
Friday, August 17, 2012

This or that

Okay, I’ve seen several different blogs doing a “this or that” for these so I’m jumping in too.  Not that I eat or drink any of these things too much...*hides guilty face*
So, here we go:
1. Coke or Pepsi?
Definitely Coke.  When I was a kid, I would go through phases where I’d like one, then switch to the other.  Now it’s all Coke, I think it's sweeter with a slight citrus touch.  But I’d rather have a Mr. Pibb.  
2. Caramel Apple or Cotton Candy?
Both are favorites, but I’ve got to go with cotton candy.  Especially when I can find the purple cotton candy at Disney cotton candy is less calories.  Yes, I know it is straight sugar.  What's your point LOL
3. Salt or Pepper?
Depends what I’m eating...I usually don’t use much of either, but I suppose I use more salt than pepper.
4. Pudding or Yogurt?
This depends on time of day.  Morning-yogurt, especially Yoplait’s Fiber One key lime pie flavor (only 50 calories!).  Afternoon or evening, pudding (Jell-O’s sugar free butterscotch or chocolate are my faves, especially with a little bit of Cool Whip Free on top!
5. American or Provolone Cheese?
Neither...well, okay American if it’s a grilled cheese sandwich.
6. Cookies or Brownies?
7. Pretzels or Chips?
Pretzels for sure, we always have a bag of pretzel sticks in the house.
8. Cake or Pie?
Cake please!  Make mine Red Velvet.
9. Oatmeal or Cereal?
Cereal.  Tried oatmeal and to me it just tastes like mush.
10. Mexican or Japanese?
Japanese...hibachi preferred, much more fun!
11. Chinese or Italian?
As my waistline will attest, ITALIAN!  I do love my pasta ;-)
12. Surf or Turf?
Most definitely turf.  My surf repertoire consists of one thing-tuna fish sandwiches.  Give me a nice, juicy steak any day of the week.
13. Pizza or Pasta?
While I love pizza, pasta will always win in my book (don’t forget the freshly grated cheese, please-preferably romano cheese)
14. Mustard or Ketchup?
Ketchup.  Mustard is gross and smells funny.  Yes, I know I’m weird.
15. Sandwich or Wrap?
Sandwich.  Wraps are too flimsy for this carb-lover.
16. Apples or Oranges?
Granny Smith apples, yum!
17. Strawberries or Raspberries?
Strawberries, the darker and sweeter the better.  LOVE berry season!
18. Blackberries or Blueberries?
Blueberries.  Love taking them to work as part of my snacks, good finger food while working.
19. Rice or Noodles?
Noodles.  As in pasta with tomato sauce noodles.  No other noodles please.  Again, weird picky eater here.
20. Spicy or Mild?
How about medium?  I always like a little spice, just please don’t burn a hole in my esophagus.
21. Salad or Soup?
Salad for sure.  
22. Soup or Stew?
Neither.  I’m not much for liquid-y food.
23. Salted or Sweet Popcorn?
Salted with a slight touch of butter (Pop Secret Homestyle is my fave)
24. Cauliflower or Broccoli?
Oh, ugh, ewwww and gross to both.  No thanks.
25. Onion Rings or French Fries?
French fries.  But can I please have them in the form of tater tots?  Much more fun to eat!
26. Burger or Hot Dog?
Hmmm...depends on the day.  If I had to pick one, I’d say burger with bacon and barbecue sauce.  But I do love my Ball Park smoked white turkey franks on a potato roll.
27. Popsicle or Ice Cream?
Ice Cream.  Make mine a Cold Stone Cake Batter please (with cookie dough mixed in)
28. Coffee or Tea?
Tea.  We are tea crazy in our house...especially from Teavana.  Coffee is just way too bitter.
29. Chocolate or Vanilla?
Wow.  I’m stumped.  I’d say vanilla, though if you asked me when I was much younger I’d have said chocolate.
30. Sausage or Bacon?
No brainer.  Bacon please!
31. Peanut butter or almond butter?
Peanut butter...with grape jelly
32. Salty or Sweet?
Sweet for sure.
33. Fried or Scrambled Eggs?
Um, no thank you to either.  I may have loved my morning egg when I was an infant/toddler (according to my mom), but now...yuck!
34. Waffles or Pancakes?
Pancakes...nice and fluffy buttermilk pancakes.

Dang, now I’m hungry.  So, what are your choices?  Don't play the healthy card and say "neither"...what do you REALLY like if you could have whatever you want, no consequences?

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