
Proofreading Services

Thank you for considering me to handle your proofreading needs.  I am proud to work with independent authors so they can deliver a quality book in a cost effective manner.

Proofreading services are conducted after final edits are completed and include correction of any spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors as well as typos.  Comments will also be inserted for any inconsistencies or issues that are noted during my final read-through.  


Basic proofreading (single pass)          $0.003 USD per word*

There is a minimum charge of $25 on any project submitted.  Payment can be made via PayPal.

*word count is rounded down to the closest 5,000 word increment

Turnaround Times

The time it takes for any project will depend on the total word count.  Rush jobs (less than one week) may be available if scheduling permits, and may be subject to an additional fee.  The following chart shows approximate turnaround times which can vary depending on the project.


Your files and personal information are kept confidential and will never be shared with anyone.  You are entrusting me with your personal work, and I take that responsibility seriously and will not breach that trust.  I do not share client lists, and will not share other information unless you have previously given explicit permission for me to do so.

Document files can be submitted via email, Dropbox, Google Docs, or any other file sharing method with which you are comfortable.  Microsoft Word documents are preferred since the "Track Changes" feature can be used to show where any corrections, additions, or deletions have been made.

Contact Me

Have questions, need a quote, or want to get started?  Please email me at for more information.

About Me

I have been a voracious reader since I was about six years old--in first grade I actually received a certificate for reading the most library books that year...52!  My need to devour the written word only grew from there, to the point where I had advanced to reading almost a book a day.  

As I started reading more independent authors' books, I was dismayed at the higher instances of basic errors I was seeing in published works.  I had received a couple of offers to beta read for different authors, and from there a request to proofread.  I contemplated formally offering proofreading services for a while before a friend nudged me into finally doing so...and now here I am!

My primary proofreading experience is fiction stories in the romance genre, with particular emphasis on LGBT+ romance, primarily M/M.  There are so many amazing independent authors out there who tell incredible stories, and I'm thrilled to be able to help them with that final polish to make their finished book the best it can be.