
Sunday, September 18, 2016

Book Review: WICKED BOND by Sawyer Bennett (Wicked Horse #5)

Wicked Bond 
(The Wicked Horse Series Book #5)
Sawyer Bennett
Release Date: September 13, 2016

Bridger Payne is an enigma that no one can figure out. Wise beyond his years, eerily intuitive and sexy as hell, every woman in The Silo wants him.
None can have him.
Not the real man, anyway.
He might wield the lash for you if you ask prettily, but he’ll get no gratification from it. He’ll definitely make you scream, but he won’t think twice about you when he walks away.
Bridger carries the darkest of secrets. He’s filled with too much pain.
He’s utterly untouchable.
Until she came along.

**Warning: this book has sex in it. Lots of sex. Dirty sex. The Wicked Horse Series is a bit different than what Sawyer Bennett normally writes. While you’ll still enjoy fabulous characters, a suspenseful story, some witty banter and an epic romance, there’s just… a lot of sex. You’ve been warned.

Purchase Wicked Bond:

Carra's Review

I've really enjoyed this series, it's hot and spicy, with fantastic characters and really excellent writing and storytelling.  I, like most fans of this series, have been really looking forward to Bridger's story.  He's been a constant through every book in the series, and has been hands down the sexiest, hottest, most wanted character I've ever read in an M/F series.  That said, given everything we've seen so far in this series I went into this story with certain expectations and hopes regarding Bridger's character...and that was probably an error on my part.

Don't get me wrong-Wicked Bond is a great romantic suspense story, and does have plenty of naughtiness in its pages.  There's the requisite broken hero who has hidden his horrible past from almost everyone, the damaged woman in distress who finds herself in a dangerous, life-threatening situation beyond her control, both thrown together in a situation that sets things up for angst, drama, heat and tension by the truckload.  And if I hadn't already read the first four books in the series and developed my own picture of Bridger's character in my mind, this would have stood on its own as a great romantic suspense--if it had been a standalone.  

What we've seen of Bridger to this point has been exceedingly hot, sexy and kinky whether with one other person or a menage or more.  If I could pick a single character in this series that defines The Silo, Bridger is the unequivocal winner.  So to have his story turn out relatively...well, vanilla in comparison to what we've seen so far, to me that's just not who Bridger is.  I was actually expecting something a heck of a lot spicier, maybe M/F/M or M/M for his final result, and definitely a lot more of The Silo to have the series end with a bang.  In that respect, I was mostly left wanting.  

It's not about the sex, or who Bridger ended up with-I did like Maggie, and she and Bridger actually do have some things in common-like doing whatever they had to do in their lives to get by.  I just didn't feel like Bridger was the type who would do a complete 180 from who he was, and it fell a bit flat for me.  I did enjoy seeing more of Woolf in this story, especially since the series started with him, and it was good seeing all the ladies from each story as well (especially at that first ladies' poker night).

Like I said-this book stands well on its own as a solid romantic suspense story, and fans of the genre will definitely enjoy it.  That alone led to my 3-star rating...if the author would have kept Bridger's character true to his nature as we've seen it up until this book, those other two stars would probably have made their appearance.  I did like the story, but for me it just didn't fit with the series as a whole, and who we've seen Bridger to be.  As with the other books in the series, this one's strictly for readers 18+ for adult language, scenes of abuse, and explicit M/F and a touch of M/M sexual content.

About the Author

Since the release of her debut contemporary romance novel, Off Sides, in January 2013, Sawyer Bennett has released more than 30 books and has been featured on both the USA Today and New York Times bestseller lists on multiple occasions.

A reformed trial lawyer from North Carolina, Sawyer uses real life experience to create relatable, sexy stories that appeal to a wide array of readers. From new adult to erotic contemporary romance, Sawyer writes something for just about everyone.

Sawyer likes her Bloody Mary’s strong, her martinis dirty, and her heroes a combination of the two. When not bringing fictional romance to life, Sawyer is a chauffeur, stylist, chef, maid, and personal assistant to a very active toddler, as well as full-time servant to two adorably naughty dogs. She believes in the good of others, and that a bad day can be cured with a great work-out, cake, or a combination of the two. 

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