Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Series Review: THE INHERITANCE SERIES by Amelia Faulkner

Series Review

Amelia Faulkner's Inheritance Series


    by Amelia Faulkner

    Series Blurb

    Inheritance follows the lives of two men who - while worlds apart - have more in common than they could possibly imagine. Laurence Riley: heroin addict, florist, and descendant of an ancient Celtic deity. Quentin d'Arcy: British aristocrat, psychokinetic, and utterly unworldly. Once their lives intertwine, danger and horrors are sure to follow, and they must learn to master their powers and fears if they're to stand together against the darkness.


Florist. Psychic. Addict. 

Laurence Riley coasts by on good looks and natural charm, but underneath lies a dark chasm that neither heroin nor lovers can fill. Sobriety is a pipe dream which his stalker ex-boyfriend is pushing him away from. Luckily, Laurence has powers most can only dream of. If only he could control them.

Aristocrat. Psychic. Survivor. 

Quentin d'Arcy is the product of centuries of wealth, privilege, and breeding, and is on the run from all three. A chance encounter with an arresting young florist with a winning smile could make him stop. Laurence is kind, warm, and oddly intriguing but Quentin's wild telekinesis and his fear of sex make dating a dangerous game.

When opposites attract, they collide. 

Desperate to fix his rotting life, Laurence prays for aid and accidentally summons a fertility god who prefers to be called Jack. Jack is willing to help out for a price, and it's one Laurence just can't pay: he must keep Jack fed with regular offerings of sex, and the florist has fallen for the one man in San Diego who doesn't want any.

If they're to survive Jack's wrath, Laurence and Quentin must master their blossoming feelings and gifts, but even then the cost of Laurence's mistake could well overwhelm them both. How exactly are mere mortals supposed to defeat a god?

Jack of Thorns is the first book in the Inheritance series and contains mature themes and events which may be distressing to some readers. It has a low heat rating and an HFN ending.

Carra's Review

Okay, I have to admit-I usually prefer a LOT of romance in my books, regardless of any other genre that a story might be a part of, and I don't necessarily mean in terms of the physical. Most of the romantic parts of this story are confined to the unrequited...with a teensy, tiny bit of hope...and yet the paranormal aspects of this book were plenty to keep my interest most of the way through.  

Now, yes-I did say "most of the way".  There were some times, mostly in the first half of the story, where it did seem to drag a bit for me.  This could just be a personal thing-I'm the type who likes my reads to have me smack in the middle of the action for much of the time so periods of exposition that don't have a lot going on other than day-to-day type activities (no matter how integral to the story they might be) tend to let my mind wander some.  But the slower pace of the story in this case serves to mirror Quentin's gradual discovery of his talents as well as his confusing feelings toward Laurence.  

Laurence is already aware that he possesses psychic abilities, though he is frustrated that he does not really have much control over what he can do.  He gets a LOT more than he bargained for when asking for divine assistance, and that is what leads to the majority of the conflict, tension and action of this story.  A chance meeting with Quentin draws the two of them together again and again, and the relationship that develops helps lead both men toward a greater understanding of their own talents, while they build a mostly platonic friendship.

It's interesting to watch Quentin through this story.  He's exceedingly innocent in so many ways, not having been exposed to much of what the everyday person is around on a daily basis.  He takes many things literally while not understanding others, which makes for some pretty entertaining scenes-especially as the feelings he has for Laurence start to grow.

I'm intrigued to see where this series goes from here-the groundwork that has been laid in Jack of Thorns has set the stage for so many things that could come in the future.  Taking into account the slower pace of this story (at least for me), Jack of Thorns gets 3.5 stars from me.  I'd recommend this to M/M paranormal fans, though if you're looking for a bunch of romance and physical scenes, you'll not see it here.  Regardless, it will probably pique your interest as it did mine...and I'm looking forward to see what comes next.


Headstrong. Telekinetic. Pariah. 

On the run from his family, Quentin d’Arcy has settled in San Diego with dwindling funds and the growing suspicion that his gifts might not be limited to telekinesis. When he meets a psychic who can control people’s actions with a few words, his comfortable life starts to unravel.

Demigod. Oracle. Hunter. 

Laurence Riley almost died killing one god only to discover that he’s descended from another. Before he can come to terms with that revelation, Quentin’s twin brother walks into his life, and there’s no way to know what his motives may be.

With great power comes great danger. 

Kane Wilson wants to make a better world: a world in which psychics are open about who and what they are without fear of reprisal or hatred. With the power to control others he might be able to pull it off, but there’s going to be collateral damage.

If Quentin and Laurence can’t get to the bottom of Wilson’s plan, Kane will out the existence of psychics not only to San Diego but to the world, and all hell will break loose.

Knight of Flames is the second book in the Inheritance series and contains mature themes and events which may be distressing to some readers. It has a mild heat rating and an HFN ending.

Carra's Review

Now this had much more going on than the first book of the series.  The beginning did start off a bit slowly for me, but quickly moved up to speed with plenty of mystery and intrigue in addition to the advancement of Quentin and Laurence's physical relationship-though only by a bit in that area (and that bit certainly was intense).

