
Friday, December 2, 2022

New Release-Excerpt & Giveaway: THE REAL THING by Elle Keaton (West Coast Forensics #5)

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The Real Thing
By Elle Keaton

The Real Thing Ebook (1)

West Coast Forensics, Book 5

An oblivious prince wishes for his knight in shining armor. His knight has been under his nose all along, will he claim him before it's too late for them both?

As deeply as he craves his own fairy tale happily-ever-after, resort owner Cody Prescott doesn't have time for a relationship. That doesn't stop him from crushing on most men on Piedras. Luckily for him, they're emotionally unavailable or already taken, so he doesn't have to worry about getting attached.

Wade Buckner, the island's handiest handyman, is tired of waiting for Cody to wake up and realize Wade is the man for the job. He's ready and willing to rescue Cody from just about anything, even questionable hotel guests.

The Harvest Feast is the kick-off for the resort's one hundred and twenty-fifth anniversary and they have a full house. But something sinister is afoot at the resort, something that even his knight might not be able to rescue Cody from.

Are they trying to kill him, put him out of business, or both?

#grumpy-sunshine #FamilyHistory #OnlyOneBed

The Real Thing, book five in the West Coast Forensics series, is dual POV and follows Cody and Wade all the way to their happy ending. Can be read as a standalone but might be better enjoyed if you start with Real Trouble, first in the WCF series.

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Wade knew one thing though. He was making some changes and it was starting with Cody Prescott. After today.

After today, he wasn’t rushing to Cody whenever he called. That era was over. In the last six months or so, it had become painfully obvious that Cody Prescott had no idea Wade existed except as a walking tool box.

Except the fact that he suggested you move in with him, that irritating voice reminded him.

Cody was always about to fall in love or mooning over a random hot guy he’d seen on the ferry. Once it was the new Food Services of America sales bro with his RayBan sunglasses. And his brown eyes lit up when Chief Flynn stopped by for the biannual safety inspection, in a way Wade knew they never did when Cody looked at him.

Leaving his bulging rucksack locked in the truck, Wade slammed the door, jiggling the handle so it would shut properly, and jammed his hands into the extra-thick semi-weatherproof Carhartt hoodie Cody had given him as “sort of a bonus” after Wade had complained about how f*cking drafty his studio was.

Yeah, and the socks too. So, he does think about you, his inner voice snarked.

Whatever. However Cody thought of him, it wasn’t the way Wade wanted him to. Just one of these days Wade wanted Cody Prescott to look at him with the same hunger in his eyes that he had when a suited-up or otherwise expensively dressed guy with sunglasses on his head and a Rolex on his wrist strode into the resort, brandishing their American Express Black cards and platinum wives or girlfriends.

Bitter much?

Wade was rough. His hair was longer than the guys Cody looked at wore theirs. After separating from the military, he’d sworn he would never keep it short again. His razor hardly ever saw use. Wade’s clothing came from Costco, his work boots from Red Wing, and he didn’t have designer soap or fancy aftershave. He was plain old Wade Buckner, a low-end model for a boyfriend.

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Enter the Giveaway:

To celebrate the release of The Real Thing, we're giving away an e-set of the West Coast Forensics Series so far (5 eBooks)!
Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!
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About the Author:

Elle Keaton writes contemporary gay romance and MM romantic suspense set in the Pacific Northwest. Elle’s books are known for their hot mm romance, complex characters, and unique sense of place. The men start out broken, and maybe they’re still banged up by the end, but they always find the other half of their hearts.

Elle published first in 2017, now she has over seventeen books available for you to read or listen to.

She loves cats and dogs, Star Wars and Star Trek, pineapple on pizza, and is known to start crossword puzzles with ballpoint pen.

Love always wins, thank you for supporting this indie author!

Connect with Elle:

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