Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Release Day Launch and Giveaway: As Long As You Love Me by Ann Aguirre


We are absolutely ecstatic to bring you the Release Day Launch for Ann Aguirre's AS LONG AS YOU LOVE ME! AS LONG AS YOU LOVE ME is the second novel in Ann's New Adult Contemporary Romance 2B Trilogy Series, published by Harlequin HQN! If you haven't already read I WANT IT THAT WAY  buy it NOW. We can't wait for you all to read it so you can dish with us about it!

As Long As You Love Me

Amazon | Barnes and Noble BAM | IndieBound | Vroman’s | Book Depository | Powell’siTunes


Most people dream about getting out of Sharon, Nebraska, but after three years away, Lauren Barrett is coming home. There are the justifications she gives to everyone else—missing her family, losing her college scholarship. And then there’s the reason Lauren can’t admit to anyone: Rob Conrad, her best friend’s older brother.

Football prowess and jaw-dropping good looks made Rob a star in high school. Out in the real world, his job and his relationships are going nowhere. He can’t pinpoint exactly what’s missing until Lauren comes back to town, bringing old feelings and new dreams with her. But he’s the guy that women love and leave—not the one who makes them think of forever.

Though she’s terrified of opening up, Lauren’s ready to take that chance. Because the only thing more important than figuring out where you truly belong is finding the person you were meant to be with.

ALAYLM Teaser 2


Mom was asleep, so I checked my email. I had the usual spam, plus notes from all my former roomies, which made me happy. I missed all of them, even Max, though things were unspeakably awkward between us at the end. I opened Nadia’s first:

LB! You know I miss you like crazy, right? Courtney’s in your bed right now, and she has completely alphabetized my books. I’m pretty sure there will be a lending library program implemented the next time I get home from work. So how’s Nebraska? Did you find a job yet? Have you started applying to any schools? I have like ten more questions but you’ll get grumpy if I dump them on you all at once. Hug and kiss my family for me, okay? Write back soon or I’m sending my brother to track you down.

She didn’t mention the hot single dad she’d broken up with right before I left. Mr. Hot Ginger had dumped Nadia for her own good, which would drive her quietly crazy. I’d felt horrible about the timing, but there was little I could do about it. I hadn’t gotten to know him well before I left, but Ty seemed like a good guy. He was only a few years older than us, but already had a four-year-old. That was the crux of the conflict.

Writing back, I didn’t quite nail the tone, talking about Rob too much and inventing interesting anecdotes because there was so little going on. I could’ve mentioned Krista, but Nadia had never been as close to her, and there was some tension by the time she moved. Mostly I didn’t want Nadia to worry; things would be fine once I got a job and had less time to fret about whether I’d made the right decision.

I opened Angus’s email next:

Hey, you. Got your check. It appears not to be rubber, but I said you didn’t have to pay me back. I hate you for leaving. Come back right now. I’ll wait. This is me, waiting. It’s been at least five minutes. You’re shattering my faith in humanity, Lauren. Take responsibility for it! Not sure what you’ve heard from Nadia, but she’s such a hot mess. I can’t believe you abandoned us. All the light has left my life. All of it! Okay, enough drama. I’m working on getting over Josh. Classes suck but I will survive. (You’re singing it now, aren’t you?)

“Damn you, Angus Starr. You know me too well.” I got up on my bed with a hairbrush and sang two verses before reading on.

In all seriousness, there is a Lauren-sized hole in my life. Please don’t lose touch. Write soon. Love and hugs, Angus.

It was simpler writing back to Angus; our friendship was sweet and uncomplicated. Briefly I considered deleting Max’s email without opening it, but that seemed like an asshole move. In the end, I read it, two lines only:

I’m sorry about everything. Take care of yourself.

Grab the whole series today! 

