
Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Steamy Romance (Biker and Bad Boy)

Date of Publication:  Feb 8 (currently available for preorder)

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A Collection of Bad Boy, Biker and Alpha Romance Stories

Featuring New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Authors. 12 top selling authors bring you 12 never-before-published Hot and Steamy Romance stories

Christine Bell - SWITCHBLADE

Michael Blade has always thought of Kaitlin Pepper as the irritatingly prissy girl next door, but when she mistakes him for his twin and shows up at his house wearing only a trench coat and a shaky smile, he starts to reconsider...

Bella Wild - BAD BOY BIKER

Jessie used to think being a parolee psychologist was her way of helping ex-cons get a second chance as they integrated back into society--until she met Jace. He's the angry, inked, biker ex-con who refuses rehabilitation and insists on getting under her skin.

Sierra Rose - FORBIDDEN

This is the fu---- up version of Romeo and Juliet MC Club style...imagine Juliet a pistol, and Romeo a sexy, bad ass with wicked tats....oh, did I mention there's lots of cursing, leather-clad bikers, motorcycles, and sex?


Katie's not your usual rich girl, and Morgan's not your typical biker. Falling for each other is inevitable, but what will happen when their worlds collide?

Dale Mayer - SALVATION

Beaten. Broken. Finished.

An abused wife meets the most unlikeliest of angels - a man who looks like the very devil himself. He won't let her give up. Nor will he let her go. Will he be yet another captor or will he become her salvation?


He'd loved her for as long as he could remember, but he would never pursue her, because he alone knew he was responsible for the one thing she would never forgive anyone for. When she starts to pursue him though, he doesn't think he can keep his distance.

Cassie Alexandra - TAMING THE BIKER

After a short fling with hell-raising womanizer, Taylor (Tail) Adams, Lauren Macey discovers that she's pregnant with the biker's child. Knowing that the MC lifestyle isn't what she wants for their baby, and that Tail isn't exactly 'father' material, Lauren decides not to tell him. This proves challenging, especially when she realizes that he isn't ready to end their affair...


Morgan and Jazz have dealt with most of the horrific problems that plagued their fledging relationship, at least they hope so. But just as one horrific set of troubles falls away, another interesting one comes into play. Will they survive this one too?

C.J. Pinard - ANTIHERO

Can a street punk on the wrong path be transformed into a military killing machine? Once he's been"rehabilitated", Ellis Anderson is determined to show the woman he loves that he's nothing like both the lives he's left behind. But actions speak louder than words - and he has a lot of work ahead of him.

C.C. Cartwright - JUST LOVE ME

Justin can't get Sloane out of his head. He pushes her away for being his little sister's best friend, but now that she's filled out in all the right places, will he be able to resist the innocent, yet enticing woman she has become?

Bella Love-Wins - DOG

Kane is now top dog in the Rugged Angels MC, and has slept with half the eligible biker chicks in Tucson. He meets his match when Kim, daughter of his club's former president, just won't give in to his usual tricks.


District Attorney Eric Steel is used to getting his way, and when he meets the new intern hired for his team, he wants her: preferably stripped down and bound to his bed. From the moment Crystal Reid first obediently whispers "Yes, Mr. Steel," he knows she's perfect for him. He has less than 1 week to convince her...and he doesn't plan on taking no for an answer.

Kendra Wild - BADASS

The company recruited Nick Taylor from the US Army Special Forces and turned him into a mean machine. His first undercover assignment - to pursue and protect Nicole Hunt, a crucial federal witness with dark secrets

Featured Excerpts

Forbidden by Sierra Rose

“I can’t stop thinking about her,” I said.

“She’s off limits. You know that. Her old man will shoot you dead. So stay the f*ck away from that broad!”

“But I love a challenge…The more I can’t have her, the more I want her.”

“C’mon, man. She’s forbidden fruit.”

“I want to snatch that fruit off that tree…and just take one taste.”

“Look what happened to Eve,” he said. “Except she’ll make out better than you will. Because you’ll be dead when her dad catches you sniffing around his precious princess. You can’t pursue a doomed romance.”

“Is there such a thing as forbidden soul mates?”

“That girl will rip your soul in half.”

I laughed.

He sipped his beer. “There’s never a dull moment with Selene.”

“No, there’s not.”

“But seriously? Is she worth dying for? You need to ask yourself that question.”

“I’ve asked myself that question a million times. And it’s why I stay away.”

