
Thursday, April 4, 2013

10 Words That Describe My Blog-April Blogger Challenge #2

1-Disney-my biggest addiction!  Especially Walt Disney World...I can never get enough of WDW :-) 

2-Running-or, okay, walk/running...but still, I’m out there moving! 

3-Pictures-I like to include pictures with my blog entries, I think it makes them more interesting
4-Recaps-as in race recaps, I try to recap all of my races-not just because others may be interested in them, but as a way for me to be able to look back and remember all the fun (and not-so-fun) times.  Interesting tidbit?  My Expedition Everest recaps are my most viewed posts and continue to get views every week!

5-Lighthearted-most of the time anyway.  I prefer to have people smile when they read than have to break out a box of tissues
6-Honest-I don’t put fake stuff out there
7-Free-that’s right peeps, you don’t pay a cent for any of this content!  Okay, you had to buy that computer...and get internet service...but hey, you didn’t just get that to read my blog, right?
8-Friendly-I welcome everyone to come read.  Even if you don’t agree with something I say, as long as any comments you post or emails you send me aren’t nasty, derogatory or the like, everyone is welcome here :-)
9-Personal-yes, I am writing about my own life, experiences and opinions.  Not too personal of course (that’s reserved for only my DH) 

10-Growing-my audience has grown and is still doing so.  I’m looking at ways to expand pages within my blog, connect with other blogs and sites and just keep things interesting here.  After all, if there’s nothing to bring others here, it’ll just be me all by my lonesome...and that’s no fun, everything’s more fun with friends :-)

If you have a blog, what 10 words would you use to describe it?

Don't forget to check out my post from yesterday with my test giveaway.  I'm giving away a fun Disney Parks Growth Chart...just something simple to test out the Rafflecopter widget (my first time using it) to prepare myself for future giveaways on my Disney World Files blog.  I know the growth chart is not a big, fancy prize, but I'm just using it as a way to learn the Rafflecopter stuff.  Please try it out.  If you win and really don't want the chart (though you could give it to a friend or family member who might use it), I can treat you to a drink during any race weekend we're both at instead. Deal?


  1. I used to love your race recap posts. was sad when you stopped writing... happy to see you back.

    1. The recaps I used to do immediately after a race-like hours after. Then I got lazy about writing. Plus, not as many races. Looking to change both things (more writing/more often and more races).

  2. Just found your blog, and I'm just getting into running myself. I hope you'll pay me a visit. I need all the support I can get!

    1. Thanks for coming by Amy! I've subscribed to your blog, love what I've seen so far (and the new redesign looks great!). I know when I first got into running it was a bit daunting and I wasn't sure I would like it or keep up with it, but once you get started it can get addicting. And when I first started I made a Disney race (the 5K during the inaugural Princess Half Weekend back in 2009) my very first race of any kind. I think you'll find that the running community (especially those centered around Disney races) is very supportive. And even though I'm a slowpoke (especially right now getting back into it again), I love cheering others on when I am and am not running myself. Give me a shout whenever you'd like :-)
