
Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Review & Giveaway: OUT OF THE OCEAN by Lynn Michaels

Length: 26,500 words approx.


Cal Bigsby spent his life working the fishing boats and ignoring who he really is and what he needs to be happy.

Prescott 'Scott' Vandenburton is being primed to take over Daddy's company, but he craves a life of his own. His only escape is sailing his yacht.

When a freak storm hits, both are forced to think about life from a whole new perspective.

Shipwrecked, fighting for their lives, and finding unexpected love.

Carra's Review

Out of the Ocean is a story I'm kind of on the fence in my opinion.  This is the first book I've read by this author, and I was intrigued by the synopsis since it seemed like a great premise for the story.  I'm also a big fan of age gap books, so this one of course caught my interest for that.

I did like both main characters, and they not only have the age gap but there's a gap in their class status as well.  Cal is working class, working on fishing boats his entire adult life; Scott comes from a wealthy family, and is expected to continue working in the family business--something he does not want to do (and is apparently not good at anyway).  The circumstances of them meeting of both of their boats going down in a storm, that is a bit of a stretch but I went ahead and suspended my disbelief for that one.

This story does fit solidly into the insta-love category, and I was honestly questioning where Scott's head was at thinking of and acting upon his immediate attraction instead of focusing more on the fact that they were stranded at sea.  Cal was a bit more reserved, but still gave in as well in the end.  

Of the secondary characters, Scott's parents were the ones that figured most into the story.  I wasn't a fan of his father, but I was happy to see the change in his attitude as the story got closer to the end.  And while his mother can be mistaken for cold and aloof at first, she's actually more the strong and silent type of personality.

The book goes by quickly, with much of the details just skimmed over.  For me, this was disappointing as I felt like the story could have been more rewarding with more in-depth description.  Of the details that were divulged, some didn't allow for a full picture to match what it seemed like the timeline was (for example, a character looking thinner when they've only been stranded for what I thought was a couple of days at that point).

Out of the Ocean is a quick read, and is meant for readers 18+ for adult language and sexual content.

Author Bio

Lynn Michaels lives and writes in Tampa, Florida where the sun is hot and the Sangria is cold. Lynn is the newest addition to Rubicon Fiction, and she loves reading and writing about hot men in love. She writes paranormal and contemporary MM Romance


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