
Thursday, June 2, 2016

Review, Excerpt & Giveaway: COME WHAT MAY by A.M Arthur-Includes Character Interview!

Come What May
Author Name: A.M. Arthur
Series: All Saints
Book: One
Release Date: May 23, 2016

Jonas needs Tate. He just doesn’t know it yet.
Or at least, he doesn't want to admit it. Because there is no way Jonas Ashcroft is gay. He’s a straight, carefree frat boy player, just like any good son of a conservative state senator. If only his struggle to convince everyone—especially himself—didn’t leave him so miserable. No matter how many girls or bottles he drowns himself in, Jonas can neither escape nor accept who he is.
Enter Tate. He’s smart, confident, and instantly sees right through Jonas’s surly exterior. Sure, he’s done things in life he’s not proud of, but he knows who he is and what he wants. And what he wants is Jonas. As their easy friendship intensifies into something more, Tate introduces Jonas to a life he’s never known. One filled with acceptance and sex and a love that terrifies and excites them both.
But some inner demons refuse to be shaken off so easily. When Jonas’s old life barges in, he faces a shattering choice, one that could destroy everything he and Tate have fought so hard for. Sometimes love just isn’t enough—and sometimes it’s exactly what you need.

Publisher: Carina Press
Cover Artist: Carina Press
Pages or Words: 70,000 words, 320 pages (print edition)
Categories: Contemporary, Fiction, M/M Romance, New Adult, Romance


“It’s small,” Jonas said.

“Better than a cardboard box or foster care.” The sharpness in Tate’s voice echoed in his frown. 

Jonas had never known anyone before who’d been in foster care, and saying so would probably make him the biggest douche on the planet. It also took the edge off some of his irritation over the total mindf*ck that was Tate Dawson. “It’s way better than both of those things. You worked hard for this place, Tate. I haven’t worked hard for anything in my life.”

“I disagree.”

He blinked. “You do?”

“Yes, I do. I think you work very, very hard to convince yourself and the world that you’re something you’re not. I think you work very, very hard to be perfect when no one is, and the only thing anyone should ever do is just be her or himself. Be true to you, not to what others want from you.”

Jonas’s throat squeezed tight. “I can’t.”

Tate took a step closer, bringing a gentle waft of sweat and something sweet. “Why not?”

He saw the barest reflection of himself in Tate’s glasses and he didn’t like it. He stepped back. Tate snagged his wrist and held him there. The touch sent awareness buzzing across his skin, down his spine and straight to his balls. He needed to pull away before this got out of control. 

And then his rebel brain decided it was a good idea to glance at Tate’s pink lips. Lips that Tate, the asshole, licked with slow swipes of his tongue.

Jonas yanked away his hand away so hard Tate stumbled. “I’m not gay, so you can get that ‘f*ck the frat boy’ fantasy out of your head right now.”

Instead of being cowed, Tate planted both hands on his hips and said, “Who are you trying to convince? Because it’s just you and me in this room, and I’m not the one who brought up your sexuality. You did.”

Damn him. “Why won’t you leave me alone?”

Tate’s gaze drifted over his face as he sought for words. “Because every time we’re together I can tell you’re struggling with something. You put up this lone wolf front to keep people at arm’s length so you don’t have to work so hard to pretend, but it’s exhausting you. Jonas, you can be yourself with me. Whoever that is.”

“I can’t.” Talking was getting harder around the lump in his throat. His heart was kicking too fast and his chest ached.

“Look me in the eye.” Tate closed the three strides between them, then curled a warm hand around the back of Jonas’s neck. “Look me in the eye and say you don’t want to kiss me right now.”

Buy the book: 

Amazon - Nook 

Carra's Review

I'll let you know right up front-Come What May is sweet, sexy and the perfect book for M/M romance fans who love stories where one of the characters is finally coming out...or if you just love a good love story.

