
Tuesday, November 14, 2023

New Release-Review & Excerpt: PUMPKIN SPICE AND CHILL by F.A. Ray (Boyfriend Café #2) - Includes Giveaway!

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Pumpkin Spice and Chill
By F.A. Ray

Pumpkin Spice and Chill Cover.png

Boyfriend Café, Book 2

"Tie me up. Make me yours."


Accidents don't happen to me. I eliminate random chance with surgical precision, whether that's in my role as the manager of the Boyfriend Café or my role in the bedroom.

Having an earnest, soft-eyed stranger show up one day is not part of my plans.

The university is sniffing around the café, and David says he wants to help hold them off. But why should I trust someone I've just met, someone who's acting on pure intuition, someone who isn't part of the road map?

David is smart, kind and earnest. When he looks at me with those big, soft eyes, it makes me want to discard all my careful calculations. But I don't do spontaneous. My wealthy parents groomed me to be a perfect CEO, cold and calculating. So why do I want to throw out the rules for him?


I've heard rumors of a Boyfriend Café on campus that's staffed by a bunch of queer students. And I've also heard that the university is breathing down their necks, threatening to shut them down.

I know I'm still pursuing my law degree, but I'm sure I can help - if they'll just let me. Unfortunately, Albert literally slams his door in my face when I try.

I can't bring myself to give up, no matter how ardently Albert wants to shut me out. This guy has major control issues, which really shouldn't be a turn on, but here I am trying to get closer to Tall, Dark and Handsome despite every instinct telling me he has a closet full of ropes and handcuffs somewhere.

I'm supposed to be thinking about how to help him save the café, not what kinds of crazy toys he has stashed in his bedroom. Now if I could just stop imagining him in sexy leather gloves and me on my knees...

Pumpkin Spice and Chill is an MM grumpy/sunshine romance with a secret billionaire, a kind-hearted nerd, a closet full of "creative" toys, and spicy open door scenes. CWs available at

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“I can’t believe you’re real,” he says.

I huff a laugh. It should be me saying those words. Who am I compared to this genuine, sweet, bold man who’s turned my life upside down in the best possible way?

“Is it crazy that I want you again already?” David says. “I know we were up basically the whole night, but God, Albert, I just can’t keep my hands off you.”

A tremble of answering desire surges through me. I turn him until his hips hit the edge of my table, then hike him up onto it, heedless of the way my tools and half-formed artwork rattles.

“No,” I say, “it’s not.” Because I want him again too. Because I will never have enough of him. Because I will never grow tired of drawing out every sigh and moan his body can give me. It has become my life’s work, a project I will labor over for as long as he allows me, and I have no greater ambition in the world anymore.

I slide my hands along his thighs. They open for me, allowing me to fit between his legs so I can lean in close and press my lips to his neck. He responds instantly, sighing and grabbing at my shoulders. His fingers clench more tightly every time I lick along that tremulous skin pebbling under my touch, his nails biting at my shoulders through my shirt.

“Albert,” he groans, and I thrill anew at the way he says my name in moments such as this. “F*ck, I want you so bad. I can’t get enough of you.”

Everything inside of me sings in response. I have always been like this, wanting to give more than I take, wanting to offer more than I receive.

“Tie me up again,” David pants. “Make me yours.”

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Carra's Review

F.A. Ray did another great job here in book two of the Boyfriend Café series.  Here, the quiet, steadfast Albert is the focus along with David, an aspiring do-good attorney (though currently a college student) who just wants to help when it seems the café might be running into trouble with the university.  There is plenty to enjoy in this story, with just a couple of nitpicks from me.

One thing that truly stands out—again—is the excellent writing.  The style, the descriptive and emotional passages, and the very layered characters all make for a strong story that pulls you in.  I also love that the café’s team has become a found family that can depend on each other and support each other.  

Albert though…he pushes too hard to handle a big issue all on his own.  Honestly though, I was surprised given what we learn about his family background that he wouldn’t have done things differently with his friend Rhett with the café from the start.  It’s something that niggled at the back of my mind in book one, but I willingly overlooked it there since the focus of that book was very different.  Here though, it seemed like such an obvious thing that should have been considered.

When it comes to Albert and David’s interactions, they are frankly just beautiful together.  Their physical scenes are fantastic, leaving you hanging on every word.  You can feel the gradual building from hookup to committed boyfriends as it slowly progresses through the entire story, never feeling rushed.  I do wonder though (another niggle here), when it comes to the skills Albert has in the bedroom how and when did he acquire them given he is still relatively young in college in this story?  I would have liked to have had that backstory given the tools and toys he already seemed to have extensive knowledge in using.

Albert and David are a wonderful couple, I really enjoyed their story and it was a very strong 4-star read for me. I’d recommend this to any M/M romance fan, especially if you enjoy sensual and emotional physical scenes—there are plenty to be found here.  Given that, plus the adult language, this book is recommended for readers 18+. 

Want to know what I thought of book one, A Matcha Made in Hell?  Check out my review here!

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Enter the Giveaway:

To celebrate the release of Pumpkin Spice and Chill, F.A. Ray's giving away 2 e-copies of the release!

Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!

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About the Author:

F.A. Ray started writing as a child and never really stopped. They enjoy rock climbing and hiking in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, where they live with their partner and cat.

Catch up with F.A. Ray:

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