
Thursday, December 15, 2016

Exclusive Guest Post: A DEVILS PRIDE CHRISTMAS by Jessie G.

We're thrilled to have author Jessie G here today at Making it Happen with an exclusive guest post!  Find out why we're such huge fans of her books in her holiday scene below...

Every year I tell myself that I won’t write a holiday scene. I don’t know why I lie to myself this way because I really do love the revelry of the holidays, but there you have it. I perpetrate this lie and then suddenly see a request for December blog posts and I’m all hand-raised-pick-me so I can write you a holiday scene. And who better to star in it than my guys from the Devils Pride MC, just to herald in their latest stint in Kindle Unlimited?
Also, both the current books in the series will be going on a Kindle Countdown sale which means you can pick up Tricking Chase for just $0.99 on December 22nd, and Talk Dirty to Me for $0.99 on December 29th. So, you can try them in KU and if you love them as much as I do, you can buy them for your collection because they won’t stay unlimited forever.
Enjoy - Jessie G

“How many people are you feeding?” Tory asked as they carried the last of the aluminum trays to the buffet they’d set up on the long living room wall. “I can’t believe you cooked most of this yourself. You should have had it catered.”
Chase stepped back to look at the two six-foot long tables and wondered if it was enough. They were seven just between his family and Tory’s. Add in a few bikers, ATF agents, some former Army Rangers, and a partridge in a pear tree and he knew there wouldn’t be a crumb left at the end of the night.
“I really enjoy doing it,” Chase said for the hundredth time. He knew Tory meant well, but taking care of his family and putting together parties for their friends made him happy. It wasn’t too long ago that they had to keep everyone at a distance and he cherished the trusted friendships that they’d made.
Thankfully, the doorbell sounded before Tory could say anything else and Chase shooed him off with instructions to check the ice chests. He spotted Ty heading for the door, which freed him up to take one final look around. 
Two brightly lit, fully adorned Christmas trees stood proudly on either side of the buffet. He never had one growing up because every place they lived was temporary and borrowed. It wasn’t until his first Christmas with Ty that he got to pick out a tree and put up decorations. Fast forward a few years and it was like the holiday exploded everywhere. Multiple trees, decorations inside and out, and nearly every bush in both yards strung up with lights. As he walked over to one of the open sets of French doors and looked out, he had to smile. From nomad to a beautiful home on the water—how had he gotten so lucky?
“Merry Christmas, cuz.” The soft greeting was accompanied by a little jingle and he grinned at Kyle, who wore antlers complete with dangling bells. The hug produced more jingling and he wondered how long it would take before Ty burned them in the fire pit. 
“You’ve totally outdone yourself, Chase.” Javier stood a step behind, a covered tray in his hands. “I know you said we didn’t have to bring anything, but I made those caramel apple empanadas the kids loved so much.”
“They’d lynch me if I turned them away, but—” Chase set the offered tray aside and stepped close, determined to get his hug. Javier would be nervous until he realized that he knew just about everyone who was coming. If it were anyone else, he would’ve respected that hesitancy, but this man was essentially his cousin-in-law, his family, and he knew Javier just needed a nudge. When the man gratefully accepted his embrace, hugging him tight for just a second, he knew he was right.
“But?” Javier prompted, then laughed knowingly. “Yes, I made a whole second batch and already hid them in your pantry.”
“My kids will love you forever.” Chase glanced over as Ty approached with Saul. “My man, too.”
More greetings were shared and the doorbell continued to ring until house and yard were overflowing with people. It was a truly diverse group, from age ranges to ethnicity to financial status, and that they all blended together so seamlessly amazed him. Carlos brought his twin daughters, Claudia and Camila, who just about gushed over Ava and Luc, and happily played with kids ten years their junior. 
“You’re dying to ask them what they think of Mateo, aren’t you?” Snake asked when he caught Chase staring at the surprising pair. 
