Have you checked out Nazarea Andrews' series, The World Without End yet? Come read along with the first book in the series!
The World Without a Future by Nazarea Andrews
December 2013
This is the second week of the the read-a-long blog tour for THE WORLD WITHOUT A FUTURE by Nazarea Andrews. This is book #1 in 'The World Without End' series. Book #2, The Horde Without End is available now and the third book in the series, The World Without Hope, will be released on November 20th.
Each site will be hosting a summary of 5 chapters from THE WORLD WITHOUT A FUTURE. You can check out Nazarea's comments on those chapters below.
by Nazarea Andrews
I really love how creepy the Order can get. The thing that I think comes across in today’s chapters is that they are creepy. They’re horrible—but they’re a necessary evil to Finn. There is the familiar distrust of everything, but the Order is a little different, because he knows how dangerous they are.I do really enjoy seeing the relationship play out between Finn and Nurrin—on the way to Haven 21, and as they arrive. And there’s history worked into these chapters that make me happy—the evolution of Hale Halls, which proves to be one of humanity’s best defense mechanisms. Fun fact? The Hale Hall was named after on of my good friends. :)
We switch back to Nurrin’s POV with the last chapter, and I think this was the hardest part of the book for her. Because she’s a First, and the Order hunts and kills people like her, and she’s literally being walked through their front doors. She’s trusting Finn to keep her alive, but I think that is very difficult for her to do.
Favorite Lines:
All year, the casino is open. People can visit the gaming tables, the second-level clubs. The fight halls and races. On the upper floors, the strippers and prostitutes, the kink clubs.
And, in the basement, when everything is gone and you have nothing left, Sawyer and his cult of blood hungry bastards takes what little remains.
Monday, October 13th - One Guy's Guide to Good Reads
Tuesday, October 14th - A Pair of Okies
Wednesday, October 15th - Wonderful Monster
Thursday, October 16th - Roxy's Reviews
Friday, October 17th - LuLo Fangirl
Tuesday, October 14th - A Pair of Okies
Wednesday, October 15th - Wonderful Monster
Thursday, October 16th - Roxy's Reviews
Friday, October 17th - LuLo Fangirl
Monday, October 20th - A Book Addict's Delight
Tuesday, October 21st - Making it Happen
Wednesday, October 22nd - Between The Lines
Thursday, October 23rd - Between fantasy and reality
Friday - October 24th - Sun Mountain Reviews
Tuesday, October 21st - Making it Happen
Wednesday, October 22nd - Between The Lines
Thursday, October 23rd - Between fantasy and reality
Friday - October 24th - Sun Mountain Reviews
Monday, October 27th - Nazarea Andrews' site
Amazon: http://amzn.to/1cgCuW2
Barnes and Noble: http://bit.ly/1irmGos
BOOK BLURB:She was born the day the world ended…
Nurrin has lived her entire life with zombies—trapped behind walls meant to keep them safe. She’s mostly happy there. But when a zombie horde breech the walls of her Haven, she has to trust her brother, Collin, and his best friend to keep her alive.
He just wants his past to die…
Finn O’Malley has given up on voicing warnings that are ignored. No one cares that the zombies are changing. Now all that matters is keeping Collin and Nurrin safe from what’s outside the walls of a Haven. But when Nurrin’s best friend picks up a contact infection, he agrees to get the medicine needed to save his life. Forced together, relying on each other in a strange Haven, zombies aren’t the most dangerous thing they’re facing.
Amazon: http://amzn.to/1uZT0mZ
Barnes and Noble: http://bit.ly/1vVTbPq
Amazon Pre-order Link: http://amzn.to/1qgkJdr

Nazarea Andrews is an avid reader and tends to write the stories she wants to read. She loves chocolate and coffee almost as much as she loves books, but not quite as much as she loves her kids. She lives in south Georgia with her husband, daughters, and overgrown dog.
Site - http://www.nazareaandrews.com/
Blog - http://www.nazarea-andrews.
Twitter - https://twitter.com/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/
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