
Thursday, October 5, 2017

Excerpt & Giveaway: THRILL OF LOVE by Melissa Foster

Thrill of Love
The Bradens at Peaceful Harbor, MD #6
By: Melissa Foster
Releasing October 4, 2017
World Literary Press

Do you believe in fate?

World-renowned mountain climber and nature photographer Ty Braden never believed in second dates, much less heart-pounding, steal-his-breath love. But that was before a trip to Saint-Luc, where he met funny, strong, and entrancingly beautiful Aiyla Bell, a ski instructor and fellow photographer whose hopes and dreams, and love of the outdoors, aligned perfectly with his—and whose kisses alone turned him inside out.

After spending five magical days and four sweet, soulful nights falling in love, Aiyla couldn’t imagine a day without Ty. But when he asked her to go with him on his next assignment, his reputation for having women at his beck and call stopped her from upending the life she’d worked so hard to create.

Months later fate steps in when a chance encounter brings Ty and Aiyla together for a five-day wilderness event held in the Colorado Mountains. Their deep, passionate connection is stronger than ever, and Ty is bound and determined not to lose her again. But when tragedy strikes and their worlds are turned upside down, their love faces the truest test of all.

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She sat outside her tent snacking on Tropical Heat Hot Tamales and icing her leg, wishing she and Ty had exchanged numbers so she could call and find him now.
“There’s my girl!” Ty’s voice boomed from across the clearing, as arrogant and appealing as ever.
Everyone looked up to see who he was talking about—including Aiyla—as he strutted across the dirt in a pair of dark green cargo shorts and open sweatshirt over an impossibly snug shirt. Their eyes met and sparks ignited like a wick, burning up the space between them.
Aiyla set the ice pack on a towel and pushed to her feet, trying desperately not to choke on her candy as her stomach dipped and flipped.
“Your girl?” she asked. “Presumptuous, aren’t you?”
His eyes took a slow stroll down her body, heating up every inch as his gaze dragged down her breasts, her stomach, all the way to her toes. She wasn’t the kind of girl who wore makeup or fussed with fancy hairstyles. And as his eyes took on an appreciative, sinful darkness, she remembered how often in Saint-Luc he’d told her she was beautiful, each time making her blush anew.
“Mm-mm.” His smoldering eyes were set off by his cocky grin. “Shorts and a hoodie have never looked so good.” He stepped closer, his tone turning seductive. “You smell sweet and hot. My favorite combination.”

Author Info
Melissa Foster is a New York Times & USA Today bestselling and award-winning author. She writes sexy and heartwarming contemporary romance and new adult romance with emotionally compelling characters that stay with you long after you turn the last page. Melissa’s emotional journeys are lovingly erotic and always family oriented–perfect beach reads for contemporary romance lovers who enjoy reading about wealthy heroes and smart, sassy heroines.

Giveaway (Win a Digital e-copy of WHISPER OF LOVE (Two Winners))

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