
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Tour-Exclusive Excerpt & Giveaway: Broken Dreams by Lindsay McKenna (Delos #4)

Broken Dreams
By: Lindsay McKenna
Releasing January 2, 2016
Blue Turtle Publishing

Captain Alexa Culver takes one look at shy, quiet Marine sniper Gage Hunter and feels an instant connection. But Gage has demons in his past that keep him from giving it to their mutual attraction. Alexa believes Gage is worth fighting for, and begins to slowly chip away at his defenses.

Gage Hunter has lost everyone he has ever loved. Lonely and broken, the last thing he expects is to meet someone like Alexa Culver. The redheaded beauty is confident and outgoing and makes Gage feel emotions he thought long buried. But before he risks revealing his heart to her she is kidnapped by the Taliban while on a humanitarian mission. Can Gage reach her before he loses his chance for love forever?

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They sat out on the wraparound porch of the two-story log cabin, which looked over the setting sun to the west of them. Gage pushed the toe of his boot idly on the cedar deck as the swing moved gently back and forth. They’d arrived a few hours earlier. Alexa had made them a steak dinner, salad, and garlic toast. For dessert, she had brought up a cake she’d made the day before, a lemon cream. Before leaving her condo, she had climbed into a pair of jeans, hiking boots, and a pale lavender tee that outlined her small, beautiful breasts and slender body. What made Gage smile was that she placed her long hair into a set of braids, giving her such a youthful look. No longer did she look like the director of the Safe House division.

“This,” she whispered, leaning her head against his shoulder, her forehead against his neck, “is perfect. I feel like I’m in one of my dreams . . .”

Hearing the elation in her low tone, he squeezed her shoulders gently. “This is better than any dream I’ve ever had. All I’ve ever had is broken dreams. Can I dream along with you?”

Alexa opened her eyes and leaned back enough to meet his downward gaze. “There was so much I wanted to talk to you about, Gage, but we couldn’t any earlier than now.”

“I know.” He lightly kissed her. “Time hasn’t been on our side, has it?”

She shook her head, smoothing his T-shirt across his chest. “Gage, you need to know something . . . something that I’ve been wanting to tell you from the moment I met you.”

His hand stilled on her hair and he saw the turmoil in her eyes, heard the quaver in her voice. “Tell me.” He held his breath because he lived in fear that Alexa would, at some time, tell him that she didn’t see them in a serious, long-term relationship like he did. His stomach clenched, waiting. He saw fear in her eyes, trepidation. He allowed his hand to fall on her shoulder, smoothing the material of her shirt.

“I never got to tell you all that happened to me after we were kidnapped.”

“I figured that when the time was right you’d share it with me, Alexa.”

She pulled out of his arms and turned, facing him. “I’ve had nearly four months since it happened, Gage. And I’ve been lucky from the moment you and the SEALs rescued us.” Reaching out, she laid her hand on his. “You were there for me and”—she swallowed, giving him a searching look—“I need you to know just how important that was to me. I know I was a basket case after we got back to Bagram.”

Author Info
Lindsay McKenna lives her life as a risk taker, and it shines through the books she loves to write: romance, adventure and suspense. She started writing at age thirteen and continues to hone her writing skills to this day. She sold her first romance novel in 1981. The rest is history.
Because she went into the military, this experience became the backbone of her writing—she is credited with writing the first military romance novel (Captive of Fate, 1983, Silhouette Special Edition) and has created a thriving sub-genre within the romance field! As a New York Times Best Selling author, she has sold 23 million books and in 32 foreign languages in her career thus far. Her many experiences in the U.S. Navy are backdrop for her understanding of the military in general, and also her very successful Morgan’s Mercenaries, which is an ongoing series in Silhouette to this day! Forty-five books strong!
Lindsay has gone Indie in 2015 and has created a new family saga on par with Morgan’s Mercenaries, It is known as the DELOS SERIES. There will be paperback and eBooks created under Blue Turtle Publishing, her company for her fans. Readers who love Morgan and his family are bound to fall in love with the Culver family. Delos is romantic suspense, which Lindsay is well known for. It took her five years to create and bring DELOS to her readers. It was worth the wait, but we’ll let you decide that.
Lindsay loves to hear from her readers and loves to know what they’d like to see her write next. Stay up with the latest on the Delos Series here. Please visit her Web site at And be sure to sign up for her free quarterly newsletter. It contains exclusive content found nowhere else on the Net. Plus, giveaways and other surprises, to her loyal and faithful subscribers!

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  1. Hi all you lovely readers!

    It’s so great to meet all of you here at this wonderful blog website! I sincerely hope you enjoy Delos series, Book 4, BROKEN DREAMS .

    WARNING: BROKEN DREAMS is a controversial book. Strap in when you read it! Warmly, Lindsay McKenna

  2. Thank you, dear hostess, for all your hard work. I so appreciate you being a part of my blog tour for BROKEN DREAMS, Book 4, Delos Series! Let me know if there is anything I can do for you! Just contact me. Warmly, Lindsay McKenna

  3. Thank you so much for hosting BROKEN DREAMS!