2B Trilogy

About Ann Aguirre:
Author Photo
Ann Aguirre is a New York Times & USA Today bestselling author and RITA winner with a degree in English Literature; before she began writing full time, she was a clown, a clerk, a voice actress, and a savior of stray kittens, not necessarily in that order. She grew up in a yellow house across from a cornfield, but now she lives in sunny Mexico with her husband, children, and various pets. Ann likes books, emo music, action movies, and she writes all kinds of genre fiction for adults and teens, published with Harlequin, Macmillan, and Penguin, among others.

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ALAYLM Available button

Release Day Launch and Giveaway: The Fine Art of Pretending by Rachel Harris


We are so excited to bring you the Release Day Launch of Rachel Harris' THE FINE ART OF PRETENDING! THE FINE ART OF PRETENDING is the first book in Rachel's The Fine Art of Pretending Series published by Spencer Hill Contemporary.

The Fine Art of Pretending

Barnes and Noble iTunes | Kobo | Amazon | Amazon UK | IndieBound


According to the guys at Fairfield Academy, there are two types of girls: the kind you hook up with, and the kind you're friends with. Seventeen-year-old Alyssa Reed is the second type. And she hates it. With just one year left to change her rank, she devises a plan to become the first type by homecoming, and she sets her sights on the perfect date—Justin Carter, Fairfield Academy’s biggest hottie and most notorious player.

With 57 days until the dance, Aly launches Operation Sex Appeal and sheds her tomboy image. The only thing left is for Justin actually to notice her. Enter best friend Brandon Taylor, the school’s second biggest hottie, and now Aly’s pretend boyfriend. With his help, elevating from “funny friend” to “tempting vixen” is only a matter of time.

But when everything goes according to plan, the inevitable “break up” leaves their friendship in shambles, and Aly and Brandon with feelings they can’t explain. And the fake couple discovers pretending can sometimes cost you the one thing you never expected to want.


An exhale of breath leaves Brandon’s lips, almost like a laugh, and he scoots closer to me on the blanket. I twist my legs under myself, sitting tall as I face him. He cups my chin and tilts it toward him, drowning me in the now dark-green depths of his eyes, the cologne I gave him for his birthday filling my head. It’s woodsy and yummy and I always loved how it smelled on the store testers, but on Brandon, it’s even sexier. My eyes flutter closed, and I inhale again, this time slowly. Goose bumps prickle my arms, and my head gets fuzzy.

Brandon slides his hand down the column of my neck and brings the other up, threading his fingers through the hair at my nape. His breath fans across my cheek, and everything south of my bellybutton squeezes tight.

When his mouth first meets mine, it’s hesitant, questioning. But as I move my lips with his, he quickly grows bolder, coaxing them apart.

Desire, pure and raw, electrifies my veins as his tongue sweeps my mouth. A whimpering sound springs from my chest, and instinctively, I wrap my arms around his neck, tugging him closer. Needing more. My teeth graze his full bottom lip, and I pull it, sucking on it gently.

He moans and knots his fingers in my hair, and a thrill dances down my back.

Brandon is an amazing kisser, just as I knew he would be. I have no control over my body’s reactions. I lose myself in his lips, his tongue, and his strong arms, forgetting time and space and even my surroundings—until Gabi’s snicker brings reality crashing around us, reminding me we have an audience.

And that I’m kissing Brandon.

We break apart, out of breath, and stare into each other’s eyes.

That was unexpected. 

About Rachel Harris:
Author Photo
Award-winning and Bestselling author Rachel Harris writes humorous love stories about sassy girls next door and the hot guys that make them swoon. Emotion, vibrant settings, and strong relationships are a staple in each of her books...and kissing. Lots of kissing.

An admitted Diet Mountain Dew addict and homeschool mom, she gets through each day by laughing at herself, hugging her kids, and watching way too much Food Network with her husband. She writes young adult, new adult, and adult romance, and LOVES talking with readers.

Website | Twitter | Facebook | Author Goodreads | THE FINE ART OF PRETENDING Goodreads


Release Day Blitz: James Games by L.A. Rose

Genre: NA Romance
Author: L.A. Rose
Release Date: September 30th, 2014


Every year, the girls of Phi Delpha Chi, Fiona Arlett’s dream sorority, hold a competition.

