
Sunday, April 28, 2013

And my favorite blogger is..........

April Blogger Challenge #8 (days 22-24...yes, I know it's behind)-your favorite blogger and why
You all know how much I love Disney, especially Walt Disney World.  I’m always reading up on new things happening at the resort, checking out different online forums for trip planning, park tips and so on.  Plus I usually visit anywhere from 4-6 times a year.  So it should probably come as no surprise to you that my favorite blogger is someone who writes about WDW.  Some of you may already be aware of the site-it’s Josh over at  

First off, he’s in the parks ALL the time.  He provides insanely accurate crowd calendars (I have never gone wrong using them to choose which parks to visit on which days), in-depth analysis of events and has just the right amount of snark and sarcasm to make everything he writes a really fun read.  Those of you who like a more straight-laced, serious approach might not like that but for me, I get a kick out of his comments and it makes for very entertaining reading material.  He’s always got great photographs too.  He interacts with his readers when they leave comments which I think is great.  If you’re looking for a really good WDW resource, be sure to check out if you’re not into the snark, the calendars and information are extremely useful and thorough.

I do have about 40 different blogs I to which I’m subscribed-I use the Reeder app on my Mac to pull in all the posts for me so I don’t miss anything.  Maybe somewhere between 15-20 of them post regularly.  You can see some of my favorites here on my blog in the sidebar (“My Favorite Blogs”).  Most of them are running friends (hi guys!)...I try to rotate the list every so often so when some people aren’t posting so much-or at all- for a while, I’ll rotate someone else in, I just don’t want the list there to be too long.  
Just half of my list...

...and the other half

Oh, and my runners-up for favorite blogger?  Dana over at The Dragyn’s Lair, Heather at Through Heather’s Looking Glass, Megan at Elbowglitter, Amy at The point one will getcha! and Jess at Run with Jess.  But I like all the blogs I’m subscribed to-after all, if I didn’t I wouldn’t have subscribed to them-but these are some that just pop for me.

Who's your favorite blogger?  Are you a blogger yourself? 


  1. LOVE Josh and have followed his advice every time I go to WDW! I have recently started blogging and fell in love with the blog world of runners! I am using Bloglovin' and I have all my blogs that I follow there, it shows me whenever there is a new one...I think I am up over 100 now! Can you believe it? I check a couple times a day and I seem to be able to keep up (for now) but I was shocked when I counted them up! LOL!

    1. I probably add a new one every other week or so...but then I weed out others that have stopped posting so it kind of balances out.

  2. WAIT! you have Karen Orozco from Losing the Glass Slipper commenting on your blog post... We couldn't figure out how she found my blog... perhaps it was through you? lol.
    look forward to seeing you in a couple of days.

    1. Just have to make it through 4 more work days! Then on to WDW :-)

    2. Yes! Yes! I think this is how I originally found you Amy!!! :)

  3. The crowd prediction calendar on easyWDW is awesome!!! Love it. I'm totally going to have to look into some of those other blogs you follow...I love when people I enjoy following post their favorite blogs-it makes finding new blogs that much more easy (and fun).

    1. I have found most of the blogs I follow through other people's blogs. I always check out blogrolls on their pages to see if I can find anything interesting.
