
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Release Blitz-Review and Giveaway: Take a Chance by Micalea Smeltzer (Willow Creek #4)

Title: Take a Chance
Series: Willow Creek #4
Author: Micalea Smeltzer
Release Date: August 25, 2015

I had life all figured out.
Married with a baby on the way I stupidly believed that things were perfect.
But then the good guy I fell in love with turned out to not be as good as I thought.
I was left alone to pick up the pieces of my life and provide for my daughter.
And then I met him.
The bad boy that just might not be so bad.

Three years after her husband walked out on her Arden James is struggling to make ends meet as a single mom. Despite it all, she knows she’s better off with her ex out of the picture, and so is her daughter. 

Josh Hayes—player, jokester, and very naughty boy—is the guitar player for the band Willow Creek. He’s used to living the fast life, but suddenly it doesn’t appeal to him anymore, and he has his sights set on the fiery Arden.

Despite their undeniable chemistry, Arden isn’t sure she wants to invite a man into her life that has never been in a committed relationship before. But Hayes is determined to prove to her that there’s more to him than meets the eye. He just needs Arden to take a chance. 


My Review

The moment I think I have a favorite Willow Creek guy, here comes another book and my favorites list gets blown apart again.  But I have to say, Hayes is so very swoon-worthy...hell, even the female characters in the book say so!  The hot bad boy turns out to be the sweetest one yet, and if he doesn't capture your heart with how he is towards Arden, he'll definitely snag it once you see how he is with her daughter.  Loving, devoted, caring, thoughtful...I could go on and on.

Here in the fourth book of the series, I just feel so comfortable with all of the characters--the further in you get, the more you feel like you're a part of their group-like you're one of the family.  That's how enmeshed in the series you'll be by the time you read Take A Chance.  I know that's where I am right now, and I'm loving it!

Arden is so protective of her daughter, even to the point of holding off on her own happiness.  But Hayes slowly chips away at her walls, and seeing everything start to come together for the two of them feels immensely satisfying.  There's still bumps along the way--and a punch of drama when Arden's ex resurfaces to really mess with their minds and lives--but ultimately I found this to be a really sweet story, and I think Hayes and Arden might be my favorite couple of the entire series.  They are one of those couples who you can't imagine not being together, and with them and Mia-Arden's daughter-you feel like they've always been a family.

The writing flows so easily, and you're quickly drawn in...constantly rooting for Hayes and Arden.  This story more than all the others is about love and finding family, and will touch your heart while nicely wrapping up the series.  Which is a bit of a downer--I am really going to miss these characters who have become like a second family.

4.5 sweet and sexy stars for Take A Chance...and this entire series is a Top Recommendation for me.  For 18+ due to adult language and sexual scenes.

#1 Last to Know

#2 Never Too Late

#3 In Your Heart

Micalea Smeltzer is a bestselling Young and New Adult author from Winchester, Virginia. She’s always working on her next book, and when she has spare time she loves to read and spend time with her family.

Signed paperback set of the Willow Creek series

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