
Monday, June 25, 2018

Spotlight-Excerpt & Giveaway: GIDEON AND THE CRIMSON SAMURAI by R.L. Baxter

Gideon and the Crimson Samurai Tour Graphic
R.L. Baxter
Series: Gideon and the Crimson Samurai Book 1
Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: Ricky Lee Baxter
Publication Date: December 1, 2014
A timeless tale about friendship, family and betrayal
Gideon Joust is your average twelve-year-old boy, with all the growing insecurities one would expect, following the mysterious disappearance of his father. On one fateful day, the boy's world is turned upside down - leading to a chance encounter with a brash child warrior: Kibishi the Crimson Samurai.

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Kibishi: (I cannot protect anyone, not even myself. That encounter with my brother today showed me that I am completely helpless. If Albion hadn’t of saved us, Gideon would be dead, and there would be nothing I could do about it. Oh Mr. Evan, where are you? If you’d only make your presence known, things would be much easier. If only I were stronger, then I would be able to protect the ones dear to me. Mr. Evan, Gideon, Jill and Juni. I want to protect them all, but I don’t know where to start. Why is this all the difficult? 

The samurai weeps – trying his best to suppress the sad emotions that fill him. At that moment, Albion surprisingly steps into the open with his trusty bow along his back.

Albion: Well, you didn’t go very far I see. What are you doing on the ground, eating dirt? We have apples back at our base.

Kibishi: Shut up Albion. Now is not the time for your jokes. Besides, what are you doing here?

Albion: I came to talk to with you.

After short moments, the archer and samurai sit by the stream, looking out over the dull sunset. They remain quiet - Kibishi looking troubled, while Albion smiles evermore.

Kibishi: I still stand by what I said. We will part ways once we reach Valero. I cannot allow Gideon to follow me any further, he'll only end up dead.

Albion: I understand. However, do you still stand by the other thing you said? The thing about: “Whoever said you and I were friends?” You didn’t honestly mean that – did you?

Kibishi: No… I didn’t mean that. I just don’t want Gideon to trust in me – that’s all.

Albion: And why would you not want somebody to trust you? Friendship is based on trust after all? 

Taking a moment to think about his reply, Kibishi bites his lips together while Albion awaits his answer.

Kibishi: When you trust someone… you expect much from that person. You rely on them and look to them for help. I am not capable of doing any of those things, hence why I am not suitable to be Gideon’s friend. If something ever happened to him, I would never forgive myself.

Albion: Hahaha, you and Gideon are so similar. You both are burdened with this cloud of doubt and self-pity. However, if there is one thing that I would criticise about your friendship, it’s that you both assume Gideon to be weak when he is in fact more capable than anyone here.

With a suspicious expression, Kibishi glares upon Albion for many moments.

Kibishi: What are you trying to say?

Albion: Come now, Crimson samurai. You mean to tell me that the thought did not cross your mind, at least once? Gideon is the son of the famous “Miracle Gunman”. Why are you treating him as a weak comrade? That is not a good sign of a friend. Real friends trust one another, regardless of what perils lie ahead.

Kibishi: Just because Gideon is the son of Mr. Evan, doesn’t mean he possesses any of his capabilities. I haven’t seen any indication of it.

Albion: Maybe it’s because you’re not using your eyes properly. I see it and his power is so great, none have a choice but to bend to his will.

Unable to contain his amusement, Kibishi bursts into laughter.

Kibishi: Hahaha, “bend to his will?” Are you trying to tell me that Gideon is some sort of God now?

Book Tour Schedule

Follow the book tour from June 13 - 26, 2018.
Join us and visit each tour stop daily and discover more features, excerpts, reviews, interviews, fun facts and more! To check the latest tour schedule, visit the Gideon and the Crimson Samurai Book Page at Book Unleashed.

Other Books by R.L. Baxter

Check out the other books in the Gideon and the Crimson Samurai series by R.L. Baxter.
Savior (Book Two)
Thanks to Kibishi's help, Gideon was able to know the truth of his father. However, before they have time to accept his fate, Kenoke appears - bringing to light a sinister ambition.
Buy Link: Amazon

About R.L. Baxter

Ricky Baxter is the author of Gideon and the Crimson Samurai and a slew of short novellas. He is an avid blogger, giving advice and thoughts to fellow creators from all walks of life. Currently he lives in Tokyo Japan, where he writes and blogs. Starting out as a composer since graduating with a Ba(Hons) in music and multimedia, Ricky worked for many independent short film directors, gaining notable IMDB credits . Since then, he has embraced his earlier passion of writing fictional stories.


Gideon and the Crimson Samurai Giveaway Graphic
Prizes up for grabs:
1. $10 Amazon Gift Card
2. eBook Copy of Mother Gaia by Ricky Baxter
Contest runs from June 13 - 26, 2018.

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