
Saturday, August 15, 2015

Review Tour and Giveaway-Pointe of Breaking by Amy Daws and Sarah J. Pepper

Meet ivy league socialite, Leo Richards, and struggling ballerina, Adeline Parker, in this angsty, emotional page-turner.

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Getting screwed over backstage by my married-ex tears my heart into a million tiny pieces.
Sitting in the audience at the ballet with my former fling wasn’t my idea of fun.
I live in my pointe shoes, not even my ex can taint my love for ballet.
I hate the ballet. This on again/off again crap was getting old.

And then my whole world changes when I notice the smoldering gaze…
Then I look to the stage, and I can’t take my eyes off…

Leo Richards.
Adeline Parker.

Concentrating on anything except his sexy…everything, is impossible.
Her presence commands my attention…I’ve never experienced this before.
He makes me second-guess everything I’ve ever dreamed about.
She makes me question everything I’ve ever known.
Fighting him is a strategic sport—no clothes allowed.
All I can think about are her sexy ballerina legs wrapped around me—tutu definitely on.

Our scandalous rendezvous is plastered all over NYC’s tabloids.
Because of my status in Manhattan, now I’ve dragged her into the limelight.
My ex will stop at nothing to tear us apart.
Seriously powerful people forbid me to be with her.
Rumors about his past keep building.
I can’t tell her this secret.
When it came to Leo, I only knew the big things.
When it came to Adeline, I knew nothing about the little things.

But uncovering those things about him [her] may push us past our breaking point.

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Don't start reading Pointe of Breaking thinking you know everything it is about based on the blurb, or any pre-conceived notions you have about the new adult/college romance're most likely going to be wrong, and this book will probably wind up surprising you--in a good way, of course.  It's chock full of emotion, angst and some characters you'll love...and others you're going to loathe.  

When I say chock full of emotion and angst, I mean from page one until the very end.  Sometimes this is frustrating, sometimes it's compelling, sometimes it's fascinating.  Sometimes all at the same time.  In the end?  It makes for a very interesting read that will have you wanting to throw the book at the wall in one moment, while in the next you won't want to put it down.

Blake and the others that are like him (or at least like-minded)--there's the loathing.  Between him, his brother and his father (oh, and his friend Dominic), I wanted to find them in real life and give them not just a piece but an entire damn chunk of my mind.  And maybe slap them all while I'm at it.

Leo-while sometimes he could be frustrating, like when it came to dealing with certain fraternity and other loathe-worthy characters, most of the time he had me swooning.  The fact that he's willing to make a stand is admirable and frankly quite sexy too.  As for Adeline, she's strong and dedicated, and she and Leo are the epitome of a perfect match-even if it comes in the form of insta-love.  The way everything unfolds, the insta-love factor became a non-factor to me, especially the further into the story I read.

A moving tale of social opposites overcoming the obstacles that social class distinction throws into their path, Pointe of Breaking offers a highly passionate and emotion-laden story that will capture your attention-even if at some points you want to scream either at the characters or their actions/words.  This was a solid 4-star read for me, and I'd recommend it to new adult romance fans 18+ (for adult language and adult sexual scenes).

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10 Fun Facts You Might Not Need to Know About #DaPep:

Now we introduce to you.....DAPEP.
Amy DAws and Sarah J. PEPper.

Indie Authors. Best Friends. And now, Co-Authors.

Fun Facts:
1. They both love ranch. Sarah would bathe in it if it didn’t risk an infection.
2. They have little to no boundaries with each other…as became apparent at a book conference in Phoenix. They can’t share the details, but just know it was #MuchTooMuch
3. Sarah actually has a very small amount of ballet experience.
4. Amy once pretended to have ballet experience at church camp so she could get the dance solo. Jesus knew the truth.
5. Sarah has won three dance offs, aside from one. That eleven-year-old haunts her to this day.
6. Sarah & Amy live three minutes apart. And they measure all distance in time.
7. While writing the romantic scenes in Pointe of Breaking, Amy & Sarah couldn’t look each other in the eye.
8. They had no outline for Pointe of Breaking.
Amy takes notes in a Hello Kitty notepad. Sarah takes notes in her head.
10. Amy is convinced that Sarah has a folder in her email account labeled “I hate Amy”. Sarah just laughs every time Amy asks her about it…The fact that she’s not denying it hasn’t escaped Amy’s attention.




Click here to win a copy of Pointe of Breaking! 

author bios

Amy Daws lives in South Dakota with her husband, Kevin, and their miracle daughter, Lorelei. The long-awaited birth of Lorelei is what inspired Amy's first book, Chasing Hope, and her passion for writing. On most nights, you can find Amy and her family dancing to Strawberry Shortcake's theme song or stuffing themselves inside children's-sized playhouses because there is nothing they wouldn't do for their little miracle.
For more of Amy's work, visit:

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Sarah J. Pepper specializes in dark, paranormal romance - think "happy ever after" but with a twisted, dark chocolate center. Real-life romance isn't only filled with hugs, kisses, bunnies, and rainbows. True-love can be more thoroughly described in times of darkness and tribulation. It's in those harsh moments where you see what a person is truly capable of - both the good and bad. Sometimes prince-charming isn't always on time, and the glass slipper is a little snug. However, it doesn't mean Charming is not Mr. Right, and who says every shoe is the perfect fit?

Get a glimpse inside her head at

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