
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Keeping busy and other ramblings plus a giveaway on my FB page

Let me tell you...keeping up with a website, 2 blogs (yes, I know I've been on my Disney one a lot more than this one, apologies and that'll be changing soon), multiple Facebook pages, trainings for my TA business (travel agent) addition to regular life stuff like my regular Mon-Fri job...I get sleepy just thinking about all that.  There's a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff that goes on for all the web and social media stuff-not just the tech things, but learning how to do the tech things too.  It can make your brain spin.  But I'm learning a lot for sure ;-)

The weight loss is going slow.  Like turtle through quicksand slow.  The last several weeks it's been down 0.2, down 0.2, down 0.2.  At this rate I might meet my goal by the time I retire.  I'm hoping as I add back in my workouts as my marathon training starts to pick up that it'll kick start something.  See, that huge 4.2 lb loss at the beginning was just a tease--I must have freaked my body out or something.  I'm thinking I might add hill training at a local park once a week to help change things up.  But at least the trend is still downward...much better than the alternative.

Before I forget ('cuz ya know, if I don't write things down they just totally fly out of my mind), my TA Facebook page is co-sponsoring a $100 Disney Gift Card giveaway with a bunch of other Disney-themed pages, so if you're interested (of course you are, who doesn't love free Disney money???), head over my Facebook page and check out the giveaway tab...liking my page will get you 2 entries to the giveaway--just make sure after liking my page that you log your entry on the Rafflecopter form on the giveaway tab.

And to celebrate my one-year anniversary as a TA, I'll be doing a separate giveaway on my other blog, The Disney World Files starting next'll be a good one with several fun items going to the winner, so keep an eye out for it-I'll post it here once the giveaway is live.

That's it for back in a couple days, I promise :-)


  1. Hey there! I was just stopping by to say thanks for the follow on bloglovin'! I am happy to be following you back :o) Hope you're having a great Wednesday!
