Friday, January 27, 2017

New Release-Excerpt & Giveaway: RYKER & GAVIN by A.D. Ellis (Something About Him #5)


Gavin Mitchel has resigned himself to a lonely and unfulfilling love life, but his first meeting with Ryker Hudson is as steamy as it is random, which is precisely the way Ryker likes it. Their second meeting, while equally random, is beyond awkward.

Although a fourteen-year age difference stands in their way, a much larger obstacle is also blocking their path. Together, Ryker and Gavin must find the strength to overcome the roadblocks or bid farewell to their happily ever after.

**This is a male/male romance meant for ages 18+ due to adult language and situations.**

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Series: Something About Him
Book: 5
*Can Be Read as Stand-alone.*
Release Date: January 26, 2017
Publisher: A.D. Ellis Publishing
Pages or Words: 51,000
Categories: Male/Male Romance


Excerpt from Ryker’s point-of-view:

“Man, I seriously feel like a damn yo-yo right now,” I huffed to Asher as we finished up our run around the park. I didn’t love running, but Asher was usually able to drag me out for a run once or twice a week with a promise of the coffee shop at the finish line.

“A yo-yo? Like you’re getting jerked around or what?” Asher’s breathing was less labored than mine was. Running four to five times a week gave him an edge in the cardio department.

“No, like one second I’m high, feeling like I may have a second chance with my mom. Then, bam, I’m back down to feeling low. I want to be angry with her, but I want the drama to be over. I want her to know I’m hurt, but I don’t want to keep feeling the pain. I want to stay tough and not get hurt again, but I want to move past the sh*t and give feeling good a chance again.”

Asher was quiet for a moment as we tackled the last incline of our journey. I knew the end was near, a promised cup of sweet coffee goodness awaited me, and I was willing to let him think on my words for a bit.

By the time we reached the park entrance and walked the short blocks to the coffee shop, we were both breathing more easily. After ordering our coffees, we glanced around at the packed house only to see the seats were all taken.

“Do you feel like a donut?” Asher asked.

I poke at my ribs, “Nope, definitely human,” I joked.

“Ha ha, funny. No, I mean, let’s go to my Grandma’s bakery. We can drink our coffee and get something to eat. Maybe split a muffin or something.”

“The Cakery? No way am I splitting anything there. If you’re taking me to a sweet carb heaven, I’m eating a whole treat and not sharing it.” Asher’s “grandmother”, Janie, was the owner of The Cakery. She had married into the family before Asher was born. That family tree was likely the most wonky one in Torey Hope, but the long and short of it was that Grandma Janie was a wonderful woman and had cornered the market in town with her baked goods. She did offer a simple cup of coffee with her sugary confections, but she didn’t try to compete with the coffee shop. And, while the coffee shop did offer a few bakery items to its customers, it was pretty much a given that most people would get their coffee and other caffeinated drinks at Torey Hope’s Beans and Leaves coffee and tea house while picking up their favorite bakery goods at The Cakery.

“You know, eating an entire sweet treat sort of negates the run we just took,” Asher looked at me pointedly.

“I ran with you because you made me and I knew I’d get coffee,” I patted my flat belly, “I’m pretty sure my metabolism isn’t going to shut down from one donut or muffin.”

“Yeah, yeah. I’m not so worried about your physique as much as your arteries. You eat like a high school kid.”

I rolled my eyes and waved him off as we grabbed our coffees and headed down the street to The Cakery.



✨ Giveaway

3 lucky winners can choose any ebook title from A.D. Ellis backlist, not including the newest release of Ryker & Gavin

✨Meet the Author

Braeton & Drew: Something About Him by A.D. Ellis Blog Tour

A.D. Ellis spends the majority of her days loving and wrangling two school-aged children and a husband before heading to the inner city of Indiana to teach a challenging group of alternative education students in grades third through sixth. Most days she hits the gym after school in hopes of running and lifting away the stress and headaches of the day before picking up her children and squeezing a whole day’s worth of loving and living into the too-short hours before bed. It’s no wonder Ms. Ellis lives for the slower, easier days she gets to enjoy on breaks from school.

Growing up in a small farming town in southern Indiana, A.D. is grateful to her mother for passing along the love of reading. With her nose constantly stuck in a book, Ms. Ellis became accustomed to friends and acquaintances snickering and shaking their heads at her love of reading.

A.D. never dreamed of being anything but a teacher, although there are certain times of the year when she laments her career choice. Ms. Ellis had a story idea floating in her head for about a year. After persistent prodding from a friend, A.D. put pen to paper and began writing her first story in October 2013. From that moment on, she was hooked. Taking the people and stories from her head and sharing them with readers is a scary, exhausting, rewarding, and fulfilling experience which A.D. plans to continue until there are no more stories banging around in her mind.

A.D. Ellis’ work can be found on both iBooks and Amazon. Please contact her on Facebook, Twitter, or her website.

Hosted By Divine Promotions

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for being part of the Ryker & Gavin Release Blitz ❤️