The prize?

James Reid, king size bar of eye candy and famous actor turned haughty undergrad.

The rules?

No girl but the winner can touch him.

The problem?

Fiona miiight have unknowingly banged his brains out last week.

Losing the competition may mean wearing a chicken suit to the sexiest Halloween costume contest, but she’d rather have feathers up her butt than let the truth out.

Unfortunately, she and James have lots in common and more chemistry than the science wing. Soon they’re sneaking around behind the backs of UCSD’s hottest and most vengeful girls.

If they find out?

Fiona’s screwed.


“Leave,” James repeats. The word sweeps over the boys surrounding me like an icy cold breeze from the asscrack of Antarctica. He’s really got the serial killer vibe going on. Even I have to resist the urge to jump up and run for the hills. I don’t blame my harem for scattering, leaving me sitting exposed and undefended on the counter, at the mercy of James Reid.

I point at him. “You scared away my harem.”

“Those guys were looking at you like you’re a piece of meat.” His tone is thick with disgust.

“Technically I am a piece of meat. Plus bones and stuff. Also, don’t you think that’s a bit hypocritical?”

I expect him to scoff at this, to shrug it off or deny it. Instead he cuts his eyes away from me. “I’m sorry,” he says finally. “I shouldn’t have jump—”

“Jump-started my car for me,” I interrupted loudly, fully aware that Sigrid is straining to listen in on our conversation, even if she is across the room. “You’re right. You should have just let me take it to the shop. Some things should be done by professionals.”

A ghost of a smile traces its way upward from the corners of his lips. It’s the first time I’ve seen him smile, and damn, is it dangerous. I swallow and look away. “Although—even though I know that I shouldn’t have let you near my car, and you’re definitely not coming near it again, you don’t need to apologize. At the time, I really wanted you to jump-start my car.”

My phone buzzes. I glance down. A text from Iris. Think of a better euphemism. You’re not being subtle.

“Did you just say I’m not a professional?” he asks, leaning one-handed on the counter so that his thumb is bare inches away from my thigh. He’s close enough to count the goose pimples that appear on my skin.

“Definitely an amateur,” I smirk.

His hand inches closer. “Why don’t you call me next time your car needs some work done and I’ll show you more of what I’m capable of.”

About the author:

L.A. Rose recently made it out of college alive and with an English degree. She's a habitual beach bum, a cuteness aficionado, and a not-quite-recovered romance addict. She's a big believer in laughter as medicine and steaminess as...more medicine. You can never have enough medicine.  James Games is her second New Adult standalone. 

Monday, September 29, 2014

Release Day Launch and Giveaway: One Funeral by Kat Bastion with Stone Bastion

One Funeral RDL Banner

It's the release day for One Funeral the second book in Kat and Stone Bastion's No Weddings Series. There is a special price for the release AND you can get the digital copy signed for a limited time!!! So check it out and make sure to enter the awesome giveaway!! :)


One Funeral Synopsis:

The stakes climb higher in this second book in the No Weddings Series for Hannah Martin, a woman
restrained by her past, and Cade Michaelson, the man who could help set her free.

I’m drawn to Cade as he charms his way into more of my life and offers me something I truly haven’t ever had: a friend. Yet his humor, patience, and drop-dead sexiness take my breath away, and I know my heart is at risk. I want to move forward but am terrified I can’t.

Cade seems to have it together from his own devastating heartache. His subtle actions, however, suggest a different story. And even though he says he wants more, I wonder if he’s able to trust in our developing relationship.

As we navigate through our tangled feelings, we vow to take it slow. Yet no matter how careful we try to be, things between us intensify—and there’s nothing we can do, or want to do, to stop it.

But the biggest question remains: Is chemistry enough to move beyond the past and toward a future together?


Scorching (explicit) sex scenes.Fire extinguisher highly recommended.