Jonas, my poor Jonas.  He is sweet, polite, closeted, and very deferential to his father--much to the detriment of his own well being.  I really loved watching his journey to become the person he really is, and how in the end he stands up for himself.  Tate---oh, how I loved Tate.  He's one of the good ones-the REALLY good ones-and I fell in love with him in this story.  He's secure in who he is, he's protective and caring, and so amazingly giving of himself.  He's the perfect match for Jonas, and watching their relationship evolve was deeply satisfying.

The supporting characters, especially Jonas's aunt and uncle and Tate's friends, they are all a wonderful family to both Jonas and Tate and the provide unconditional love and support-something Jonas does not have with his parents.  Oh, don't get me started on his parents-especially his father.  I might start throwing things...and aiming directly for his ass of a father.

The intimate scenes between Jonas and Tate as Jonas begins to explore his sexuality are emotional and oh so very hot and steamy.  They are done very well and don't overpower the story at all.  But they may overheat your e-reader ;-)

Come What May is an incredible story of the power of love, being true to yourself, and gets 5 stars from me.  I highly recommend it for M/M romance fans 18+ (for adult language and M/M sexual content), and I for one can't wait for more in the All Saints series (oh, like maybe Marc's story?).

Character Interview Questions

1. What do you consider your greatest achievement?

Tate: Absolutely All Saints House. I mean, how many twenty-four year olds can say they helped open and run a homeless shelter for LGBT teenagers? I’m so proud to be able to help these kids every single day.

Jonas: Coming out. I denied who I was for so long, and I hurt people along the way. I really regret that, and I lost a lot for choosing to be who I am, but I’m me. Finally.

2. If you could have any job or profession, what would it be?

Tate: I’m doing what I love, but I’d definitely like to see our efforts with All Saints House expand. More programs. More shelters to get more kids off the street. 

Jonas: How perfect is Tate? 

Tate: That’s not a job or profession, babe.

Jonas: I don’t know. I like what I’m doing right now, working with nonprofits. I’m only twenty-one, I have time to decide. But I know I want to keep making a difference.

3. What is your biggest regret?

Jonas: That I allowed my father’s opinion of me to control my life for so long, and that it took this long for me to realize it wasn’t worth it. I lost so much time pretending to be someone I wasn’t for him.

Tate: Marnie.

4. What is your favorite food?

Tate: Oooh, that’s easy. Doris’s homemade macaroni and cheese. It’s amazing.

Jonas: It really is. Especially as leftovers. Spread inside of a hot turkey sandwich. It’s like food porn.

5. Who is your hero?

Jonas: Tate. 

Tate: Stop. No.

Jonas: Yes. You took care of your family. You adopted your sisters when you were sixteen! You opened a homeless shelter. You have the biggest heart of anyone I’ve ever met, and you never gave up on me when you had every reason to. You’re my hero.

Tate: Now how the hell do I top that kind of answer?

Meet the author

A.M. Arthur was born and raised in the same kind of small town that she likes to write about, a stone's throw from both beach resorts and generational farmland.  She's been creating stories in her head since she was a child and scribbling them down nearly as long, in a losing battle to make the fictional voices stop.  She credits an early fascination with male friendships (bromance hadn't been coined yet back then) with her later discovery of and subsequent love affair with m/m romance stories. A.M. Arthur's work is available from Samhain Publishing, Carina Press, Dreamspinner Press, and SMP Swerve.
When not exorcising the voices in her head, she toils away in a retail job that tests her patience and gives her lots of story fodder.  She can also be found in her kitchen, pretending she's an amateur chef and trying to not poison herself or others with her cuisine experiments.  

Rafflecopter Prize: $25 e-gift card to Amazon or Barnes and Noble (winner’s choice)

Tour Dates & Stops: 

26-May: Love Bytes, Book Reviews and More by Kathy, Sassygirl Books

7-Jun: Cathy Brockman Romances, Two Chicks Obsessed With Books and Eye Candy

1 comment:

  1. A.M. ~ Congrats on your new book, "Come What May" and good luck on the book tour!