“Then keep doing what you’re doing. Because it’s good for your health. And why do you want to get involved with a crazy girl, anyway? She pushes the limits and constantly rides the edge.”

“And she does it fearlessly. That’s what I love about her. She’s not like any other girl I’ve ever met. She’s got spunk. She’s smart, spontaneous, a thrill-seeker, a risk-taker, and she loads of fun. Did I mention the fact she drives me absolutely insane? And her smile… There is nothing sexier to me than a woman’s smile.”

“I think it’s the thrill of the hunt. Men are aggressive by nature, and once we devour our prey, we’re off on the next hunt.”

“It’s more than that. She challenges me…inspires me like no other girl.”

“She’s toxic,” he said.


He threw his arms up in the air. “Okay, I give up. I think you’ve lost your mind because all you think of is the crazy sex you’ll get.”

“Crazy in the best way possible. But she’s not a whore. Crazy, yes. Loose? No. She doesn’t sleep around. She’s just wild and carefree.”

He nodded. “Selene’s like a wild horse that can’t be broken.”

“I’ll break her. You can count on that.”

“You tame her? Good luck. Besides, the wild ones are rarely relationship material anyway.”

“Who says I’m looking for a relationship?”


Billionaire Biker by Lexy Timms

Tall, lean and curved in all the right places. Her breasts were on full display in a crisp red top that contrasted perfectly with her wide-legged white slacks. Her blondish-brown hair had been twisted into a perfect fishtail braid and the expensive, oversized sunglasses on her face hid her eyes but not her straight nose or full, lush mouth.

She was definitely in the wrong place. Morgan had seen her type before, curious rich girls from the other side of town slumming it up in the biker bar, grabbing their chests in excitement as they eagerly stepped in the door, blinking from the strong sunlight outside.

None of them ever dared to cross that threshold during the night hours, they came in the day—usually with one or two of their friends, all of them giggling madly at their own daring. Morgan tossed back a shot and watched her. He wasn’t the only one. Heads turned all over the place.

During the day the crowd was not so much biker as it was folks who just liked to ride. There was a definitive difference. Most of the people seated at the tables or who bellied up to the bar didn’t wear a patch, and if they did, those colors belonged to small obscure clubs, little vanity clubs made up of rich guys who wanted to be bikers on the weekends, and hedge managers during the week. The woman strolling across the floor fit in with them, for all he knew she was there to meet one of them.

Her perfume hit his nose. It was spicy and rich, and her ass was on full display as she leaned across the bar, causing those pants to pull taut across the pert slopes of her bottom. His eyes went right to those firm, uplifted cheeks.

Her voice, a sweet and slightly husky thing, filtered through the air as she said, “I’d like Maker’s Mark and a twist of lemon. Just a twist, not a huge wedge please.”

Jack, the burly bartender, gave her a filthy look and stalked off. Her red-hued nails tapped the bar. Morgan shook his head and took another sip of his drink. He had more important things to think about than this woman, but he couldn’t seem to get his mind off her, or his eyes either.

“He’s probably going to give me the whole damn lemon.”

There was amusement in her voice. Her fingers lay on the bar and he stared down at them before saying, “You’ll be lucky if he only gives you one.”

“Damn! Hoisted by my own petard. Or pickiness. Whichever suits the current situation.”

He chuckled, surprised by her wit. She whipped the glasses off to reveal a set of baby-blue eyes surrounded by a thick fringe of black lashes. He looked away. He had to keep his mind focused. Dealing with Craig was always tricky, dealing with Craig when he’d pulled some dumb-f*ck move that could get the whole club in trouble was worse. The last thing he needed was to be distracted.

But what a freakin’ beautiful disaster of a distraction.

Jack came back and plunked a heavy tumbler filled with two fingers of whiskey onto the counter. He held the lemon half up in the air and gave it a hard twist. Morgan winced as a long squirt of lemon juice filled the glass, causing the lovely amber whiskey to turn cloudy.

Jack said, “With a twist, just like you ordered.”

Her hand shot out. She picked up the glass and turned it up, drinking down the vile-looking concoction. She set the glass down and gave Jack a creamy smile. “Perfect. Thanks. How much?”

She had guts. Morgan admired that and he saw the unwilling grin tugging at Jack’s lips. Morgan leaned in. “I got it.”
Jack nodded and walked away.

Her head turned. “Thanks but that’s not necessary.”

