How to Deal
An All Cocks Story Book #3
Jon Brennan comes from a long line of men in uniform; all born and bred to both bleed and wear blue. His family and the majority of his co-workers support him every step of the way, so he doesn’t need to hide the fact that he prefers men over women. Between the job and his larger than life, loud and rowdy half Irish, half Italian family, there isn’t much time for dating, much less finding a guy that can deal with the stress and demands placed on the shoulders of an NYPD Detective.
Kory White is cocky and abrasive with most people, but it is all a mirage, a façade he hides behind to keep his heart safe. As a child, Kory lost his mother to an act of violence. Soon after, he and his baby sister Kassandra were separated by the system. Kassandra was immediately adopted, but Kory spent the next ten years cycling through foster homes before moving to the Big Apple. In an effort to keep everyone at a distance, Kory has meticulously built himself an alter ego: Hayden Cox, All Cocks’ cockiest model.
These two strong willed men definitely prove opposites do attract. Both are stubborn and hard headed to a fault, Kory more so than Jon. But Jon is used to being in control, the one calling the shots, and Kory fights him at every turn. Just when it seems they have found a way to navigate the unchartered territory that is love, tragedy knocks on Kory’s door yet again. Volatile and strong, even in the face of adversity, both men refuse to give up on each other - or their love.
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“Oh my god, is that a smile?” Jordan smirked at Kory over the rim of his coffee cup.
“F*ck off, Jordan.” Kory muttered, shoving him out of the way and grabbing a mug out of the cabinet.
“Play nice, boys!” Andrew shouted from the den.
“Careful Kory, people might actually start to believe you have a personality.” Jordan continued to poke fun at him.
“Kiss my ass,” Kory growled, shoving past Jordan as he headed back upstairs with his steaming cup of coffee.
“At least we’ve moved past f*ck off. Dating Jon is working wonders for your vocabulary!” Jordan yelled after him.
My Review
After the overly brash and cocky attitude I had come to expect from Kory based on the first two books, I was curious as to how his story would play out here in How to Deal. But while I was expecting a nonstop smartass, I got to see the rest of Kory's personality instead. It was actually pretty entertaining since all that self-assuredness flew out the window when it came to interacting with Jon and Jon's family.
Jon is a fantastic character--laid back, easygoing, but then very alpha and assertive when it's called for...which makes for some pretty interesting scenes between him and Kory (who you'd expect to be the dominant top based on the first two books). Jon knows exactly how to handle Kory, no matter how Kory tries to short circuit their relationship.
There's drama and strong emotion--something I've now come to expect from this series (I'd be disappointed if it was missing)--which really drags the other side of Kory's personality to the forefront and lets us see him in a whole new light. Seeing his reaction to events that happen with Jon and how that really opens Kory up to emotion was moving and showed even greater depth to his character. He and Jon work extremely well together, giving us another strong match to celebrate in the All Cocks family. Because yes, they are all definitely a family.
The only thing that bugged me about this story-and the only reason this is 4 stars for me instead of more-is how things played out at the end with the sub-plot of Kory and his sister. In my opinion, how this is resolved is based way too much on coincidence which for me diminishes the believability of the situation's resolution.
How to Deal is another success in the All Cocks series, and just keeps me wanting to hear more and more about the characters in this unique family. 4 stars, recommended for fans of M/M romance 18+ due to adult language and explicit M/M sexual content.
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At 44 years young, she's decided to enter the next phase of her life by adding the title of "author" to her list of accomplishments. Smith is a single mom of three disturbingly outspoken and decidedly different kids, one of which is Autistic. Besides her writing, Smith is passionate about Autism advocacy and LGBT rights.
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