With the introduction of Kane Wilson's character and the addition of Quentin's brother Freddy into the mix, the tension ratchets up quite a bit and as a reader I was constantly kept guessing as to where everything was going.  I didn't trust either Kane or Freddy from the start, though much of my ire was drawn primarily toward Kane, particularly the further in to the story I got.

Knight of Flames shows there is so much more to all of this than what one might expect, and it served to really dig in and pique my interest a whole bunch more-I really need the next book ASAP as I just HAVE to know what's going to come next.  From the slower start I had in the first book to where I'm at now at the end of this one, I can surely say I'm fully dragged into this storyline and can't wait for more!

4.5 stars for Knight of Flames, it really pulled me totally into this series not with gentle tugs but one hell of a huge yank.  I'm highly recommending this series to M/M paranormal fans, and while the physical aspect of Quentin and Laurence's relationship may be on the heavier end of the R-rated spectrum, it's still going to have readers wanting more.  It makes me wonder if when things really get heated between them if they're just going to explode ;-)


Lover. Predator. Killer.
Laurence Riley's inheritance comes with a price - one he's not at all sure he can pay. When his urge to hunt grows out of control, he sends a desperate prayer to his ancestor for guidance. But he never expected that Herne the Hunter would answer.

Scion. Target. Victim.
There are horrors lurking in Quentin d'Arcy's past, but they won't hide there forever. Something ancient is coming to take him home: a creature of nightmare who feasts on the flesh of children. When the choice is between his own life and the lives of innocents, there is no choice at all.

Honesty is the worst policy.

A legendary horror comes to San Diego, but it's merely an emissary. Laurence has seen the real monster, and it's a darkness which will destroy everything he loves - especially if Quentin ever finds out what it did to him as a child.

It's down to Laurence to prepare for war against a force which far outmatches him. The enemy has the most powerful weapon of all at his disposal, and if they're to stand a chance, Laurence must master the same power.

He must learn magic.

Lord of Ravens is the third book in the Rainbow Award winning Inheritance series and contains mature themes and events which may be distressing to some readers. It has a moderate heat rating and an HFN ending.

Carra's Review

This series just pulls you in deeper and deeper.  Laurence and Quentin’s relationship grows and continues to develop as Quentin’s trust expands, they both continue to develop their own inherent gifts and discover more of what they are capable, and the threat against them continues to develop and become even more terrifyingly real.  So in addition to the storyline itself ensnaring me with its intricately woven mythology and the characters that continue to endear themselves to me with their willingness to sacrifice themselves for those they love, all of it is progressing and flourishing into what is quickly becoming an addictive saga that has completely captured my imagination.

Laurence and Quentin…their continually evolving relationship—which grows more intimately intense as the series progresses—has them becoming thoroughly entwined with and dedicated to each other.  Even when doubt creeps in due to a bit of a lack of communication, they keep unconditionally supporting each other even if that might be to their own detriment.  They both continue to get a better grasp on their individual abilities, and both men’s characters keep on growing and developing at a steady pace.  

We get to see some new characters in the Big Bad for this story-Black Annis-as well as Morgan…who I haven’t decided yet whether she’s good or bad, and also Rufus who is meant to help Laurence learn.  There is also the introduction of the King Arthur mythology into this book which provides some more twists and possibilities as the story becomes even more complex.  Questions are answered, but more are raised, and the stakes continue to climb as we start to find out more behind Quentin’s past.  But the evil is even deeper and more insidious than we’ve seen so far, and the continued drama, tension and suspense are ratcheted up even higher in this story.

There are darker themes present in this book than we’ve seen so far in the series, and one chapter in particular that contains a scene that will likely be distressing for many who read it, and may be a trigger for some, so please be sure to pay attention to publisher’s note at the front of the book.  As disturbing as those parts are, they do give you a better understanding of Quentin and why he acts and reacts as he does to certain situations, and left me feeling quite protective of him.

Lord of Ravens was a 5-star read for me, and I’m practically bouncing off the walls over here needing the next story in the series.  I think you can safely say I’m firmly entrapped, and I can’t wait to see where things head next.  I strongly recommend this book and series to any M/M urban fantasy/paranormal romance fan, and it is definitely necessary to read the first two books in the series before starting this one (it’s so very worth it—trust me).  This book is meant for readers 18+ for adult language, mature content that may be upsetting to some readers, and M/M sexual content. 

Author Bio

Amelia Faulkner was born in Thame, Oxfordshire, and sprouted upward in short order. The ground around Thame is reasonably mucky, especially in the winter, and she canít be blamed for wanting to get away from it.

Raised on a steady diet of Star Trek and Doctor Who, Amelia stood no chance in not becoming a grade-A geek. She has sat on the board of the British Fantasy Society, contributed fiction and fluff to various published roleplaying games, and written non-fiction for SciFiNow and SFX Magazines. For every positive there is an equal and opposite negative, and Amelia is forced to admit that she loves Wild Wild West.

In her spare time she enjoys travel, photography, walking her Corgi, and trying to convince her friends to replay the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game with all the Goblins decks.

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