
Monday, April 29, 2013

Race reports

April Blogger Challenge #9-an event you’d like to blog about and what you would say about it

So I think this one is meant kind of like an event you’d like to cover or report on.  For me, that’s easy--any race I’m running or doing volunteer shifts.  And yes, me saying that reminds me again I need to write up my report from this year’s Marathon Weekend.

When I write up a race report or race weekend report, I do it both for myself (so I don’t forget the events of the day-my memory really stinks) and for anyone else out there who may be interested either in that particular event or just running/volunteering in general.  And believe me, there are a ton of people out there looking for information about races.  Of my top four all-time viewed posts, three of them are race is from the Weston Rotary Run for Tomorrow, the other two are my two Expedition Everest Challenge reports (2011 and 2012).  Oh, if you’re curious about the other post, it was when I told everyone my training calendar was now live on my blog (which by the way it still is, click the tab at the top of the page that says Training Calendar if you’re interested).  My number one, all-time top viewed post is my 2011 Expedition Everest Challenge Race Report-almost every week I have views for that report.

So since I know there’s the demand out there for others to read the reports, I’ll keep writing them to cover my races/race weekend events.  What would be really cool is if some big organization would ask me to “officially” cover one as a blog post/article.  But that’s just me with my head in the clouds ;-)

What events would you want to or do you already blog about?


  1. I want to blog about a Disney race but it seems like the Army and my children are conspiring to keep me from going :(

    But in the meantime, I mostly blog about life/military life/parenting events but my highest readership is always my Disney planning posts...I'm a total Type A and just like helping people plan :)

    PS. LOVE your race reports!

    1. Thanks! They seem to be pretty popular based on the page views they get which makes me happy that others are enjoying them :-)
