
Friday, August 7, 2015

Blog Tour-Review and Giveaway: Baby's Got Bite by Candace Havens

Baby’s Got Bite
Candace Havens
Release Date: July 28, 2015
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Entangled

Book Description:

Bennett Langdon has a firm no-relationships policy. Still, it doesn't stop her from hooking up with a super-sexy bad boy at her best friend's wedding. After all, it's only one night—what harm could it do? Ten weeks later, a pregnant Bennett has her answer...

Linc Monahan can't believe it. This wasn't supposed to happen. He's a werewolf, and shouldn't be able to father a child with a human. Now Linc has to find some way to tell Bennett that not only do werewolves exist, but she's about to have a baby with one.

But when word of their surprise conception gets out, the fur hits the fan. There are people who don't want this baby to be born—even if it means killing. Now Bennett and Linc aren't just fighting each other...they're fighting for their lives.

My Review

While I haven't read the first book in this series, I can tell you that Baby's Got Bite is written so that it could be read as a standalone.  I had no problem sliding right into this world and getting up to speed quickly.  I found that the world the author has created is quite interesting, and just the atmosphere she's created has piqued my interest for the first book and any subsequent stories.

When it comes to the characters, overall I liked them all and thought they worked well as a group.  Linc is written to be pretty irresistible (I just love an Irish brogue--I was reading his lines in my head like that).  Bennett is a very strong, independent young woman, but can come across as too independent at times which made it hard for me to warm up to her character.  And while the two of them together have physical chemistry in spades, I didn't really feel the emotional  link between them for most of the story.

The story itself has an interesting plot, and the scenes between Bennett and the Fae king help drive the drama of the story as we find out more about Bennett's background.  Again, it's a pretty entertaining world the author has created which contributes to the interest of the story.  There's not a lot of action, most of the drama comes from conversation and interactions between Bennett and Linc as well as both of them with the Fae king.

I look forward to reading more in this series and hope to see more inter-species interaction in future books...I just would have liked to see more excitement in this story to help make up for the weak emotional link between the two main characters.  It's still a good read, and does have me curious for the rest of the series.

About the Author:

Bestselling author Candace Havens has written multiple novels for Berkley, Entangled and Harlequin. Her books have received nominations for the RITA's, Holt Medallion and Write Touch Reader Awards. She is the author of the biography Joss Whedon: The Genius Behind Buffy and a contributor to several anthologies. 

She is also one of the nation's leading entertainment journalists and has interviewed countless celebrities including Tom Hanks, Nicolas Cage, Tom Cruise, George Clooney and many more. Her entertainment columns can be read in more than 600 newspapers across the country. Candace also runs a free online writing workshop for more than 2200 writers, and teaches comprehensive writing class. She does film reviews with the Hawkeye & Dorsey on 96.3, and is a former President of the Television Critics Association.

Tour Giveaway 
Amazon Fire stick (A gift card will be substituted in place of the stick if the winner is international)
$50 gift certificate to Amazon or Barnes and Noble

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