
Tuesday, January 2, 2018

New Release-Review, Excerpt & Giveaway: TIED TO HOME by Silvia Violet (Ames Bridge #3)

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Length: 49,000 words approx.
Cover Design: Meredith Russell


Luke Sumner has spent his whole life being coddled, after nearly dying as an infant. At twenty-one, he is more than ready to break free from his restricted world. He hasn't told anyone he's gay, and he's only just admitted his kinkier needs to himself, but he hopes to work up the courage to say something to the older man who has captured his attention.

Since moving back to Ames Bridge, Jack Lawrence has been consumed with running a successful bed-and-breakfast. He hasn't considered making time for relationships until he starts flirting with Luke each week at the farmers' market. By the end of the summer, Jack is wondering where the spark between them could go.

When Luke finally ventures into a club where he can fulfill his desires, he unexpectedly runs into Jack, and they discover they're a perfect match in the bedroom. With each hot encounter, more tender feelings surface, but between the age gap, not being out in Ames Bridge, and Luke's need to come into his own, do they dare be more to each other?


Every time Jack stopped at the Sumner stand, Luke became a tongue-tied mess. Luke doubted today would be any different. He couldn’t take his eyes off Jack as he examined the berries Cal had for sale. His long-fingered hands gently cradled each basket as he searched for the best one. The gray pants he had on clung to his ass and his muscular thighs, and his deep-blue shirt would bring out the color of his beautiful eyes.

Jack looked his way, and Luke quickly dropped his gaze, praying Jack hadn’t seen him.

For all Luke knew, Jack was straight as an arrow and would be disgusted if he realized Luke fantasized about him. But he’d seen Jack assessing other men in a way most straight men didn’t. The fact that Luke had noticed meant he’d spent far too much time watching a man who probably thought of him as a kid. Why did he always crush on older men who were out of his league?

When Jack crossed the grassy area between the rows of booths, Luke’s mouth went dry and his pulse pounded in his head.

“How’s the afternoon going?” Jack asked.

“Um…fine. It’s…uh…hot.”

“It is. It shouldn’t be this hot so far into September.”

“Right. It…um…shouldn’t.” Great. He was making a fool of himself.

“How’s your corn?”

The change of subject threw Luke at first. “Oh…um…it’s still producing. We’ve got some beautiful ears right here.” He pointed to his left where he’d placed the corn in bushel baskets. Produce was a safe subject. He could talk produce in his sleep.

“Great. I’ll take some. I’ve got a recipe for a Mexican casserole I want to try.”

“For your guests?”

Jack nodded.

“You…um…you seem to like choosing recipes for them.”

“Cooking for people has become my favorite part of running the inn, which has really surprised me.”


“Before I decided I wanted to run my own inn, I was, at best, a mediocre cook. I knew I wouldn’t be able to hire anyone to cook for me, though, so I started watching videos and practicing, and now I’m quite good, or at least the guests think so.”

“I bet you are.” Heat filled Luke’s face as he realized how breathless his words sounded.

“You should stop by the inn for breakfast sometime.”

“Oh, um…” Luke’s heart pounded.

“Since your family supplies so much of the food, it only makes sense for you to see how it gets used. And I like to show off my skills because I—”

“Worked hard for them.” They said the words at the same time.

“I know that feeling,” Luke said.

Jack smiled. “I guess you do.”

Unlike most people, especially anyone older than Luke, Jack didn’t patronize him. He simply acknowledged that Luke had worked hard for opportunities a lot of people took for granted.

“Call me if you want to stop by one morning.”

Luke would love a chance to spend more time with Jack, but he also knew he wouldn’t have the nerve to call. If he let Jack feed him a delicious breakfast, he’d be even more of a wreck around him than usual, or, even worse, he might lose his mind altogether, follow Jack into the kitchen, and try to seduce him right there.

Carra's Review

Tied to Home is another great read in the Ames Bridge series, and this time we get some extra kink to keep things fresh and extra naughty.  The favorite small town characters from the first two books are there (gotta love Irene, Elsie, and especially Trish), and we get Cal and Beck from book one popping up a bit.  I enjoyed this one just as much as the others in the series, and the majority of that was due to Luke.

Luke is sweet and adorable with how he is so nervous in front of Jack.  The way most people who know Luke treat him (as well as his family) as if he needs to be monitored and handled with kid gloves due to his past health problems is frustrating, so I could totally understand his aggravation and his need to break away from home and be fully on his own.  The fact that Jack treats him like a normal person is refreshing and one of the things I really liked about Jack’s character—along with how drawn to Luke he is, and how he starts things slowly with him.

Jack and Luke have some amazing chemistry together, and their physical scenes together are filled with heat and longing.  They’re great together outside of the bedroom (or club room…wherever) as well.  But one of the things I was wishing for as I was reading about their relationship was more showing and less telling—not necessarily for the physical scenes (though you’ll never hear me complain if more of that was added LOL), but of the development of their relationship in general.  We’re told of the passage of time and of how they grow closer, but not shown it as much as I would have liked to really get a feel for how they evolved as a couple.

I was also not too fond of Jack’s insistence on Luke finding his way on his own, though I understand why he did it and why it was necessary to the story.  Even so, Tied to Home was still a solid 4-star read for me, and though you might not expect a little BDSM to pop up in this series the way it does here, it works well for these characters (Luke is a wonderful character for this).  As you might expect, this book is for readers 18+ due to adult language and sexual content.

Author Bio

Silvia Violet writes fun, sexy stories that will leave you smiling and satisfied. She has a thing for characters who are in need of comfort and enjoys helping them surrender to love even when they doubt it exists. Silvia's stories include sizzling contemporaries, paranormals, and historicals. When she needs a break from listening to the voices in her head, she spends time baking, taking long walks, curling up with her favorite books, and spending time with her family.


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