*** The No Weddings Series Release Dates ***

No Weddings ~ Sep 8th *** One Funeral ~ Sep 29th *** Two Bar Mitzvahs ~ Oct 20th *** Three Christmases ~ Nov 17th

Buy Links:

Amazon | Barnes and Noble | One Funeral Goodreads

No Weddings Buy Links:

Amazon | Barnes and Noble

Exclusive Excerpt:

At the faux-funeral, Cade teases Hannah about bathroom trips…and other things…

We stepped out into the main room, which was done up just like a funeral viewing, from the spray of flowers at the front to the rows of uncomfortable-looking chairs. And of course, there was a huge ornate cross up on the dais, but then again, we were in a church.

Okay, this isn’t so bad. It’s a funeral.

After a quick scan of the room, I saw Cade. He looked miserable until the moment his gaze locked onto mine. Then he dropped his head, slumping in shame.

I burst out laughing.

Drawn to him, I crossed the room without a second thought. “Nice tie.”

He tugged at the bright collar at his neck, grumbling, “Don’t forget the cummerbund.”

“That’s nothing. Look at me.” I plucked at the shiny, pink fabric. “Isn’t this the most ghastly thing ever to be called a dress? It’s a monstrosity in taffeta.”

He backed up a step, making a show of visually drinking in my entire body from head to toe. “I don’t know, Maestro. All I see is a burlap bag.” His eyes flickered with heat. “And petticoats.”

My legs bounced with sudden excitement, and I forced air out of my lungs on a slow exhale. Cade did things to me—heated, body-rocking, mind-spinning things—and I wanted unlimited amounts of that kind of medicine tonight.

How ironic. I wanted some of Cade’s wild-and-crazy to calm me.

“I need you tonight, Cade. This whole” —I gestured frantically to my outfit, then his— “getup is freaking me out a little.”

He put firm hands on my shoulders, staring hard at me. “A little?”

I thought about the great strides I’d made in therapy and how what I believed became reality. I was stronger than a bridesmaid dress. I’d learned how to separate my present from my past in therapy, and there was no way I was going to let all of that progress unravel now.

Tonight, in a bright pink bridesmaid dress, I made a vow to myself to enjoy the present moment.

I tilted my head and shook it. “No, I’m okay. Even if what I’m wearing is a travesty.”

He pulled me closer and held me against his solid chest, wrapping his arms around me. “But I liked the whole ‘I need you’ part. What if I never leave your side tonight? Would that help?”

I nodded.

“Done.” He pulled back. “So to clarify the details, if I have to lift and hold your petticoats while you pee, will you lift and hold something when it’s my turn?” Wicked eyes glittered down at me.

I gaped. “You are not lifting anything of mine while I pee.”

“But I’m never leaving your side tonight.”

I cast him a sidelong glance, grumbling, “What did I just agree to?”

He chuckled, flagging down a waiter who held a tray of filled Champagne glasses. “Something very interesting from my point of view.” He grabbed two glasses. “Here, drink up. The night is young, and I intend to accompany you to no less than three bathroom trips.”

I jabbed an elbow into his ribs. “Pig.”

He coughed until his shoulders shook from laughter.

I swiped a glass from his hand and glared at him while I drank down the liquid courage, not yet caring that it would make his petticoat-lifting wishes come true.

He slid his hands into his pants pockets, rocking back on his heels, as the corners of his lips twitched. “Actually, I’ve been told I’m hung like a horse.”

I sputtered, choking on my Champagne.

He grinned. “Care to confirm?” He chugged his glass, a crime with the ten-dollars-per-swallow Cristal. “I’ll keep up with you. Then we’ll each fulfill our end of the bargain. Lift and hold. Keep practicing the technique in your mind.”

“I am not holding…there’s no way I’m touching…”

Cade grinned and leaned down, brushing his lips along my jawline. His hot breath fanned an erotic path up the side of my neck until a kiss caressed my ear. “My massive c*ck?”

