
Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Release Day- Excerpt: The Second Wife by Kishan Paul

Title: The Second Wife
Author: Kishan Paul
Release Date: October 14, 2015
Genre: Suspense/Thriller 
Length: 82,000 words
Cover Artist: Syneca Fetherstone


If you want to live, you must let go of the past...
Twenty-eight-year-old psychologist, Alisha Dimarchi, is abducted by an obsessed client and imprisoned in his Pakistani compound for over two years. Forced to change her name and live as his second wife, her life is filled with trauma and heartbreak. Thrust into a world of violence and oppression, Ally must fight not only to keep herself alive but to protect the lives of the people she now considers family. At night, she retreats into her memories of the only man she has ever loved—a man she believes no longer loves her.

Thirty-four-year-old handsome surgeon, David Dimarchi, has spent the last two years mourning the disappearance of his wife. After a painful and isolated existence, he begins the process of healing. It is then he is visited by a stranger, who informs him that Ally is very much alive and needs his help. In a desperate attempt to save her, David enlists the help of a mercenary. Together they find themselves in the center of more than just a rescue mission. Will he be able to reach her in time, and if he does, will she still want him?


Twenty-five months, three weeks, and two days after Ally’s disappearance

Dave released a breath as he mindlessly leafed through a sports magazine. It was almost eight in the morning. His tired ass should be home in bed right now, not sitting in the waiting room of a counseling center. But since he kept walking into the kitchen and finding his wife, here he was. It wouldn’t be so bad, except for the fact that she wasn’t there, and hadn’t been for over two years. His grip on the glossy paper tightened.

The vision was always the same. Seated at the breakfast table, Ally flips through one of her psych magazines. Her head propped on one elbow, a curtain of black hair caresses the soft skin of her arm. When she notices him, her chin tilts up and their eyes lock. Soon those kissable, perfect corners form at the edges of her lips when she smiles, taking his breath away each time.

And then things get all sorts of f*cked up. Her mouth moves, but no sounds come out. Typically, that was when reality hit.

She was gone and he was losing his mind.

Each time, it was a punch to his gut, knocking every ounce of air out of him. 

God, I miss her.

Her voice. 

Her touch. 


No matter how hard he tried to block the memories, she haunted him. And this was why he and his messed-up head were at the counseling center. 

Dave leaned against the sofa and sucked in a breath. His mind raced at all the possible topics that might come up during the session. None of which were ones he wanted to discuss. 

Like the dreams he kept having about her. Some of them so intense he’d jump out of bed covered in sweat, terrified Ally needed him. Then there were the others. The erotic ones where he woke up hard and hungry for her. 

What would the good doctor do with that screwed-up piece of information? Shouldn’t those dreams—those aches—be gone by now? The sad reality was he didn’t know if he really wanted them to be.

Where to buy:

Reviews for The Second Wife:

The Second Wife is one of those rare novels that will lurk in the back of your mind for weeks. With stunning precision, Kishan Paul throws the reader into a world of clandestine organizations and brutal politics. The gripping characters wrench your heart and make you cringe with fear. A rollercoaster of suspense and emotion not to be missed. 
                                             Aubrey Wynne Author of Dante’s Gift and Rolf’s Quest

Kishan Paul’s writing shines in this beautifully written psychological thriller filled with heart-gripping emotion as the heroine unearths an inner strength she didn’t know she possessed. – Cait Jarrod, Bestselling Author 

"The Second Wife is a poignant story of love, domestic violence, and mental strength. It grabs you by the throat and doesn't let go until you've finished the last page. No wait, it doesn't let go at all… I had the pleasure of betareading it, and the wide range of emotions it stirred in me are still right under the surface." – Lea Bronsen  award winning author of The Perfect Shoot

“This is a gripping story, brilliantly woven from start to finish. I’ll never forget Ally. She’s as real to me as anyone else because her story isn’t some forgettable fictional work. No way you are walking away from this one the same way. I actually took a break between this novel and my next one. I wasn’t ready to begin another journey just yet. Amazing work, Kishan Paul.” – Kristen Shanchez, reader

About the Author
From daring escapes by tough women to chivalrous men swooping in to save the day, the creativity switch to Kishan Paul’s brain is always in the “on” position. If daydreaming stories were a college course, Kish would have graduated with honors.
Mother of two beautiful children, she has been married to her best friend for over seventeen years. With the help of supportive family and friends, she balances her family, a thriving counseling practice, and writing without sinking into insanity.
Her novel, Blind Love, is currently available through most major ebook sites and through Samhain Publications.
She can be found at:
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