
Friday, September 12, 2014

Blog Tour, Review and Giveaway: The Suit by BN Toler

The Suit

by B N Toler


What happens when two dreams collide? 

Fed up with the farm life and his one-time love of training horses, John Wilson has traded his tattered boots and jeans for power suits and cufflinks. Through hard work and determination, John has just graduated from law school and is focused on a fresh start. Refusing to let his bitter past hinder his future, John is intent on moving forward with his new life.

Except there’s one last thing he has to do—settle old debts before he can truly move on.

Unfortunately, settling debts involves him returning to a life he’s worked hard to forget. A mind-numbing summer working on a horse farm awaits him, and he’s dreading every damn minute of it.

Edie James is mourning the loss of her grandfather when John Wilson shows up in his perfectly tailored suit, reeking sexiness and city elegance—everything she’s not. Their meeting is less than pleasant as they both distastefully size up one another.

She thinks he’s arrogant and a white-collar yuppie.

He thinks she’s a simple, goody two-shoes farm girl.

Edie’s grandfather made a new will before he passed leaving stipulations in order for Edie to inherit the family farm. And as if that wasn’t enough of a challenge, the suit has to work on the farm with her for three months to settle a debt he owed to her grandfather.

And he’s moving in with her.

With a rocky start, the two seemingly polar opposites call a truce and attempt to be friends. As their unexpected friendship blooms, an attraction develops and both realize their first impression of each other is far from the truth. Now this once dreaded summer is set to be the hottest and most unforgettable they've ever had.



With a sweet but secretly naughty female lead, a hot and sexy male lead who hides his past, and a fantastic backdrop on a horse've got the ingredients for the perfect book for a great weekend read.

For me, this story started off strong, slowed a bit about a third of the way in, then took off like a rocket the last half of the book.  I liked getting the alternating viewpoints between Edie and John-it's always a welcome thing to have the male point of view in any romance book, and this one is no exception.

I don't want to give too much away, so I'll say that the inventive way Edie devises for them to read portions of the books she loves makes for scintillating scenes for those of us reading this story. ;-)

Edie and John fit together perfectly, so when the summer ends and their lives go on as they were headed before Edie's grandfather passed away it has you saying "no, no, no...please give them an HEA!"  Not going to spoil the ending for you, so I'll just say I was pretty darn happy with the way things ended up...and now I'm eagerly awaiting the next book in the series so I can find out how things go for Nikki and Parker!

This is clearly for the 18+ readers due to language and sexual content, and gets a strong 4.5 stars from me.



About the Author 


B N Toler lives in Virginia with her epic husband, Toler. and their three rowdy children. When she's not reading and writing, she's thinking about reading and writing. Before she became a self-proclaimed writer, she worked as a real estate agent and as an orthodontic technician. **She will notice your teeth before your eyes or hair or anything.**

She enjoys shopping (way too much) and is on a first name basis with several employees at the local Target in her town.

She loves music,(bluegrass, country, 80's, actually she loves most music ~her favorite song is American Pie by Don McLean and she worships anything that is Elvis and Johnny Cash and Eric Church) dancing, (even though she sucks at it)reading, writing, eating (too much) sleeping late, (which she rarely gets to do) and laughing. If you can make her laugh, she will love you forever.

Random and insignificant facts:

She is addicted to Coca Cola

She hates onions

She loves thunderstorms

She wants to have Karen Marie Moning's babies

She curses....a way too much

She's immensely afraid of snakes

She fangirls over M.Pierce

She HATES reality television

She could eat her weight in Snickers candy bars

She loves books and movies that make her cry

She cries over anything remotely sad

She loves the Lord

She LOVES Jack Daniels and Ginger Ale. (too much)

She hopes she hasn't bored you to death.

She fangirls over M. Pierce

She HATES reality television

She could eat her weight in Snickers candy bars

She loves books and movies that make her cry

She cries over anything remotely sad

She loves the Lord

She LOVES Jack Daniels and Ginger Ale. (too much)

She hopes she hasn't bored you to death.

Links to purchase B N Toler’s books

Enter The Suit Blog Tour giveaway!!!

Interested in other B N Toler books? 

(Paranormal Romance)
The Healer Series
Savage (Coming December 2014)
New Adult/Contemporary Romance
Wrecking Ball

Contact B N Toler

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