
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

SALE Blitz with Review: Unspeakable Truths by Alice Tribue


Unspeakable TruthseBook.v2

Title:  Unspeakable Truths 
Author: Alice Tribue 
Sale Blitz: October 27 
Genre: Contemporary Romance 
Hosted by: S.B.B. Promotions


Synopsis Logo
Everything I ever learned about fairy-tales was a fucking lie…
Four years ago, my life was everything I wanted it to be: I had everything I wanted, everything I needed, in my best friend and newly wedded husband—Tyler.

Yet, hours after we said "I do," I lost him.

The dreams we'd shared, the future we'd planned—all of our hopes and desires, were ripped away in mere seconds.
And now, four years later, my life still feels like a hopeless eternity.

So, I guess it's quite fitting that the last person I want to hear from is currently standing at my front door.

He wants to tell me the truth about that night, he wants to be my new knight in shining armor, but the thing is…

He was the best man...


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Review Logo

There's no doubt that the circumstances that lead to where Everly is four years after her wedding were tragic and heartbreaking.  And given the information she has about those events, it's only natural for her to feel toward Luca the way she does as the story begins.  

I loved Luca's character.  He is selfless, caring, loyal...and also tremendously alpha with a small side of kink (let the swooning commence...).  My heart went out to him with how Everly treated him once he came back to town.  Everly on the other hand--I just had a really hard time warming up to her, and found too many flaws in her character to make me feel like she should wind up with someone so amazing as Luca.  I found her to be weak, allowing her insecurities too much control and not stepping up for herself and Luca as well to a certain other character.  Yes, Luca helped her a LOT.  But even so, she still let other factors influence her and made me feel disappointed in her overall.

I was happy with the story until about 70% in, then Everly ticked me off with her decision and actions.  Thank goodness for Luca...he's the only thing that saved it for me, and again--he's the one who makes the whole story for me.

This was a 3.5 star read for me, and those other 1.5 stars?  Well, that's all on Everly.  So thank you Luca, you are the shining star here.  This is for 18+ due to adult language and sexual content (some really hot, really juicy content!).

Author Bio Logo

Alice Tribue lives with her husband and children in New Jersey. She has a bachelors degree in communications and is currently working on her masters degree. She spends most of her free time reading, writing, and when the weather permits lounging out on a beach.

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