
Thursday, October 2, 2014

Blog Tour, Review and Giveaway: Dead Over Heels by Alison Kemper

Dead Over Heels
Release Date: 09/29/14
Entangled Teen
269 pages

Summary from Goodreads:
The end of the world just might be their perfect beginning…

Glenview, North Carolina. Also known―at least to sixteen-year-old Ava Pegg―as the Land of Incredibly Boring Vacations. What exactly were her parents thinking when they bought a summer home here? Then the cute-but-really-annoying boy next door shows up at her place in a panic…hollering something about flesh-eating zombies attacking the town.

At first, Ava’s certain that Cole spent a little too much time with his head in the moonshine barrel. But when someone―or something―rotted and terrifying emerges from behind the woodpile, Ava realizes this is no hooch hallucination. The undead are walking in Glenview, and they are hungry. Panicked, Ava and Cole flee into the national forest. No supplies, no weapons. Just two teenagers who don’t even like each other fighting for their lives. But that’s the funny thing about the Zombpocalypse. You never know when you’ll meet your undead end. Or when you’ll fall dead over heels for a boy…

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About the Author

Alison Kemper grew up in South Florida, the only girl on a street with eleven boys. She spent most of her childhood paddling a canoe through neighborhood canals and looking for adventure. She usually found it. Sometimes the police were involved. And large dogs. And one time, a very territorial snake. Now that she’s grown up, she lives in North Carolina and writes books. The books often include girls having adventures. With boys. Cute boys. And cute dogs too. But no cute snakes. Never cute snakes.

Her debut novel, Donna of the Dead, will be published by Entangled Teen in 2014 and followed by two companion books in the series. She loves to meet new people and talk books, so send her a friend request or connect with her on Twitter and Instagram.

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My Review


I never used to be into the whole zombie thing.  Then came the movie Shaun of the Dead...and I discovered that zombies don't necessarily mean scary horror.  They can be surprisingly funny-for dead things anyway.  That's one of the things I loved about Alison's first book, Donna of the Dead.  She made the situation serious but a bit amusing, and threw in some great teen romance as well.  

Here in her second book, while not a sequel to Donna it does take place in the same zombie apocalypse world.  And it's funnier...and the teen romance is even better...and there's more suspense...more at stake...everything is just MORE, and all in a very good way.  Since I'm from Florida and also lived up in the mountains of North Carolina for many years before heading back to the Sunshine State, I can very easily relate to a lot of the things I read in this book (Floridiots!  Yes!  Even though at one time I was one LOL).  

The characters of Ava and Cole are so very opposite of each other which works perfectly with this story...and as the saying goes, opposites do attract ;-)  Both of their characters are written well and with depth, making it easy to care about them, root for them to make it out of their situation-and of course fall for each other.  I really liked getting both Ava and Cole's POV, that always adds more to the story for me.  While most of the secondary characters were zombies for the majority of the story, the character of Bethany-Cole's ex-girlfriend-stands out as that one nasty wacko that I couldn't stand and kept hoping would get what she deserved.

It was wonderful to see how much Ava's character grew through the story from a sheltered, afraid city girl into one ready to fight a horde of zombies in the wilderness with almost no resources available.  She serves as a great inspiration to show that you can do anything you set your mind to, and that you should face your fears head on, especially when helping someone you care about.

I give it five fantastic, fun and thrilling stars, and would recommend it for teens and up.  Even if you're not a zombie lover, this is a great story!

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