
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Cover Reveal: Roomies by Lindy Zart

Welcome to the cover reveal for Lindy Zart's Roomies!

TITLE: Roomies
AUTHOR: Lindy Zart
COVER DESIGN: Sprinkles On Top Studios
RELEASE DATE: November 21, 2014

Graham Malone is my roommate, my personal eye candy, the reason I get up in the morning smiling (that could be from the illicit dreams I have about him too, I suppose. Let's move on.). He's also beautiful to look at, but his heart is where his true beauty lies. Take away the exterior and the interior still shines.

I love him. I mean, I'm pretty sure I do, having never been in love before. Anyway, it seems legit.

And now his brother Blake is here, and, well, he's the complete opposite of Graham. Sarcastic, brooding, and totally available. But he's leaving soon, and Graham's the one I want. I shouldn't have to remind myself of this, right? I wouldn't have to if Blake would quit looking at me like I'm something yummy and he's starving.

Here's a toast to roomies; the ones you should never fall in love with. Or something.

I know I'm really looking forward to this one!  What do you think about this cool cover?

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