
Friday, May 18, 2012

Sometimes you just need a break

I’m tired of thinking about training...tired of thinking about how I’m eating... and after a busy January (WDW Half & Marathon Relay on back to back days, then ING Miami Half 3 weeks later), and then adding in the Princess Half at the end of February...well when I went to Disney World for the Expedition Everest Challenge, I just wanted to have fun (mission accomplished on that...just bummed about the loss of my Running of the Ears red hat which flew right off my head on the EE ride and which Disney has not found yet *sniff sniff*).  And now it’s time for a break.  
You may have noticed I posted my EEC report on May 7th and haven’t posted for the last week and a half.  That was on purpose.  I’m taking a break from running/walking, not watching my diet too closely (though I’m not off the rails, just enjoying some things I normally try to stay away from) and not constantly thinking about those same things.  I’ve been working some more on my other blog (The Disney World Files-which by the way if you have any ideas for some topics that not every Disney blog in the world has already done to death, please share and I’ll see what I can whip up *wink*) and work has been crazy busy-I’m in Human Resources and am a mostly one-person benefits team with our annual open enrollment coming up next week plus we've had some wacky problems cropping up during this payroll week that had me working overtime.  
I’ve also been researching into becoming a home-based Disney travel agent (using a host agency, not on my own) to supplement my regular job and help support my run/walk/race habit.  I’ve got a couple of offers to consider, just wish there were more responses so I can really see what’s else is available and do a really good comparison before deciding to jump in.  It’s something I can do at home and is something I already enjoy doing.  Since I’ve been doing Disney for about 35 years and go so often, I’ve got the knowledge...and being able to share Disney with others-bonus!  If anyone out there has some feedback or info to share, please let me know (thedisneyworldfiles at gmail dot com).
This weekend I’m helping my brother at his cafe during the indoor flea market at the Pembroke Pines Senior Center...then the following weekend (Memorial Day weekend), I’ll just be resting and relaxing, maybe go to the pool (and catch up on race reports!).  After that, it’s time to get back to business to get back into the right healthy shape for the WDW Tower of Terror 10-miler at the end of September.  Until Memorial Day weekend is over, my mind is switched off of race training and strict eating.  I need the break...sometimes we all do.

Looking forward to watching the sunsets on the beach.....

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