his erection, I found something sweet and wet being pushed into my mouth. Strawberries. I knew I’d smelled fruit. I closed my mouth around the juiciness of one large piece, chewing down on it, moaning a few seconds later when his mouth found mine.
The remains of the strawberry mixed with the taste of Cody was intoxicating. He placed another piece between my teeth, except this time it was his to swallow. I couldn’t say how many times we devoured the sweet fruit, or each other. The sensation that stayed with me was Cody’s sweating, lithe body, slick and smooth, hands rough when they touched me in places I ached to have him fill even more.
My brain short-circuited, and when he finally whispered to me that he was ready, I could only mumble in dazed obedience. When he lifted himself up, his hands on my shoulders, and lowered himself onto my hardened and aching c*ck, I wondered dimly whether this was what heaven would one day be for me.
To have the man I loved riding my c*ck with such passion and fervor, his pants and sighs a symphony to my senses. My own moans and entreaties tantamount to the clash of heavenly cymbals that made a love serenade, an orchestral movement in the sunshine; two men joined in that most intimate of acts, the soft whispers and touches against heated flesh that made the world dazzling and stupendous.
Being inside Cody was a climactic event that made me shudder. I wanted nothing more from this life. Not even my sight. And when I exploded inside him with a surge of lust and desire, knowing my come was flooding his most secret places, I made him mine in a way no one could ever question. I knew I’d found my heaven on earth.
I smelled and felt Cody’s orgasm as he jetted over me, coating me with his come and mashing his mouth against mine in a heady cocktail of strawberries and hope.
“Happy birthday, baby,” he whispered and I smiled.

Exclusive Excerpt
Cody POV
The sight that greeted me was one I’ll remember as long as I live. Nate lay on the bed legs spread wide, knees up, feet planted over the covers. His lithe, sun-kissed body glistened with sweat as he grasped his c*ck and jacked himself off. He had his earbuds in, and his eyes were half closed, lips parted, and the look on his face…
Carra's Review
Sight Unseen takes several of my favorite tropes-second chance, best friends to more, overcoming adversity-and beautifully weaves them together to result in a story I did not want to put down. I adored both Cody and Nate, and wound up reading this book in a single sitting because I didn't want to stop until I found out how everything would turn out for them.
Nate was amazing, and I loved his point of view since it made everything so much more descriptive as he used his other senses to compensate for his loss of sight. Even with such a tremendous loss, he powers through to not just get back to everyday life, but to also get back to his sculpting. He's a beautiful, brave man and a strong character (shh...he was my favorite...don't let Cody know, ok?). Cody was so supportive of Nate, and the two of them were so close and in sync with each other. Both of them want each other but try hard not to show it, and it ramps up the sexual tension of the story quite a bit.
There are some great supporting characters, in particular Cody's sometime hookup Dev, Nate's new friend Blu, and the woman who helps Nate adjust to life as a blind man, Suzanne. All of them add depth to the story and play integral parts in Cody and Nate's lives. Then there's Nate's family...and let's just say there's nothing nice to say about them-period.
Nate's journey as he learns to be in the world without his sight, and following Cody and Nate as they dance around each other before finally coming together again was a real pleasure, and Nate's perseverance and determination were inspiring. It was blatantly obvious the two of them are meant to be together, and once they are their chemistry is simply overpowering.
Sight Unseen gets 5 stars from me, and will most likely be at least an annual re-read...though I don't know if I can go that long without revisiting Cody and Nate and their beautiful story. I highly recommend this story to not just M/M romance fans, but ANY romance fan. It will not only brighten your day, but will also give you a better understanding of life from a sightless viewpoint and make you think of things you'd probably never considered before. It is told from both Cody and Nate's viewpoints, something I really enjoyed since getting both sides made the story richer and gave me a better understanding of how they each were affected. This book is for readers 18+ for adult language and M/M sexual content (oh my goodness...Nate and Cody together...*sigh).

Grand Prize: E-book copy of Sight Unseen plus a $10 Amazon voucher . Opportunity for your name to be a character in Susan's next Men of London book, 'Survival Game'Second Prize: A $5.00 Amazon gift voucher/card

We're closing Susan's Blog Tour in style with a Facebook Party March 18!