My breaths came in short bursts, my heart racing. All I could think of now was Cade’s massive c*ck. And all I wanted to do was see it. Touch it.

I swallowed hard, trying to catch my breath as aching heat pulsed between my legs. When he pulled back, I stared at him. All I could manage was a nod.

What was I nodding to? That yes, I did want to touch it? My thoughts fuzzed.

“That’s right, Hannah. We both know you want to, now. I hope it’s the only thing you think about all night.”

Kat Bastion with Stone Baston Bio:

Shoe and Boot PhotoAward-winning and bestselling romance author Kat Bastion has teamed up with her husband Stone Bastion to create the new contemporary romance series No Weddings.

A few factoids about the writing team…

Kat enjoys her chocolate rich and dark, her music edgy and soul-filling, and her vacations exotic with toes dug into the sand. And she’s wildly, madly, deeply in love with Stone.

Stone likes pounding the trails on a mountain bike, vibrating the sound system with rock music, and down time spent on a stand up paddleboard. And he loves Kat wildly, madly, deeply…and then some.

Together, they’re having a blast bringing fun-filled romantic stories to life and hope you’ll join them in the exciting adventure.

Kat’s first published work, Utterly Loved, was a twentieth anniversary gift of love poems to Stone that they decided to share with the world to benefit charity. Net proceeds from Utterly Loved, and a portion of net proceeds from all their books, go toward charities involved in the fight against human trafficking.

Kat and Stone live amid the beautiful Sonoran Desert of Arizona. Visit their blog at www.talktotheshoe.com, website at www.katbastion.com, and their Twitter accounts at https://twitter.com/KatBastion and https://twitter.com/StoneBastion for more information.

Keep informed about new releases by joining their Email Subscription list.


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Enter Kat and Stone's fabulous giveaway!!

Blogs Taking Part in the Release Day Launch
Becky Moe
A & K Book Topia
All things in the cloud sweet

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Cover Reveals: Ember & Enforce by Rachel Van Dyken

Enforce Smashwords Cover

Release date 12/15


Ember Smashwords Cover

Ember - Winter 2015

Rachel Van Dyken is the New York Times, Wall Street
Journal, and USA Today Bestselling author of regency and contemporary romances.
When she's not writing you can find her drinking coffee at Starbucks and
plotting her next book while watching The Bachelor.

She keeps her home in Idaho with her Husband and their snoring Boxer, Sir
Winston Churchill. She loves to hear from readers! You can follow her writing
journey at

Cover Reveal: Inspire by Cora Carmack

We are thrilled to bring you the cover for Cora Carmack's INSPIRE! INSPIRE is a New Adult Paranormal Romance novel and is due to be released on December 15, 2014!

The cover was designed by VLC Productions.

Add INSPIRE on Goodreads


Kalliope lives with one purpose.

To inspire.

As an immortal muse, she doesn’t have any other choice. It’s part of how she was made. Musicians, artists, actors—they use her to advance their art, and she uses them to survive. She moves from one artist to the next, never staying long enough to get attached. But all she wants is a different life— a normal one. She’s spent thousands of years living lie after lie, and now she’s ready for something real.

Sweet, sexy, and steady, Wilder Bell feels more real than anything else in her long existence. And most importantly… he’s not an artist. He doesn’t want her for her ability. But she can’t turn off the way she influences people, not even to save a man she might love. Because in small doses, she can help make something beautiful, but her ability has just as much capacity to destroy as it does to create. The longer she stays, the more obsessed Wilder will become. It’s happened before, and it never turns out well for the mortal.

Her presence may inspire genius.

But it breeds madness, too.

About Cora Carmack:
Cora Carmack is a twenty-something writer who likes to write about twenty-something characters. She's done a multitude of things in her life-- boring jobs (like working retail), Fun jobs (like working in a theatre), stressful jobs (like teaching), and dream jobs (like writing). She enjoys placing her characters in the most awkward situations possible, and then trying to help them get a boyfriend out of it. Awkward people need love, too. Her first book, LOSING IT, was a New York Times and USA Today bestseller.

