
Saturday, March 24, 2012

I'm back! Someone virtually smack me if I disappear again...

Okay so I know it's been a reeeeeaaaaallllllllllllyyyyyy long time since my last post but I'm back now and determined to be good about posting. I need to keep myself accountable so if you don't see me post at least once a week come by and poke me. I'll be trying for more often than that though, hopefully at least 2-3 times a week or more. Don't let me get lazy people!

I'm going to be posting some VERY overdue race recaps including 2011 Wine & Dine Relay, 2012 Disney Half, 2012 Disney Marathon Relay and 2012 Princess so you might see several pop up one after another...or maybe one a day until I'm all caught up, we'll see how fast I can type LOL. I'm hoping I haven't forgotten too many things from the races but my memory isn't the greatest in the first place so fingers crossed...

Just to catch up, I've gained back a bit of weight. From my highest point, I had lost 45 pounds by the time I did my first half marathon (2010 Disney Half) a little over 2 years later I've gained back about 23 of those pounds. I've already berated myself for being stupid and getting lazy again about my eating. I think I was getting frustrated at the fact that even though I was exercising regularly my weight loss had stalled--for many months! It's very discouraging to eat right, exercise and not lose. And so those little indulgences started creeping back in-some soda here, a too-large portion of dessert there-starting that slippery slope.

Then I saw one of the pictures taken by the photographers along the Princess course. The disappointment and embarrassment just flooded in. I don't think I've ever seen a worse picture of myself, even at my highest weight. And I don't want to ever see a picture like that again (and I'm absolutely not brave or confident enough to post it). So back to it I go-and back to the blogging to keep the accountability factor going. Please please please if you see I haven't posted send me a message or comment. With DH on the road most of the time for work, it makes it much harder to stick to eating and exercising plans. Things are so much easier with someone else around to help with accountability and to buddy up with.

I only have one race officially on the schedule right now (meaning only one I've already paid the registration for) which is this year's Expedition Everest Challenge. I'm really looking forward to it-my goal right now is to lose at least 10 pounds before the race which is in 6 weeks...totally do-able, I just need to keep focused. I'm hoping to also sign up for Disney's Tower of Terror 10-miler (end of September) and the 2013 Disney Full Marathon (beginning of January) along with some local races (5K/10K/half marathons--whatever I can find), just need to figure out the $$$ part.

And so I begin again........

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