Connect with Susan & Nicholas
Susan Mac Nicol is a self-confessed bookaholic, an avid watcher of videos of sexy pole dancing men, self-confessed geek and nerd and in love with her Smartphone. This little treasure is called ‘the boyfriend’ by her long suffering husband, who says if it vibrated, there’d be no need for him. Susan hasn’t had the heart to tell him there’s an app for that…She is never happier than when sitting in the confines of her living room/study/on a cold station platform scribbling down words and making two men fall in love. She is a romantic at heart and believes that everything happens (for the most part) for a reason. She likes to think of herself as a ‘half full’ kinda gal, although sometimes that philosophy is sorely tested.
In an ideal world, Susan Mac Nicol would be Queen of England and banish all the bad people to the Never-Never Lands of Wherever -Who Cares. As that’s never going to happen, she contents herself with writing her HEA stories and pretending, that just for a little while, good things happen to good people.
Sue is also a PAN member of the Romance Writers of America and a member of their Rainbow chapter as well as a member of the Romantic Novelists Association in the UK.
Facebook - Facebook Author Page - Susan’s Squad Street Team Page - Twitter - Google + - Tumblr - YouTube - Instagram - Pinterest - Amazon - Goodreads - Website - About.me - AUTHORSdb - AllAuthor - Queeromance Ink
Nicholas Downs is a successful film, television and stage actor, who has also appeared in many national television ads. Originally from a small town in Iowa, Nicholas is one of ten children. He fell in love with acting the moment he first discovered a stage and has been working on his craft ever since.
His feature film roles include both Hollywood blockbusters Pearl Harbor, The Girl Next Door, Constantine, The Holiday as well as award-winning indie features 16 to Life, The Awakening of Spring and Anderson’s Cross. Nicholas can be seen on hit television shows including NCIS: Los Angeles, Castle, Cold Case, Boston Public, The Young and the Restless, The Guardian, Make it or Break it and the recent Lifetime Movie, Beautiful and Twisted.
This has been a busy few years for Nicholas, who was cast in leading roles in the feature films, Is It Just Me? (winner of numerous festival awards) - and The Apocalypse… According to Doris. He has traveled internationally to promote Is It Just Me? and 16 to Life at several film festivals (Palm Springs International Film Festival, Polar Lights International Film Festival, Asheville Film Festival). In Detroit, Is It Just Me? won Best Feature at the DIFF and in Hawaii it won the prestigious Rainbow Award.

Follow the Tour
March 13 | Louise Lyons - A day in the life of Susan Mac Nicol | http://www.louiselyonsauthor.com |
March 13 | RAM PA Group - 5 Things you didn't know about Sight Unseen | http://rampagroup.com/ |
March 13 | Turningpagesatmidnight - Exclusive Excerpt | https://www.facebook.com/turningpagesatmidnight/ |
March 14 | Yah gotta read this - 5 Top Ways to spend a weekend | http://yahgottareadthis.blogspot.ca/ |
March 14 | Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents - Exclusive Excerpt | http://fangirlmomentsandmytwocents.blogspot.com |
March 14 | MM Good Book Reviews - Work Life Balance | https://mmgoodbookreviews.wordpress.com/ |
March 15 | Bookslaidbareboys - Exclusive Excerpt | http://www.Books-Laid-Bare-Boys.com |
March 15 | Bonkers about books - Top 5 Must Read Books | http://felinewyvern.blogspot.co.uk |
March 15 | My Fiction Nook - Exclusive Excerpt | http://myfictionnook.com |
March 15 | Book Lovers 4Ever - Top 5 Music Artists | http://bl4ebookblog.blogspot.com/ |
March 15 | Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books! - Bucket List | https://archaeolibrarianologist.blogspot.de/ |
March 16 | Making it Happen - Exclusive Excerpt | http://moonangel23.blogspot.com |
March 16 | velvetpanic - Top 5 Films | https://velvetpanic2.wordpress.com/blog/ |
March 16 | Stories That Make You Smile - Exclusive Excerpt | http://authoraddisonalbright.com |
March 16 | Happily Ever Chapter - Book Promo | https://www.facebook.com/happilyeverchapter |
March 16 | EyesOnBooks' Next Favorite Reads - Exclusive Excerpt | http://eyesonbooks.com |
March 16 | two chicks obsessed - Top 5 Favourite Authors | http://twochicksobsessed.com/ |
March 16 | Evermore Books - 5 Things you should know about becoming a published Author | http://evermorebooks.weebly.com/blog |
March 16 | Wicked Faerie's Tales and Reviews - Exclusive Excerpt | http://wickedfaeriesreviews.blogspot.com |
March 17 | Whatever Floats Your Boat - Book Promo | https://www.facebook.com/Whatfloatsyourboat/ |
March 17 | Bayou Book Junkie - How Writing Changed My Life | http://bayoubookjunkie.blogspot.com |
March 17 | Love Bytes Reviews - Exclusive Excerpt | http://www.lovebytesreviews.com |
March 17 | We Three Queens - 5 Things you didnt know about Susan Mac Nicol | https://man2mantastic.blogspot.com |
March 17 | MJ's Book Blog and Reviews - Book Promo | https://www.facebook.com/MJsBookBlogandReviews/ |
March 17 | Jessie G Books - Exclusive Excerpt | http://www.jessiegbooks.com/scatterbrain |
Hosted By

Carra, thanks so much for hosting me today and the wonderful review! I'm so glad you enjoyed Nate and Cody's story ♥
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for participating in the Sight Unseen Blog Tour ❤️