He actually wasn’t sure what was more surprising. That they were openly acting like a couple right there in front of the girls or that Mateo was on his best behavior. Or that his best behavior didn’t seem like an act. He came in calm and smiling, had been attentive to Carlos as well as the girls, friendly to the younger kids, and kept offering to help.
“I’m not sure, truthfully. They look happy, don’t they? I want it to be real.” Chase blushed at his own words. “Silly, right?”
“No, not at all and I don’t think you’re alone.” Snake nodded his head toward Mateo who had drifted further from the crowd, seemingly lost in his own thoughts.
As they watched, he paused and gazed back at Carlos who was deep in conversation with Alaric. After a second, he sighed and continued along the path. Only before he could get too far, Claudia called to him, waving him over toward the pool. Chase saw the moment Carlos realized Mateo wasn’t with him and watched the older man track him across the yard. The interplay was impossible to miss, he just hoped none of them got hurt in the process. 
“I don’t think Mateo is going to let that happen,” Snake said, interpreting his thoughts clearly.
That had him turning toward Snake in confusion. “You mean Carlos, right?”
“Well, that’s a given. But no, I meant Mateo.” Snake ruffled his hair and jerked a thumb toward Greg who was cooing over Juan and Delia’s baby. “Ever think about catering for a wedding?”
“Juan and Delia are …” Chase trailed off and looked at Snake’s shit-eating grin. “Oh, you bastard! Really?”
“Yeah.” The happiness in that one word and Snake’s expression when he looked at Greg said everything. “Greg’s gonna call you, if that’s okay. You can say no, but man, you throw one helluva party.”
Chase looked around the big biker and saw Greg’s watching them with a shy smile. “You better call me!”
Snake drifted away as strong arms slipped around his middle, tugging him into his Master’s warmth. “Are you sure we know all these people?” Ty teased as he nudged him into a seat and pressed a plate of food in his hands. “Don’t even try to tell me you’ve eaten yet.”
He hadn’t and wouldn’t lie, so he just picked up his forked and took the expected bite. It was damned good, if he did say so himself. “I think you even like a few of them.”
Ty shuddered and looked at him in horror. “Let’s not get carried away.”
That was impossible. It was a beautiful night, they were surrounded by people who accepted them without question, and he was happier than he’d ever been. All because of his big bad biker. “I love you, Master.”
The mock horror vanished beneath one of Ty’s secret smiles and when he leaned in to nuzzle against his collar, Chase could only sigh. The response whispered across his flesh, warming him deep inside. Those three little words had been hard won and while he was grateful for their ever-expanding circle, none of it mattered without the man in his arms.

© 2016 Jessie G Books, Inc. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jessie G and Jessie G Books, Inc. with the appropriate and specific direction to the original content here at Making It Happen Book Blog.

About the Author

Like many readers, the dream of being a writer has been with me a long time. After three decades of trying, I'd begun to doubt. Thanks to social media, I followed my favorite authors hoping to glean some words of wisdom as I pounded out half-formed ideas with alarming regularity. Two repetitive themes emerged: To be a great writer you must read a lot and your butt must be in the chair every day like it's a job. The more you write, the easier it will be to write and the better you will be at writing. I took that advice to heart and write every day. With three series in the works and counting, it's been amazing to have made this dream my reality.

I am a firm believer in marriage equality, love at first sight, power dynamics and happily ever after. I'm a lover of strong secondary characters and series filled with families, biological or chosen. All are themes you'll find throughout my books.


Thank you so much Jessie G for stopping by the blog today!  We love this holiday scene featuring our favorite characters from the Devils Pride MC, and can't wait to read more in the future!


  1. Carra, thank you so much for hosting a Devils Pride Christmas, this months bonus scene in the #13Months13Scenes tour! For fans of the series, Carlos and Mateo's story will be out in early 2017!

    1. I'm so glad we could host you today! Can't wait for more in this series! 😉