A closer look revealed her youth. Early twenties. Morgan grinned and shook his head. “I can’t believe you drank that.”

Her smile widened, revealing square white teeth. “I won’t believe it either later, I’m sure.”

He laughed, he couldn’t help it. He also couldn’t help asking, “No offense but what brought you in here, to the Orphan Pint bar?”

She sighed. “I’m escaping my boss.”

“I see.”

She checked her watch and rolled her eyes. “I should probably get back.”

“Or quit your job.”

“Wouldn’t that be nice? Just chuck it all and walk away.”

“It is.” His eyes met hers. “What do you do, if you don’t mind me asking?”

Her teeth went to her bottom lip. “I’m an assistant.”

“Like a personal assistant?”

“Yes.” She thought for a moment and added, “For the Wilkes family.”


Just Love Me by C.C. Cartwright

Justin POV.

I’m enjoying a day at the beach and my sister Kylie shows up with her little posse of girlfriends. None of them are much to look at, except for one, and she looks vaguely familiar.

I admire her from a distance for a good part of the day. As I play volleyball with my buddies, she comes and watches. Of course I put on a show for her. You see, I’m Gods gift to women. I have a hard, lean body, which I work hard at maintaining, and the chicks dig it. I see Kylie’s sexy friend looking in my direction.

We take a break and decide to go and cool off in the waves. While my buddies and I are body surfing, I see Kylie’s enticing friend standing at the water’s edge in her teeny weeny bikini. I decide to venture onto shore and approach her as I walk out of the water.

“Hi Justin, don’t you remember me?” I hear a very feminine voice greet me as I walk up to her.

“Wait a minute, is that you, Sloane?” I finally realize who she is.

“Yes, don’t you recognize me?” She shoves me teasingly with her soft hands, making the skin on my wet chest sizzle.

“You’ve grown up,” I say, making no bones about eyeing her from head to toe and she actually blushes.

“So I’ve been told,” she says.

“How long has it been since I’ve laid eyes on you?” I eye her again.

“Too long,” she says in her seductive voice.

“What are you up to now?”

“I’m in my last year at Pepperdine,” she replies. So she is still local for me and my ears perk up, as well as other parts of my body.

“How about you?”

“I live and work in LA now,” I reply.

“Oh, that’s right, Kylie told me.”

The amount of sex appeal she packs in that petite frame of hers would have a guy hard in seconds. I’m already dying to get in between those long, sexy legs of hers. I can tell she knows it by the way she moves and tilts her head and pierces me with those sultry, exotic eyes of hers. The way her lips move leave me fantasizing about having them wrapped around me.

Her voice is the perfect combination of deep and throaty, yet it has a flirtatious lilt to it. Seriously, she could bottle it and sell it like an expensive perfume.

From eyeing her in her tiny bikini, which leaves little to the imagination, I peg her measurements to be 34-24-34 of pure perfection. She’s probably a C cup, a large handful, which looks even larger on her svelte body. She catches me eyeing her like a dog does with a bone. Yes, I want to consume her. But I have to approach this one just right. She definitely gets her share of attention and can pick and choose who she lets into her bed, would be my guess.

Judging by the way she sways those curvaceous hips of hers, she ain’t a virgin. She has probably heard every line that a guy on the make can throw her way. I need to think of my approach, although I have never had a problem getting what I want from the female persuasion. Girls flock to me and my rock hard body that I keep up by hitting the gym several times a week.

On top of her enticing physical attributes, she is articulate and smart. I find this to add to her appeal, not take away from it. I’m not like most guys, I need a girl who is smart and will challenge me to hold my interest. She tells me she’s still in school, studying business law at Pepperdine.

I myself just graduated. Set myself in a cool bachelor pad overlooking the city in one of those high-rise condos in Downtown LA. I just started working at Goldman Sachs as an up-and-coming Investment Banker.

As our beach party winds down, I manage to score Sloane’s number and a date with her for next Saturday night. I'll be counting the days until I can get my hands on that sinful body of hers.


About the Authors

Featuring New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Authors. 12 top selling authors bring you 12 never-before-published Hot and Steamy Romance stories

Lexy Timms, Sierra Rose, Bella Love-Wins, Christine Bell, Bella Wild, Dale Mayer, Lisa Ladew ,Cassie Alexandra, C.J. Pinar), C.C. Cartwright, Kendra Wild, Kylie Walker

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