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Blog Tour and Review: Forget You by Jennifer Snyder


By Jennifer Snyder

Cold Creek Companion Series #4
New Adult Contemporary
Released September 2, 2014

Eva Bennett might be known for her candid approach and sharp tongue, but on the inside she’s still a vulnerable twenty-four year old who’s sick of kissing toads and being habitually single.
Full of comical one-liners and wielding a charming smile, Sawyer Keeton is more than meets the eye. After the news of his brother’s tragic death, however, Sawyer is pulled into a place filled with crippling emotions and pain—a place no one can seem to reach him…until the moment Eva steps into his life.
A twist of fate will bring them together and then tear them apart, forcing the two to learn there are people in life whom you cherish and pray will never forget you.

My Review
I found this to be a wonderful romance, so easy to read and with characters that I truly enjoyed.  The start to Eva and Sawyer's relationship was fun and sweet...and the scene from their mall date with the part at the bookstore...priceless.  Their banter sets a fun, lighthearted tone for their relationship from the start.

Both of them are strong characters with a quick wit which makes the scenes between them a lot of fun.  You also get the sexy scenes but without getting explicit...so you still get the intensity of their feelings for each other without going overboard on naughtiness.

There are a lot of emotions, and a jaw-dropping moment late in the book where you sit stunned thinking, "oh no, did that really, truly happen???", and all of it will keep you quickly flipping the pages of this fabulous read.

A very strong 4 stars for this awesome contemporary romance, recommended for 18+.  A story you can truly enjoy for both its funny, witty dialog and those serious, life-impacting moments that can change a relationship and life.

About the Author
Jennifer Snyder lives in North Carolina were she spends most of her time writing New Adult and Young Adult Fiction, reading, and struggling to stay on top of housework. She is a tea lover with an obsession for Post-it notes and smooth writing pens. Jennifer lives with her husband and two children, who endure listening to songs that spur inspiration on repeat and tolerate her love for all paranormal, teenage-targeted TV shows.
SHATTERED SOUL was my debut novel and no, you haven’t seen the end of me yet…

Be sure to check out the giveaway over on Goodreads for Forget You!  Two copies are available in the giveaway!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Cover Reveal: Stay by Alyssa Rose Ivy

We are very excited to bring you the cover for Alyssa Rose Ivy's STAY! STAY is a New Adult Paranormal Romance and the third book in Alyssa's The Empire Chronicles Series. STAY will be releasing October 20, 2014!!

Cover designed by Phatpuppy Art

Add STAY on Goodreads!

About STAY:

Nothing could possibly get worse. Everything and everyone that could be in jeopardy already is, and Jared knows that he is The Society's only hope. If he doesn't find a way to escape he fails everyone including Vera, the bear shifter he can't seem to get out of his head.

Casey and Toby are in love. Head over heels in love, but is their love strong enough to survive a magic so powerful that Casey's mind is no longer in her control?

Vera will do anything to help her sister, and unfortunately that means she is well acquainted with Jared, the most frustrating man she has ever met. Now she has to find a way to fight her annoyance and growing attraction long enough to help save Levi and Allie.

Racing against the clock, all four must face their greatest fears to save The Society and all the people they love.

Alyssa Rose Ivy Bio:
Alyssa Rose Ivy- Author Photo
Alyssa Rose Ivy is a New Adult and Young Adult author who loves to weave stories with romance and a southern setting. Although raised in the New York area, she fell in love with the South after moving to New Orleans for college. After years as a perpetual student, she turned back to her creative side and decided to write. She lives in North Carolina with her husband and two young children, and she can usually be found with a cup of coffee in her hand.

