
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Time for a test giveaway with a real prize!

All right everyone, are you ready to be my test subjects?  Many of you know either from reading my posts or by checking out the page tabs at the top that I have another blog, The Disney World Files, that is strictly about Walt Disney World.  I started it almost one year ago (it’ll be one year since my first post this coming Monday) and I want to really start growing that blog, especially since I want to intertwine that blog with my travel business-you may remember I became an independent travel agent specializing in Disney Destinations last August-so I can not only grow the blog but also grow my business.  After all, I plan on using my earnings from my business to help pay for my re-emerging race habit.    

Anyway, one of the things I plan on doing is hosting giveaways from time to time, but I’ve never done that before so I’m trying it out here first.  And yes, there is a real prize!  It’s nothing huge, but it’s simple and fun--a Disney Parks Growth Chart. The measurement markings are on the left side:

 It actually goes all the way up to six feet high so even if you’re a grown-up kid (like me!), you could use it for you and your friends...or just start measuring your little kiddies if you have them and you can keep it up until they’re taller than you ;-)  

I figured this is something cute that people would like that I could use for my test giveaway.  So yes, even though this is a test so I can figure out how to use Rafflecopter (everyone I know who has used it says it’s really easy so I thought I’d give it a try), you can still win a fun prize.  Once I know what I’m doing, I’ll start doing my Disney blog giveaways and maybe even do some more over here from time to please help this newbie-giveaway person out by participating and feel free to share with others.  I didn’t make any of the entry options mandatory-meaning you don’t HAVE to do each entry option if you don’t want to...though you would need to do at least one of them to get an entry.

Since this is a test for me, I didn’t make it a long contest-it will end on 4/10/13 at midnight.  In the meantime, feel free to enter and share and so forth so I can get a handle on how the widget for the contest works.  Let me know if anything doesn’t seem to work right or if you have any questions.  And if it’s not a prize you’d really use, you probably know someone who would, so you could enter and give it to a friend or family member if you won and didn’t want it for yourself.

All right peeps, here you go...

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Hello! I just found your blog and I'm excited to follow you...running and two favorite things! I'm new to blogging and so I'm no help with rafflecopter, just trying to figure out how to enter took me a minute! LOL

    1. Thanks for following along :-) Always glad to hear from readers!

  2. I just found your blog while searching for Disney race reports. I would love a growth chart like that for my son's room. Too cute!
