
Monday, September 10, 2018

Guest Post: IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A STANDALONE! Featuring the Lightning Tales Series by K.C. Wells

It Was Supposed To Be A Standalone!

I’ve got a few series written so far. (You may have noticed LOL)
Not all of them started out as a series. Oh no. SOME of them were supposed to be a one-off, like Debt, and Step by Step, and A Bond of Three. (#3 of the Sensual Bonds is still in the pipe line, Debt #2 is now with Dreamspinner, Debt #3 is ALSO in the pipeline, and Step by Step #3 is planned too. Phew) Not to mention Truth & Betrayal – the sequel, Pride & protection, will be out next year.
See, you start out with good intentions, and it all goes pear-shaped when characters start talking to you. VERY loudly.
Sometimes, however, you start out with the idea for a series, and somewhere along the way, it gets interrupted. Love Lessons Learned was to be #1 in a series of 4 – never happened. 

Then there’s the Island Tales. Three so far, and there is DEFINITELY a fourth, Uncharted Waters. I know, because lately those boys have started talking to me. AND the cover is already done. 😉
A Material World. Now that’s proving a popular series. Denim, #4, was released this summer, but you’ll have to wait for #5, Leather. I had the plot for that all worked out – until I attended the polyamory panel at EuroPrideCon. I blame TJ Masters. Yup. All his fault. LOL
And then there’s the Lightning Tales.
The whole idea was how fast love can strike. How it can come at you out of nowhere. The idea for Teach Me came from watching a *video* *cough* starring Nick Capra. Love Me was based on a dear friend’s own story. But…
There are at least four more stories…

Want Me. Tempt me, Remember Me… and Free Me. All very different.
A young man lusting after his godfather. A young man staying with his buddy on his buddy’s divorced dad’s farm – and falling for the dad. A young man who has a chance encounter with his childhood babysitter. And then there’s Kaden.
Kaden was the bartender in Love Me. That guy is a real character. Put it this way, when Love Me came out, Free Me was going to be #8. That was before readers began commenting.
Except it was more like chanting, “KA-DEN! KA-DEN! KA-DEN!” Yup, he certainly made an impression. I put that down to the fact that he’s a kinky little shit with an attitude, who is NOT into vanilla.
And lately, Kaden started talking….
I teased the people in my group that maybe it was time I wrote Free Me. The response was an overwhelming YES. So Free Me will be with you before the year is out.
So the next time you comment on a book, and innocently say that so-and-so needs their own book – THINK! You never know what you might be starting….

Kaden Brookes loves his job as the bartender at Costello’s, a gay bar in Orlando. He’s great with the customers and can flirt with the best of them, but that’s as far as it goes. No matter how badly a guy’s ass and personality tempt him, Kaden does not shit where he eats. Besides, most of the guys who frequent Costello’s would probably be more than a little shocked to see the contents of Kaden’s guest bedroom. Vanilla is definitely not his favorite flavor.
But his personal rules fly out the window when Robert Fallon walks into Costellos. In his suit and tie, Robert seems like a fish out of water. A powerful but stressed fish at that. Kaden takes advantage of the quiet night to talk with him, lending him a sympathetic ear. When Robert returns to the bar the following weekend, Kaden hardly recognizes him. This Robert needs…. something. 
What surprises the hell out of Kaden is that he wants to be the one to give Robert what he needs.

About the Author

She now writes full time, and the line of men in her head, clamouring to tell their story, is getting longer and longer. If the frequent visits by plot bunnies are anything to go by, that’s not about to change anytime soon.

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