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Blog Tour, Review and Giveaway: Full Disclosure by Kindle Alexander

Deputy United States Marshal Mitch Knox apprehends fugitives for a living. His calm, cool, collected attitude and devastatingly handsome good looks earn him a well-deserved bad boy reputation, both in the field and out. While away on an assignment, he blows off some steam at a notorious Dallas nightclub. Solving the case that has plagued him for months takes a sudden backseat to finding out all there is to know about the gorgeous, shy blond sitting alone at the bar.

Texas State Trooper Cody Turner is moving up the ranks, well on his way to his dream of being a Texas Ranger. While on a two-week mandatory vacation, he plans to relax and help out on his family’s farm. Mitch is the last distraction Cody needs, but the tatted up temptation that walks into the bar and steals his baseball cap is too hard to ignore.

As Mitch’s case gains nationwide attention, how will he convince the sexy state trooper that giving him a chance won’t jeopardize his life’s plan...especially when the evil he’s tracking brings the hate directly to his doorstep, threatening more than just their careers.

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Best Selling Author Kindle Alexander is an innovative writer, and a genre-crosser who writes classic fantasy, romance, suspense, and erotica in both the male/male and male/female genres. It's always a surprise to see what's coming next!

I live in the suburbs of Dallas where it's true, the only thing bigger than an over active imagination, may be women's hair!

Usually, I try for funny. Humor is a major part of my life - I love to laugh, and it seems to be the thing I do in most situations - regardless of the situation, but jokes are a tricky deal... I don't want to offend anyone and jokes tend to offend. So instead I'm going to tell you about Kindle.

I tragically lost my sixteen year old daughter to a drunk driver. She had just been at home, it was early in the night and I heard the accident happen. I'll never forget that moment. The sirens were immediate and something inside me just knew. I left my house, drove straight to the accident on nothing more than instinct. I got to be there when my little girl died - weirdly, I consider that a true gift from above. She didn't have to be alone.

That time in my life was terrible. It's everything you think it would be times about a billion. I love that kid. I loved being her mother and I loved watching her grow into this incredibly beautiful person, both inside and out. She was such a gift to me. To have it all ripped away so suddenly broke me.

Her name was Kindle. Honest to goodness - it was her name and she died a few weeks before Amazon released their brand new Kindle ereader. She had no idea it was coming out and she would have finally gotten her name on something! Try finding a ruler with the name Kindle on it.. It never happened.

Through the course of that crippling event I was lucky enough to begin to write with a dear friend in the fan fiction world of Facebook. She got me through those dark days with her unwavering support and friendship. There wasn't a time she wasn't there for me. Sometimes together and sometimes by myself, we built a world where Kindle lives and stands for peace, love and harmony. It's its own kind of support group. I know without question I wouldn't be here today without her.

Find out more by visiting www.kindlealexander.com or email me at kindle@kindlealexander.com

When I read the first book in the Nice Guys series, Double Full, I thought, "Damn, this author can sure write one hell of a love story!"  Now after finishing Full Disclosure, that thought popped right back into my head along with "and some awesome suspense too!"  Because not only are you going to get a story of finally finding "the one", you've got an awesome, engrossing, edge of your seat plot as the series goes even deeper into the mystery of the case that started in Double Full.

Mitch's strong, very "out" personality makes him fun and very likable, and Cody's more reserved, more quietly "out" one makes him the perfect complement.  Put the two of them together and you don't just get sparks-you get an explosion, so sit back and get yourself ready for some hellacious fireworks!

We also get some great, quick scenes with Jace and Colt, our guys from Double Full.  The two of them are so much fun, and it was so great to get to see more of them in this story.  And speaking of this story-the plot gets even more detailed into the unsettling case that Mitch is now working on...so in addition to the fantastic story of Mitch pursuing Cody (and Cody trying so hard to resist, and thankfully failing miserably), there's intrigue and danger woven in as Mitch and his team get closer to discovering who is behind the attacks in his case.

That's one thing you'll see a lot more of in this installment-scenes regarding the case and where the investigation is going.  Don't let the large amount of time that is devoted to these scenes deter you from this book-believe me, the entire story is well worth it--plus the case plays an important role in this whole series, it's not just filler to get you from one steamy scene to the next.

