
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Book Review: Seduced by Stratton by Katy Regnery

Synopsis from Goodreads:
"Seduced by Stratton" is the fourth of six books about the Philadelphia-based, wildly-handsome English brothers who are all on the look-out for love.

Stratton English, the hottest, youngest, most devastatingly handsome CFO in Philadelphia, has a problem: women make him nervous. Really nervous. Catastrophically nervous. Socially awkward to an extreme, he’s apt to blurt out the first thing that comes to mind, and it’s rarely something a woman wants to hear. Quietly in love with his neighbor, Amy, he has no idea how to make his move, but he is committed to figuring out a way to seduce her.

Valeria Campanile, who Stratton knows through one of his four brothers, is a PhD candidate who moonlights as a dance instructor on the side. Ironically, even though Val studies Courtship Rituals, she can’t seem to find herself courted. Pursued by boys from the “old neighborhood” who promise to overlook the fact that she’s so smart, she longs to meet someone who romances her mind as well as her heart.

When Stratton helps Valeria with a financial problem, she is anxious to return the favor. But will Stratton, who needs Val’s expertise to win Amy, find himself seducing Val instead? 

My Review:
Just when you think those English brothers can’t get any better…Katy Regnery writes another one of their stories and blows you away again.

My first thought when introduced to Stratton is “oh, that poor guy” and “oh, how sweet”.  His unsure, hesitant attitude towards females is endearing and charming as is his tendency to take things they say literally and blurt out the first thing that comes into his head, and makes him immediately likable.  I just wanted to keep him for myself (that’s kind of a running theme for me with all the English brothers!).

I love that the two main characters are both intellectuals and critical thinkers because that makes it extremely easy for me to relate to them.  That said, I think those very traits also make the overall story a bit more laid back than the first three, and the relationship between Stratton and Val not quite as intense.  That does not mean the story is not as good as the others-this is a wonderful journey for these two characters, just for me it fell more into the realm of a sweet romance than the fiery, steal-your-breath romances that the first three stories told.

But the author’s continually fantastic writing still kept me blazing right through the book, leaving me satisfied yet again with another amazing installment in the English Brothers series.  Another 5-star read for the sweet tale of Stratton and Valeria as Katy Regnery solidifies her place in my auto-buy authors list.

About the Author:
Katy Regnery, Amazon bestselling author, has always loved telling a good story and credits her mother with making funny, heartwarming tales come alive throughout her childhood. A lifelong devotee of all romance writing, from Edwardian to present-day, it was just a matter of time before Katy tried her hand at writing a love story of her own.
As it turned out, one love story turned into a series of six Heart of Montana romances, following the love lives of the Yellowstone-based Lindstrom siblings. When Katy’s fans asked her to turn up the heat, she wrote the New Adult/Adult Contemporary hybrid romance, Playing for Love at Deep Haven, which offered steamier romance to her readers. Katy is also proud to offer The Vixen and the Vet, a standalone romance that benefitted Operation Mend, an organization that helps heal the returning wounded of our armed services. The English Brothers is Katy’s second series and first indie series.
Katy lives in the relative wilds of northern Fairfield County, Connecticut, where her writing room looks out at the woods, and her husband, two young children, and two dogs create just enough cheerful chaos to remind her that the very best love stories of all are the messy and unexpected ones.

Have you read any of the English Brothers books yet?  If so, which brother is your favorite?  Just for the record, Fitz is by far and away my fave ;-)

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