
Wednesday, August 22, 2018

New Release-Review: THREEPEAT by K.C. Wells & Parker Williams (Secrets #3)

by K.C. Wells & Parker Williams

Release date: August 21, 2018
Genre: M/M Romance, BDSM
Cover Artist: Reese Dante


Can two Doms open their hearts again for a young man desperately in need of their help?
Two years ago, Aaron Greene and Sam Thompson were devastated when their submissive broke the contract that bound the three of them together. They still wonder what happened and whether they can find a way to move forward. When Aaron finds a sick young man by the curbside, his protective instincts kick in, and after consulting Sam, he takes Tim home.
After being thrown out of his home, Tim Waterman finds himself on the street, doing whatever he needs to survive. Until a bear of a Good Samaritan scoops him up and saves him. Then one bear becomes two, and a chance discovery gets him thinking about what might be, if he’s bold enough to make a move.
So what happens when Aaron and Sam wake up one morning to find Tim naked in their bed? Will they get a new chance at life, or will history Threepeat itself?

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Carra's Review

Though Threepeat is the third book in the Secrets series, you could read it as a standalone quite easily and have no issues.  Personally, I recommend reading these in order so you have the backstory for the other characters; if you want to be really thorough, start with the Collars & Cuffs series first, then move on to Secrets.  What you’ll find is something that is emphasized in this book, and seeps into every page of both series—these characters form a chosen family, sometimes better than the families into which the characters are born.  A family that is strong, supportive, and one that you’ll want to become a part of yourself.

Imagine being part of an amazing threesome that makes you happy in every way both in and out of the bedroom.  Now imagine that feeling coming to an unexpected, severely abrupt stop and not knowing why.  This is the situation Sam and Aaron are in and have been in for a couple of years now.  While they both love each other, there’s still that empty place they both feel so acutely that it makes you wonder just how long they can endure before even the two of them can’t handle it together any longer-especially since they are both Doms.  Can’t imagine it?  Don’t worry, the authors do an amazing job of describing it for you so you’ll feel their pain like it’s your own.

Tim hasn’t had a pleasant home life, and like so many others finds himself out on the street, trying to survive any way he can.  That Aaron finds him at a really low point is a stroke of luck—or maybe fate.  The nurturer in him HAS to help Tim, even if that means letting him go once Tim’s back on his feet.  And while Sam may try not to let it show, he needs to help as well.

The power dynamic between the three of them did feel a little unbalanced to me at times, mostly as their relationship was at its beginning stages.  The further into the story I read though, the more balanced it became.  The story concentrates on the threesome’s relationship development, with Aaron and Sam doing their utmost to show Tim how much they care for him, and to help him heal from his family’s horrible treatment.  The development is not rushed, and we do get to see things from before the three meet to give perspective on how they got to the point they were at when Aaron first comes across Tim.

I can’t say enough about the supporting characters.  The main characters from the first two books—Wayne and Ellis, and Vic and Rob—along with Eli, Jarod, and Jarod’s mother play a large part in the story, and all are instrumental in Tim’s healing process.  Of particular note is Maggie, Jarod’s mother, who helps lighten the mood, add laughter to your reading, but also provides unending support to Tim at every turn.  

I really enjoyed Threepeat, and overall it was a 4.5-star read for me.  The BDSM elements tend toward the lighter side, in part due to Tim’s treatment while still with his family.  This story fits in well with the series, growing the Secrets family…I can’t wait to see where else the authors take this!  This book is meant for readers 18+ for adult language, sexual content, and scenes of physical abuse.

Oh, and just for some teasing fun…you may feel the need to bake cookies after reading *giggles*

About the Authors

K.C. Wells started writing in 2012, although the idea of writing a novel had been in her head since she was a child. But after reading that first gay romance in 2009, she was hooked.

She now writes full time, and the line of men in her head, clamouring to tell their story, is getting longer and longer. If the frequent visits by plot bunnies are anything to go by, that’s not about to change anytime soon.

If you want to follow her exploits, you can sign up for her monthly newsletter: 

You can stalk – er, find – her in the following places:

Parker Williams believes that true love exists, but it always comes with a price. No happily ever after can ever be had without work, sweat, and tears that come with melding lives together.

Living in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Parker held his job for nearly 28 years before he decided to move on and try new things. He’s enjoying his new life as a stay-at-home author because work always frowned on naps.

Connect with Parker on:

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