A riveting story of the pursuit of love and happiness, the darker side of those with no tolerance, plus you'll get those hot and sexy scenes of Mitch and Cody together...put all that together and you get 5 freakin' fantastic stars!

Just a reminder, this series is M/M and is strictly 18+ for the erotic content, adult language and adult themes...and comes with my highest recommendation-and a plea for the author to quickly write the next story of Kreed and Aaron because I cannot wait!

Buy Now

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Blog Tour, Review and Giveaway: Damaged Goods by Nicole Williams

by NYT Bestselling Author Nicole Williams

The Outsider Chronicles, #2
New Adult/Adult Contemporary
Release: September 9, 2014
When Liv Bennett said good-bye to her sinkhole of a hometown, she planned to leave that chapter of her life behind forever. But forever turned out to only be three years.
After her addict of a mother up and disappears, Liv returns to what she considers her own personal hell smack in the middle of nowhere Nevada to take care of her two younger sisters, and she promptly reinstitutes the golden rule that got her through her first nineteen years of life without getting knocked up, roughed up, or messed up: don’t date the local boys and, god forbid, don’t fall in love with one of them.
It isn’t long before that golden rule is put to the test.
Will Goods grew up in the next trailer over, but the wild, careless boy who used to tear up the town with his three brothers has morphed into someone else so completely, he’s almost unrecognizable. The quiet, contemplative man who works on cars every night and takes care of his mentally ill mother every day is nothing like the local boys Liv grew up avoiding.
But when Liv considers suspending her golden rule just this once, she finds out something about Will that will change everything.
Will Goods isn’t who he used to be—he’s not even the man Liv thinks she’s gotten to know over the summer. He’s become someone else entirely.
He’s become . . .
Damaged Goods.

My Review
When I first started reading Damaged Goods, I didn't expect to end up actually crying at one point.  You don't necessarily expect that to happen when you're reading a story about a young woman leaving her fresh start in life to head back to life in a town she didn't like, getting a job she in no way every thought she would take, all in order to care for her abandoned sisters.

The characters were amazing-they're not what you'd expect (especially Jake and Cherry, Liv's boss and co-worker), and are people you actually care about-which of course makes for a more interesting read.  Liv is strong-stronger than she realizes.  And Will...wow.  When we finally learn pretty far into the book what is so special about him (other than his strong but quiet and sexiness, insightful dialog, protective and loyal personality *swoon*), I can honestly say...I had no idea and was totally surprised.

The story itself flowed pretty well, and I flew right through the book over several hours.  It will keep you interested because you're definitely going to want to find out where Liv and Will end up after all is said and done.   And the banter Liv keeps up with everyone is just plain fun.

The only thing that kept me from rating higher than the 4.5 stars I'm giving is two points in the book where certain characters say things to Liv that make some things very clear to the reader that she just does not pick up on, even though it's as plain as day.  This happens once with her sister Paige when Liv first gets her job, and Paige pretty clearly insinuates that she knows what that job is, though in later scenes Liv still thinks she doesn't know...then again toward the end with Will when he clearly explains something to her and in a scene after that she acts like he never said what he said-wish I could explain more, but for that instance it would be a big spoiler.  And believe me-you don't want to be spoiled...the story is just too good for that ;-)

I'd definitely recommend this for New Adult romance fans 18+...and I personally would love to see another story centering on Jake!

About the Author
I’m the New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author of the CRASH series (HarperTeen, S&S UK), LOST & FOUND series, UP IN FLAMES (S&S UK), The EDEN TRILOGY, and a handful of others. I write stories about everyday kinds of people who find themselves in extraordinary kinds of situations. I tell love stories with happy endings because I believe in making the world a better place, and that’s one tiny way I can make it so. I’m one of those people who still believe in true love and soul mates, and would rather keep my head in the clouds any day over having my feet firmly on the ground.

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