
Sunday, November 30, 2014

Blog Tour-Review: Roomies by Lindy Zart

Title: Roomies
Author: Lindy Zart
Genre: NA Rom-Com

Graham Malone is my roommate, my personal eye candy, the reason I get up in the morning smiling (that could be from the illicit dreams I have about him too, I suppose. Let's move on.). He's also beautiful to look at, but his heart is where his true beauty lies. Take away the exterior and the interior still shines.

I love him. I mean, I'm pretty sure I do, having never been in love before. Anyway, it seems legit.

And now his brother Blake is here, and, well, he's the complete opposite of Graham. Sarcastic, brooding, and totally available. But he's leaving soon, and Graham's the one I want. I shouldn't have to remind myself of this, right? I wouldn't have to if Blake would quit looking at me like I'm something yummy and he's starving.

Here's a toast to roomies; the ones you should never fall in love with. Or something.


He gives a slight smile. “You don’t know everything about me.”

“I should know that.” Maybe I shouldn’t, but I really feel like I should. Graham’s pretty much the most important thing to me; I should at least know his family history. He knows mine. Well, most of it. Some of it. Enough...

“Now you do. Are we done? I really need to put some clothes on.”

“But…you said he was in school,” I finish lamely, my voice dropping to a whisper.

“He’s in college.”

I scowl at him. “You purposely led me to believe that your brother was some pimply teenager who was going to mooch off you for the remainder of the summer, not…not…” I jab a finger in the direction of the living room.

“Not what?”

“Not some hottie!” I blurt out, and then wish I hadn’t.

Especially when Graham rears back and gets a funny look on his face. “You think my brother’s hot?” His voice is even, but his eyes look weird. Like, angry or something. A thrill goes down my spine at the thought of my comment having that effect on him. Could he be jealous?

“Yes.” I nod firmly.

“Huh.” He looks away.

A dash of regret has the audacity to chase the little thrill away. I wonder if I’ve upset him, but then decide I haven’t. Why would he be upset? Unless he doesn’t know I think he’s hot too. So I figure I should tell him. It would be rude not to.

“You’re also hot.”

He gives me a look; part incredulous, part I don’t know what. “Thanks,” he says faintly.

“Yeah.” I start to feel dumb about pretty much the whole conversation. “Okay. ‘Bye.”


I glance back at him. He is staring at me with a frown pulling his mouth down. “You should put some clothes on.”


I enter the living room. Blake is studying a fake plant in the corner of the room, which pretty much confirms that he was listening to our complete word exchange. Wonderful.

My Review:

I love the new adult rom-com genre and when you add in the bonus of a friends-to-more story, that's even better.  So when I first read the synopsis of Roomies, I was looking forward to reading it quite a bit.

Graham is so sweet, but also kind of clueless-though in a very endearing way.  He's the kind of guy that makes you go "Awww" and you just want to hug him and tuck him away for yourself.  But he also has that protective, hidden alpha streak that we eventually are treated to at several key points.  Kennedy's character is meant to be full of spunk, lively and snarky...BUT...for me, her snarky demeanor felt way overdone.  At first, I cheered it since it helps drive the comedy in the book along with the excellent banter between her and Graham (as well as her and Blake).  But after a bit, it just got to be a bit much-and some of it was just not as funny as I'm sure it was meant to be.  Thankfully, after a while the super-snark kind of leveled off.

And then there's Blake.  He's your prototypical bad boy, one that you are drawn to immediately and it's easy to see why Kennedy could have a problem choosing.

Then along with the funny, you also wind up with a bit of serious in a big scene with the brothers toward the end.  And the way everything ends up results in a really satisfying conclusion that helps temper the rest of the story's excessive snark.

It's a good overall story, and a 3.5 star read for me.

Authorly information:

Lindy Zart has been writing since she was a child. Luckily for readers, her writing has improved since then. She lives in Wisconsin with her husband, two sons, and one cat. Lindy loves hearing from people who enjoy her work. She also has a completely healthy obsession with the following: coffee, wine, Bloody Marys, and pizza.

You can connect with Lindy at:

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