
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

And my "Official" Marathon Training!

Yup, it's that time again.  Actually, the plan I'm following (Marathoning for Mortals-Walk/Run Marathon) doesn't start until the last week in August, but I tacked on these few extra weeks as a way to ease back into things.  Between now and the end of August, I've added some easy 4 min walk/1 min run interval weeks just to get myself used to doing those interval lengths before starting back to the 3/1's again.

If you'd like to see my full training calendar, I've got it here on my blog.  You can click on the Training Calendar tab up top or on this link for more details.  The blog entry I did ages ago announcing that I'd placed my training calendar live here on my blog is actually my most viewed blog entry...guess there's a lot of people out there who are looking for guidance.  For those of you who are looking for a walk/run marathon plan for January's WDW Marathon Weekend, the plan on my calendar starting August 26, 2013 is straight from the Marathoning for Mortals book (a great resource by the way).  From this week until then, those weeks I added myself for an easy get-back-into-the-swing-of-things schedule.

The weight loss side of things hasn't been going exactly as planned this summer.  I'd kicked my soda habit cold turkey and had gone over a month without a sip.  Then I cracked.  *big sigh*  You know how those things can get out of control...but at least I'm still down from my starting weight so things didn't get too crazy.

Been keeping busy...I've been getting many quote requests and new client inquiries lately as well which is keeping me busy along with keeping up with my other blog, The Disney World Files and my website.  By the way, be sure to stop by my other blog to enter my giveaway for a pair of Toy Story Buzz and Woody Vinylmation figures...and I'd appreciate it if you could share the giveaway with others (like on Facebook, Twitter and Google+).  Today's the last day to enter, and you the giveaway is located at this link.  The odds are still really good to win ;-)

Gotta get going...time to crack down and settle in for the long haul...

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