
Saturday, July 25, 2015

Book Review: Picking Up the Pieces by Michelle Louise

Picking up the Pieces
Author- Michelle Louise
Genre-New Adult
Pages- 262

Synopsis- After staying home for her first two years of college, Sawyer Jameson is now ready to join her best friend at State and get a fresh start. Her original plan to leave for college right after high school was uprooted and caused more damage than intended. Knowing she might run into her past in the new city, instead she ran right into the arms of Preston Wright.

It didn’t take long and she was finding happiness and enjoying the journey. Sawyer and Preston were growing close, but the past was never far behind. Secrets are revealed and questions are answered, all leaving her heart in pieces.

My Review

There's nothing sweeter or better than your first love-right?  The one you swear will be your only?  Even if you have to spend time apart?  Funny how life works...

Given the curve ball thrown at her upon graduating high school, then again a bit before she's going to head off to college away from home, Sawyer remains a strong, independent young woman no matter what comes her way.  She has friends and family to support her as she's ready to start fresh when she leaves for her junior year of college.

Enter Preston, a sweet and sexy guy she meets who slowly makes his way into her heart.  He's the kind of guy every woman would love the attention of-protective and thoughtful, and seemingly perfect for Sawyer in every respect.

And then you have Sawyer's ex, who at first I was irritated with for being stupid enough to become her ex...but as the story goes on, I started to feel bad for him and hoped that he'd somehow find his own happiness.

The first half of the story moves at a methodical pace, very steady with some bits of drama but nothing really crazy.  At least, not until Sawyer meets someone from Preston's past-and then things spiral from there.  From that point until the end of the book, I was engrossed and a box of tissues was a requirement.  You're hit with an emotional hammer that you never saw coming-just thinking back to it now makes me tear up again-and while things finally work out, the ride to get there is one big ball of emotion.  Oh, and Austin's POV bit at the end?  That just ripped me up again.

Picking Up the Pieces is a great debut, and I really do look forward to reading more from this author duo.  4 stars for this moving story, recommended for 18+ in the new adult romance category.

**I received an ARC/review copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review (review based on story content only)**

Author Bio
Michelle Louise is the name used for two friends who share an obsession in reading. Both had a dream of writing, and together they planned and plotted to accomplish their goals. The experience they shared while creating, their first novel, Picking up the Pieces, solidified their new obsession with writing.

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